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Ahh, I knew making that drawing of Spear and Mira would do wonders on my mood. Sometimes to get milk, you need to go to the shoe shop.
I don‘t know if it is a legit word of wisdom, but sometimes I feel like uncle Iroh in Avatar TLAB (one of my favorite characters Btw). 

hehe, I hope you like Ann. Apparently Tonnie couldn’t quite satisfy Ann’s needs last night. 

Now she gets to take Ron to school and teach him a little about… the ancient black magic? Or whatever it is that makes women make sense to men... common logic sometimes, and other times it seems easier to send rockets into space than understanding our stronger gender.

I dunno.
But I can only tell what my own experience has taught me.
More about that another time. If ever. I am an Artist not a relationship expert.

Yours truly

