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Hello everyone.

A quick sketch of today.
MC Mommy, I mean of course the artist formerly knowns as MC Honey, is strapping in the kids for the drive to school.

The boy playing is MC Honeys own, but the others are Ron’s with other women in the harem. But almost all the kids call her MC Mommy.

I don’t have kids myself, but I can imagine they are a struggle, especially in the morning. I was not a morning person or a morning child. I hated mornings. To this day I can still sleep a lot and… uh getting off track.

MC Honey is looking back at Ron who is observing how his rap wife is handling the kids.
Perhaps MC is a little struck how daring Ron is, that he so indecently checks out her rear with the kids right there. Have you no shame???

But I don’t think she would protest more than that. All and all, she enjoys his gaze.

I hope you like it.

Yours truly




Can somewhat see MC Honey becoming MC Soccer Mommy if she has to help take turns getting the kids out to their respective after school sports activities.


Ok how many kids does Ron have and what is their birth order and mom’s please tell us

Jaguar Man

New kids? Good good! I hope to learn their names and moms soon.