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First of all.

Thank you all for your support, it really means the world to me.

I am doing much better since my rather turbulent time this winter and I have all of you to thank for it. Your continuous support is very appreciated ❤️

And to all new supporters - welcome and thank you so much to help assist in this work to make a comic about Ron Stoppable and his new pets, and much much more.

We (my writer and I) are about to begin the work on chapter 4. To those of you who haven’t read the chapter, the reason for my hold back is because I have requested my writer to add some content to it. Including a tender scene with Ron and Ann - where Ann comforts Ron by having him rest on her lap.

You might have come across the sketch for the idea ;)

On another matter, and one that is rather serious.

I have come across that my work here from my patreon page is being uploaded without my consent to other websites.

I am asking all of you who are supporting me in here to at least respect that I am the only one uploading my content anywhere. I understand that it might have been done in good will and in an effort to spread out my work, but please understand that it makes me feel hurt and disrespected.

I put a lot of effort into my drawings, each and every one of them, and posting them anywhere without my consent I consider slightly rude.

I understand that it might not have been the intention to either disrespect or hurt my feelings, but please note that it has.

I would appreciate this very much. ❤️

Yours truly


Jaguar Man

I'd look into writing a DMCA Report. (They should see your comment. I wouldn't get my hopes up but good heart man.)


I already have, but I would much rather talk to a person, make them understand my position and that such actions in many ways are detrimental to my progress and my work output. I might just be naive, but I can’t stop hoping that with a positive attitude and a kind approach you can accomplish anything.