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Hey everyone.

Before reading.
This one shot takes place after the harem cruise. Some of the girls have gotten married to Ron, some haven’t (yet, but it’s coming).

Also, this contains explicit content and is meant as an entertainment reading. I am trying to make the characters known from the show as clear and as true to their original persona as I can be. I am confident in my observations of the girls from the show, but your ideas might not be the same as mine. I am sorry for that if so, but hope that you enjoy the story anyhow.

Another thing: please be understanding with my English as this is the raw unedited version.

Thank you.

Yours truly


Location: Stoppable’s Island.

Month: July.

The harem was well settled in. They had been on the island for well over 2 weeks.

Most of the girls traveled around in groups or pairs.

Monique had Hope, Hestia and Marcella to keep her. She was pretty much their leader.

Vivian had brought Belladonna with her. Belladonna was stuck with cleaning duty. Dressed in the skimpiest of bikinis, wearing a big choker around her neck and a butt plug, the insufferable milf streetwalker was still being trained - harshly.

Shego remembered when Vivian trained her to be a subservient slave to her lustful will. She loved every second of it.

But how in the world Belladonna Cortez could have ever born and raised such a sweet and wonderful girl like Marcella, was beyond Shego.

Belladonna was obnoxious, snobby, rather simple and demanding. It was a good thing that Vivian was putting her in her place.

Shego had done something similar with the Rockwaller twins.

Connie was still a sore spot in Shego’s eye, but she had grown to accept the brunette as a part of the Harem.

Lonnie, Shego had grown to love. Not that she would ever tell her that. Lonnie was Shego’s slave, much like Belladonna was gonna be Vivian’s when she was trained. Being housebroken is just the first step.

Lonnie now wouldn’t wear anything on her butt inside the mansion or on the island if her life depended on it. Shego had forbidden her from ever wearing anything on her cooch as long as she lived. And Lonnie was dead serious on obeying her.

Lonnie also often slept with Shego and Ron. Shego saw Lonnie as a supplement to the daily sex in her life. Sometimes she would like to add Lonnie, sometimes she wouldn’t. But Lonnie was always available.

Belladonna was still putting up a struggle. Being stubborn by nature she was a proven challenge. But Vivian knew she would break eventually. The very fact she was now cleaning the floors of the Olympus mansion was a good sign that she was coming around.

Vivian was sunbathing, but her tablet could show footage of Belladonna anywhere in the house. She had a tracker in the choker, and another in her body. Then she could tell if she was or wasn’t working.

Right now, she was polishing the floor in the west wing. And she was actually doing a good job.

Vivian smiled. She loved the sight of slaves on their knees, with their asses in the air.

Accompanied as she always was by her worshipper, Justine Flanner, they were simply enjoying life on the Olympus by the big pool.

They weren’t alone. Tara was playing with Jessica, Liz, Crystal, Hope and Marcella. The entire Cheer squad - no - almost the entire cheer squad. Where were Bonnie and Kim?

Vivian looked around the pool.

A glimpse of red in the other end of the pool caught her eye. But no. That wasn’t Kim, but her beautiful mother, Ann, who was climbing the ladder. She walked over to her sunchair. It was right next to Rose. The two kissed each other and Ann sat down to dry herself.

A glimpse of brown caught her eye, but no, it wasn’t Bonnie. That wet mane was Tonnie’s - Bonnie’s mother. The woman was standing under the faucet to clean herself. She had just returned from the beach.

Justine: Who are you looking for, Vivian?

Vivian: No one. I was just wondering where Kim and Bonnie were.

Justine: I saw Kim and Tonnie sit at two different tables this morning.

Vivian: I know. They are not really enjoying each other at the moment.

Justine: Hmm, a shame… I kinda liked them together.

Vivian giggled: Tonnie is too wild and free to be with anyone for too long. And Kim is too serious to allow that. They are a little… odd together.

Justine nodded. Tonnie was looking as radiant as always.

Justine: They still sleep in the same room?

Vivian: They do. They even still fuck.

Justine: Really… why?

Vivian shrugged: For good health? Tonnie is not saying no, and Kim isn’t dead yet. But there is no doubt they are in some rough waters. But they still enjoy each other.

Justine’s eye found Queen La - alone. The gorgeous jungle queen walked up the stairs to the pool area and then continued inside.

Justine: La, without Bonnie?

Vivian: Means nothing. La can’t have her acolyte everywhere she goes. She wants privacy too.

Justine nodded. As La entered Olympus, Hottie Heather passed her and came out. Dressed in a very skimpy bikini, she walked over to the sunniest part of the deck and sat down on a chair next to Susan Long.

Madison, Scarlett and Yori came up to the deck and walked towards Olympus. Yori was leading. As they approached it was clearly heard that Madison wanted to play in the pool with the girls.

Scarlett took her basket of fruit and told her to go clean herself off under the faucet before jumping in. Madison nodded eagerly and ran towards the faucet.

Scarlett: NO RUNNING!

Madison stopped and walked, briskly to the faucet.

Scarlett and Yori entered the shaded mansion.

Then up came a tall, dark haired woman followed by a blonde with no bikini bottom.

It was Shego, and her pet, Lonnie by her side.

Vivian looked up at her most beloved wife.

Vivian: Hi there, my love.

Shego: Hi babe. I have a job for you.

Vivian: Sorry, love, I am on vacation.

Shego: But this is important. Go away Lonnie, sit at my chair.

Lonnie was dismissed and quickly walked away.

Vivian: Love, I promised our husband that I would take it easy on this trip.

Shego: This could be easy, I mean… for a supposed super genius it surely should be.

Vivian: Don’t flatter, what do you want?

Shego: What I want is for Kim and Bonnie to have sex with each other. Absent Ron.

Justine began giggling into her drink.

Vivian as well was smiling broader over this absurdity: Good luck with that.

Shego: That’s why I am here, to test my luck.

Vivian looked puzzled at Shego.

Vivian: What do you want me to do? Ron has clearly forbidden any mind control technology inside the harem, and I don’t think my android experiments are that well…

Shego: I am not talking about androids or mind control.

Vivian: Then how on earth do you want to make Kim and Bonnie have sex with each other - absent Ron? Surely that is the only way to make it happen?

Shego: No, the girls told me so. I need to meet certain demands, and then they will fuck.

Vivian: Somehow I doubt that.

Shego: Just listen.


Down on the beach there was a barbecue going. Ron was grilling everything imaginable. Steaks, hot dogs, burgers, lobsters, shrimps, fish, coconuts, bananas, pepper fruits and Shish Kebabs.

Joss was going at her third burger and still scrumptious, and Peach was looking like she was in heaven over a Shish Kebab.

Others, like Rhea, were helping Ron prepping new things for the grill. Hydrea was looking at Maria Renton who showed her how to toss a salad. The fallen Queen was still learning the basics.

Shego had just eaten her fill of shrimps and saw Kim and Bonnie talk as they were walking up the path to Olympus.

Bonnie: How do they do it?

Kim: What?

Bonnie: Your cuz and her blonde bff. I mean, the amount they eat would have impressed an elephant - but both girls are as slim as ever.

Shego looked over on the girls they spoke of. Joss was petite, but it was true that she had a good appetite.

Peach was tall and slender and it was also true that the girl loved her sweets. But nothing ever seemed to stick. She had a nice and tasty little booty, but there wasn’t a gram of unneeded fat on her frame.

Kim: Well, Joss, unlike you, Bon-Bon is used to hard work.

Bonnie glared at Kim. Neither girl knew Shego was tracking them and listening in.

Kim: Peach however I can’t tell how she keeps that thin figure and peachy butt. Good metabolism I guess.

Kim smiled a shark smile at Bonnie.

Kim: But you have nothing to fear Bon-Bon.

Kim grabbed Bonnie’s buttock and squeezed it. Bonnie made a snarky grin.

Kim: Your genes aren’t bad either. Your mom is pushing her age and is still hot as hell.

Bonnie swapped Kim’s hand away. It was well known that Kim and Tonnie were a thing.

Bonnie: Why thank you, Kim. And with a baby or two you might be able to compete with your own mom in the bosom area.

Bonnie gave one of Kim’s perky tits a little slap so it jumped. Not too much as… there wasn't too much flesh in her tit.

Shego’s alpha role stepped in, and she placed a hand on each girl before the argument got out of hand.

Shego: Urgh! Girls, why can’t you two just make out and get it over with?

Bon/Kim: What?

Shego: Well it’s clear as day. You two both have a deep, unsettled, unspoken attraction to each other. That endless desire for each other has left you in a constant circle of animosity towards each other, and that is what we are seeing now. You two should just behave like grown women, go to a room and fuck each other until your attitudes have changed.

Bonnie and Kim glared at her like she was insane.

Bon/Kim: Hah!

Kim and Bonnie stared at each other again.

Kim: When pigs can fly, then I will fuck Bonnie absent Ron!

Bon: When hens have teeth then I will eat that ice queen's cunt!

Both turned around and stormed off. Bonnie went to the back entrance of the mansion, and Kim went back to the beach.

Shego was left alone - or not alone, she was never alone. She had Lonnie behind her. Lonnie tried to look at Shego. Shego had a thoughtful expression on her face.

Shego: Interesting.


Vivian: To quote the Virgin Mary… Come again?

Shego: I want you to make pigs fly and give hens teeth.

Vivian: Love, listen to me, first of all, I am not a biologist or a geneticist.

Vivian had sat up in the sun chair, she looked mildly frustrated.

Vivian: Second of all, even if I was, doing what you said would require countless approvals and requests from scientific societies and… why the hell would you want me to give pigs wings and hens teeth?

Shego: I didn’t say give pigs wings, babe!

Vivian: Excuse me, how else would you make them fly?

Shego rolled her eyes: How can someone so brilliant be so dumb? Put a freaking jet pack on a piglet, that is all I ask.

Vivian looked defeated. How utterly simple (and even brilliant that was) it was also completely useless.

Vivian: And now you tell me you want me to put fake teeth in chickens, right?

Shego: There are no chickens on this island babe. Other than the cold ones in the pantry.

Vivian: Then how would you solve that particular problem?

They were interrupted by a screaming voice at the pool.

Hestia: NO! Violet no, that’s not a toy! Gyaa!

A splash was heard and the chirping sounds of a happy raptor hatchling.

Hestia’s head broke the surface of the water.

Hestia: V-Violet! Give me back my bikini!

Shego turned her head. The baby raptor was shaking Hestia’s bikini bottom like a terrier shook a rat.

Hestia: No! Bad girl!

Hestia climbed up the pool edge and crawled after the little raptor. The raptor ran towards the chairs of Vivian and Shego. Shego managed to catch the little furry creature and lift it up in the tail.

She held out a hand while she looked it straight in the eye.

Shego: Out!

Violet blinked and then she opened her mouth.

Shego removed the bikini bottom and handed it to Hestia who came over.

Shego: Here you go, sweetie.

Hestia: Oh, thank you Selene. Thank you… this is why amazons don’t wear stuff like this. Raptors just love picking it off.

Hestia began putting it on again.

Hestia: They mistake it for bad feathers to groom. And Hatchlings are even worse. They have teeth to test. And try to catch them, it’s like chasing chickens.

Shego blinked. She looked at Hestia and to the Raptor, who she still held upside down in the tail. The little critter was covered with white and brown spotted feathers. Giving it a slight chicken-like look. And in the beak-like snout there was a selection of sharp teeth.

Shego: Hestia, you are wonderful, and I want you to be with me and Ron tonight, and the next 3 nights.

Hestia blushed and smiled.

Hestia: Uh, thanks Selene.

Hestia turned around and left them.

Shego turned the raptor right side up and began snuggling the thing's nose.

Shego: Now I just need a flying pig.

Shego looked at Vivian with a gaze. Vivian rolled her eyes. She stood up from the chair.

Vivian: Fine… I’ll get the jetpack… but I am not chasing down any pigs!


Kim/Bon: WHAT!?

Shego: You heard me, here!

Shego lifted the little raptor hatchling named Violet.

Shego: A chicken with teeth, as Sugar-tits requested.

A sound of a jet fueled engine could be heard over them. They could slo hear the squeals of a piglet in terror.

Shego: And look up there, Kimmie, that’s a flying piggie!

And that’s exactly what it was. There were a number of small wild pigs on the north side of the island. That was one of them.

Bonnie and Kim looked completely dumbfounded by Shego’s small tricks.

Shego: There you have it, pigs are flying and hens have teeth. Now you two go fuck.

Bonnie: You have got to be joking!

Kim: Shego, you can’t be serious!

Shego leaned forward: Note serious face. You two - that little cabin - go fuck - right now!

Shego pointed to a cabin in the forest a little away from the mansion. It was small, only consisting of a bed and bathroom - and it was wired with cameras all over.

Kim and Bonnie both began screaming.

Kim: I am not having sex with that bimbo!

Bonnie: I am not touching that sick bitch!

Kim: Excuse me!?

Bonnie: You fucked my mom, you sick bitch!

Kim: You fucked my mom first, bitch!

Bonnie blushed.

Shego: SHUT UP!

Kim and Bonnie flinched and their argument stopped.

Shego: Who fucked who’s mom first is fucking not important! What is important is that you two go into that cabin and have sex for 24 hours.

Kim: Oh Shego come on…

Shego ignited her hand. Both Kim and Bonnie looked perplexed.

Shego: Kim, that was an order from your alpha… I will say one last time. Go to the cabin, and fuck! MARCH!

Bonnie turned around and Kim, a little carefully, joined her. Shego walked the girls all the way to the slightly secluded cabin.

It was built in the same materials as the mansion. Only more compact and sturdy. There were trees on all sides, and the entire cabin could actually be lowered if needed to. But right now it was just in a small secluded glen in the forest.

Actually a nice sight.

Shego came here often to fuck Ron alone.

The place was rigged with cameras. No blind spots. You could see everything.

Shego had Vivian construct it per her request. Shego loved voyeurism. She also loved sending Ron to the cabin with a single or maybe two girls and enjoyed the footage or the live show.

Now she would enjoy Bonnie and Kim going at each other.

Shego opened the door and let Kim and Bonnie inside.

It was very small, but the panorama views made up for anything that might be lacking in size.

The bed was huge. It was meant for wild sex, so it was also sturdy and strong.

The bathroom had a shower, a sink and a toilet - the basics. And a glass door.

Shego stood in the door and saw the girls look around. Neither Bonnie nor Kim had actually been in here before.

The small space was meant to “press” the occupants together and sorta force them to be intimate. There was a television in the ceiling of all places and it was hooked up to the mansions lines. The reason it was in the ceiling was so you were forced to lay down on the bed to watch anything.

Shego: That’s it. Your home for the next 24 hours. See you tomorrow.

Shego closed the door, and made sure the girls saw that she locked them in.

Shego then walked back to the mansion.

She went to the monitor room that Vivian had set up. Lonnie was in the bed waiting for her return.

It was just a small bedroom, but it was filled with 4 different screens so you could see everything in the cabin.

Shego crawled into bed and placed herself so Lonnie could satisfy her with her hands.

Shego: Now… on with the show. Shego turned up the volume.

Kim: … ridiculous! What does she think we are!? Who does she think she is!?

Shego: Ahh, the princess is rampaging again. I would love for her to just take charge and put me in my place… but… she is difficult.

Lonnie kept satisfying her mistress.

Kim sat down on the bed. Bonnie was already sitting down.


Bonnie: Maybe we should just do it.

Bonnie sighed.

Bonnie: I mean… it’s not like we haven’t done similar things to each other. At the pajama parties we always…

Kim: Whatever! It’s not about that! It’s about that, that… stuck up… WHORE to SHEGO!

Bonnie had slightly covered her ears - Kim’s scream had been really loud.

Kim: She is trying to control all my sexual life and I am NOT having it! No one but me, and Ron tells me who to have sex with! And as long as Ron is not here, I am not having sex with you, Bonnie! Period!

Bonnie let out a scowl and crawled into bed. She laid down and grabbed the remote. The television was one of those holographic ones.

She got a list of apps. Netflix, Hulu etc. She tried Netflix.

*Access denied*

Bonnie: What?

She tried again.

*Access denied*

Kim: What is it?

Bonnie tried Hulu.

*Access denied*

Bonnie: It doesn’t work. None of it works. None of the streaming channels work.

Kim crawled into bed, and because of the televisions placement she had to lay on her back - and she was close enough to Bonnie to feel the heat from her body.

Kim tried the same as Bonnie. The same answer.

*Access denied*

Kim: Shego!

Kim sat up and reached for the phone. There was a phone in the cabin.

Kim pressed the call button and it dialed in a preprogrammed number.

There was a click in the other end and:

Shego: Yes, princess?

Kim: Shego, we want to watch television!

Shego: Oh, I am sorry princess, do you want to watch Netflix and chill?

Kim: Sure, just remove the block and let us watch something.

Shego: Of course princess, I will let you watch something.

There was a duut sound and Kim looked at the phone in her hand.

She had a bad feeling.

The next she heard over the surround sound, was…

“Urgh, oh yes, oh yes… lick that clit bitch… just like that, oh yes, oh fuck!”

Bonnie: What the hell!?

Kim turned her body so she could look up at the ceiling. The unmistakable sound of porn and the unmistakable body of Devila Black (Ron’s favorite porn actress) was on the screen with another blonde actress Kim didn’t know by name (Misty Canyon).

Kim growled and pressed the call button again and held a finger in her other ear to block out the obscene sounds of lesbian porn.

Shego: Yes, princess?

Kim: Remove that filth, instantly!

Shego: Filth? Kimmie, that is from our beloved Ron’s personal selection. Don’t you remember watching it back in his parents house so long ago?

Kim: I don’t fucking care if it was Kim Kardashians personal sextape I don’t wanna watch it! Cut it out, NOW!

Shego: I am sorry, Kim, but you are impossible to please. First you want to watch something, and now you want it removed, please make up your mind.

Kim: Quit trolling us, Shego! You know perfectly well what I meant, and that was we want to watch something we want to see! Netflix and the like, NOT PORN!

Shego: Hmm, how about this; you can either watch the same tedious episode of ‘Pals’ over and over again, or you can watch Ron’s entire collection of Devila Black’s lustful women shows?

Kim: Pals! The episode of PALS!

Shego: Fine.

Kim heard to her relief that the porn had ended and that the wonderful theme of Pals was playing now.


Shego was smiling at her end. Watching the screen. Kim was crawling back into the bed next to Bonnie.

Shego: The same episode… over and over again.


An hour later.

Bonnie: I hate this episode!

Kim didn’t say anything. But she hated it too. It was the episode where Raquel was trying to convince her pal Chloe that she had had a fling with a girl back in college.

They had already seen the episode twice now and they were already getting sick of it.

Bonnie: I mean, you kissed a girl back in College, big whoop! OMG how sexist are the writers to make it into such a big deal!

Kim was silently agreeing with Bonnie. It was sexist. Although Raquel did seem to actually enjoy the kiss she gave her old friend near the end of the episode.

Kim was thinking of the first time she kissed Bonnie’s mother. It had been at a party on the cruise. Tonnie was such a good kisser. Kim really lusted after another kiss right now. She had had difficulties with Tonnie lately.

She was a little worried that Tonnie was beginning to feel bored so she wanted to show her she was still fun, still adventurous. But the more she did that, the more Tonnie seemed to wander off alone.

As the scene for the third time came back around where Raquel kissed her old bestie, Bonnie began talking.

Bonnie: Do you think our moms kissed like this too?

Kim: Ew, Bonnie, stop talking about that…

Bonnie: Oh, big talk from you. You practically own my mom's lips and you complain? Huh, I guess I can’t blame ya, your mother was the last woman my mom called a lover. I thought you would be too weirded out by it, but no… my mom landed another redhead.

Kim: It wasn’t like that Bonnie, and honestly… give your mom some credit. She is beyond amazing… she really is.

Bonnie rolled her eyes.

They were silent for a bit.

Bonnie: I know she is…

Kim: What?

Bonnie: I know my mom is awesome… All my life… I have wanted nothing more… than to be exactly like her. But she has… always treated me like a child. Like… doted on me, and… cued at me. ‘Bon-Bon this’ and ‘Bon-Bon that’… it gets tiring in the end.

The episode began again, and they both sighed.

Bonnie: Can I… can I ask you a question?

Kim: I guess…

Bonnie: What… What was it… that… drove you to my mom?

Kim: You mean… besides the alcohol, the music and the heated atmosphere?

Bonnie: Yeah.

Kim: Well… it’s hard to describe…

Bonnie: Try not to talk about her looks, because I know she is a knock off… try to… just tell me…

Kim: Well uhh… it’s like…

Kim had to really think this one through. She wanted, for some reason, to be completely honest with Bonnie on this one.

Kim: Your mom, she… she has this massive personality… It’s like… she just takes up so much space and… for some reason, you are just drawn to that. It feels like she invades your personal space, and… all the triggers that she sets off… that usually would make you want to throw her out… that… that has a completely different effect on you… you want… more…

Bonnie didn’t look at Kim. They both looked at the screen in the ceiling.

Kim: She is like… this almost divine presence… She makes you feel bigger than you really are. You feel like an endless ocean surrounding a gorgeous planet of life. And though you cling onto her, and feel her warmth… you just can’t ever get enough. You want more.

Bonnie: You really love her, don’t you?

Kim: How could you tell?

Bonnie: Because… when I slept with your mom back then… I asked her the same question I just asked you…

Kim looked at Bonnie. They weren’t actually laying eye to eye, but they were laying close to that. Bonnie didn’t look at Kim.

Bonnie: Your mom, her answer was much the same as yours. Although she used different analogies, she described a deep longing and an endless love.

Those words rang in Kim’s ears. It was true. Her mom and Tonnie had loved each other far longer than Kim and Tonnie.

Bonnie: Think about it… had things been a little different, you and I might have grown up as sisters.

Kim giggled. Lately that had been in her mind. But she always brushed it off easily. Things were as they were now. And nothing could change that.


Kim rolled her eyes. She was getting annoyed by the theme song. Delicate dishes in spades become garbage at a certain point.

Bonnie rose in bed and crawled over Kim to get the phone. She was now on top of Kim and Kim noticed the perfect breasts hand in their strops. She pushed her off, after she had gotten the phone.

Bonnie: Hello! Selene! Cut the crap and show us something else than that pesky pals episode, I am losing my mind here!


Bonnie: What do you mean we have to!?

Silence again.

Bonnie’s eyes rolled.

Bonnie: Then put on the damn lesbian porn, see if I care!

Kim: What?!

Bonnie placed the phone down again, and the episode of Pals stopped and was instantly replaced with Devila Black being fucked with a huge rubber dildo in both her ass and her pussy. She was screaming like a banshee.

Kim: Bonnie, what the hell!?

Bonnie: Kim, at least we know her and can talk about her! At least this way we don’t go insane with the same shit over and over again.

Kim was annoyed but Bonnie had a point. Pals lost it’s charm when used as an instrument of torture.

And… to her credit, Devila Black was not the worst looking porn actress Kim had ever seen. Sure she was loud, and big breasted, and… oddly familiar looking.

There were no men in these videos they saw. They were purely lesbian. The nearest thing to men was then Sireen or Misty got a strap on and began pounding Devila.

Bonnie: Do you and mom use dildos?

Kim looked at Bonnie. Then she decided at this point she could tell her everything.

Kim: Yeah, sometimes.

Bonnie: Strapon or…

Kim: Sometimes. But I prefer the double headed one. That way we both get something we want.

Bonnie nodded.

Kim looked at Bonnie out of the corner of her eye. She saw that Bonnie’s hand had found a way to her pussy. She was pleasuring herself.

Kim: And… Did you and mom use any toys?

Bonnie shook her head: No… didn’t have any at hand. I only fucked your mom once just so you know.

Kim: Really?

Bonnie: Yeah… really. She was great but… not really my type.

Kim: Too old?

Bonnie: No… that wasn’t it. Your mom is hot but… We just don’t cling as well I guess.

Kim had carefully moved her hand down her bikini too. She was wet. She began pleasuring herself.

Kim: You also have La now.

Bonnie giggled: La… her majesty is not mine… I am hers… and I am to serve her blindly if I want any secrets at all.

Kim: Why are you then… hanging with her?

Bonnie shrugged: I don’t know I… I am just… drawn to her… All about her speaks to me. Her looks, her grace… her power…

Kim: Are you drawn to power?

Bonnie: I don’t know…

Kim: Remember when Ron got his first Royalty Check from BN. I could have sworn you were ready to suck him off right then and there.

Bonnie smiled: I was… I really wanted to.

Kim: To get the money?

Bonnie: No, to get Ron… Any bitch would have taken him if I hadn’t stuck by him. I kept all the worst whores away. Thank goodness he quickly became normal again… Urgh… fuck!

Bonnie once again crawled over Kim to reach the phone.

This time, Kim didn’t push her away. She kept pleasuring herself, and she noted the heavy scent of Bonnie that was over her.

Bonnie: Selene! I demand to talk to Ron!


Bonnie: Selene it’s not fair, and… No, I… But…


Bonnie: Selene, I am a member of this harem and I demand that you…


Bonnie: But Selene that’s…


Bonnie: WHAT?!

Kim looked up at Bonnie’s face. She pushed her off her.

Kim: What is it?!

Bonnie shushed her.

Bonnie: No, nonono, you said 24 hours! We have been here for 4 hours now, and that means… But…

Kim: Give me that!

Kim took the phone out of Bonnie’s hand.

Kim: Shego, what’s up!?

Shego: Hey cupcake, having a good time?

Kim: What did you tell Bonnie?

Shego: Only that if you guys don’t start having sex then you are gonna stay in there for a long time.

Kim: You said, we were to stay here for 24 hours!

Shego: Not at all. I said you were to have sex, for 24 hours. And as long as you aren’t having sex, then the timer isn’t running.

Kim was utterly shocked.

Kim: Are you watching us?!

Shego: Kim, the entire island is under surveillance. And as soon as we detect higher heart rhythms or increased pheromone levels in the cabin the timer begins. Until then the doors remain locked.

Kim: Shego this is ridiculous! Let us out, right now!

Shego: No-can-do Kimmie, and if you and Sugar-tits don’t stop disturbing me, then I won't even answer the phone anymore. Advice - get fucking.


Kim was about to throw the phone at the wall, but she collected herself before she did it.

Bonnie knew what had been said, because she had pressed ‘speaker’ on the phone base.


Shego allowed them to watch Netflix.

Shego: Now… let’s see if there can be a little fun in the mix. You know what… let’s lower the temperature a few degrees… just enough to get them to cuddle.


But Kim and Bonnie were still looking up at the video screen.

Devila was now being licked by two other actresses.

Kim and Bonnie were rather close to each other. They didn’t know, but it was because the temperature was lower. They thought it was because of the feeling of helplessness.

Bonnie: No funny ideas, I am just feeling chilly.

Kim: I know, I know.

Kim spooned Bonnie under the blanket. Kim noted how unbelievably soft she was.

Over them Devila was kissing the other actress passionately.

Bonnie: How much do you think she gets for such a movie?

Kim: I don’t know, but I think she is rather well off. She is crowned the queen of porn.

Bonnie turned to look at Kim.

Kim: Ron told me, okay.

Bonnie smiled and looked up again.

They rested under the blanket for some time. Then the sun was going down. And Shego had turned up the temperature again - to match the golden red light in the cabin.

Devila was still having loads of lesbian sex on the ceiling.

Both Kim and Bonnie were horny as hell, but they were both stubborn and defiant.

But hunger was beginning to set in. As both had rumbling tummies they began to wonder about food.

Bonnie: Do you think Selene will starve us to compliance?

Kim: Not a chance. Ron would never allow her to do that.

That’s when they heard a sound on the roof. They both looked up and heard a multitude of sounds. Clickings, rollings, and mechanical beeps.

Then a hatch in the ceiling rolled down, like an elevator and down came a big silver tray with two plates and two big bottles of white wine came down.

Kim looked at Bonnie and sat up.

Kim crawled over to the elevator. It had landed on the bed. It made a polite but insistent beep.

Kim: Room Service it seems.

Bonnie’s stomach growled again, and Kim removed the items from the tray and the elevator beeped. Then it flew up and was hidden in the ceiling.

The bottles of wine were two of Bonnie’s and Kim’s favs. Their dish tonight, lamb chops, roasted potatoes, grilled veggies and a nice Greek salad on the side.

The girls smiled. It was unmistakably Ron’s cooking.

Kim: I don’t think he knows where we are, but I think he knows we are together.

Bonnie: Doesn’t matter, I love him forever, now give me, I am starving!

They ate for a while in silence. Kim knew why Shego had sent the wine, but the wine was too good to just ignore. She poured a glass to both her and Bonnie.

They noticed while they ate the sounds of Devila had gone away, and instead there were some lovely tunes over the speakers. Some slow melodies by both MCHoney and Britina.

Kim: Someone is trying hard.

Bonnie: And failing harder!

The girls laughed and met their glasses. They bottomed up and with that, the first bottle was empty.

Bonnie: We shouldn’t open number 2.

Kim: No, because then… you get twiddly. And we all know what happens, when you get twiddly.

Bonnie: Someone is slipping over her words.

Bonnie took an olive from Kim’s plate and stuck it in her front teeth. She smiled at Kim.

Bonnie: Just gonna let me take it?

Kim: I don’t like olives that much.

Bonnie: It’s not about the olive, Kim… will you just let me take it…?

Bonnie lifted her arms over her head in a slow movement, rocking from side to side to the song that had a nice tone. The light was down, and the mood had changed. They were both very relaxed now the sun was down and their bellies were full.

The alcohol had also given them a little push into the friendly zone.

Kim rolled her eyes and reached for the olive. Gone it was. Kim lowered her hand and out it came.

Kim: What?

Bonnie giggled: If you don’t know what to do, then open the other bottle.

Bonnie ate the olive and Kim reached for the other bottle to open it up. They then heard another clank over them, and some familiar noises.

Bonnie looked at Kim.

Bonnie: Desserts?

Bonnie smiled, and down came the elevator.

Two new bottles, this time champagne, and a huge bowl of mixed fruits. There was everything. Grapes, bananas, pears, apples, passion, sliced mango, strawberries, cherries and some salted nuts. There was also a neat little tray of cheeses and crackers.

The elevator once again beeped, and Kim moved the objects on the tray. The elevator beeped but didn’t go up. Kim looked at Bonnie.

The elevator beeped twice and then Kim said: Oh, I think I know.

She placed all the empty plates from their former meal and then the elevator beeped and up it went.

The champagne was ice cold, and Kim reached for that instead.

Kim: She knows how to treat us.

Bonnie: Then open it.

Bonnie drank the last drops in her glass and awaited Kim to refill her. The bottle popped and Kim poured into Bonnie’s glass before her own.

The frizzling bubbles were lifting the already cuddly mood. Kim and Bonnie were already closer to naked than not naked in their small bikinis.

The tops came off.

Bonnie: They are not that small anymore.

Bonnie was closely inspecting Kim’s tits. They had been having a lot of champagne and the fruit and snacks were playful eating.

Kim: You mom massages them every day… I think that helps it.

Bonnie lifted her arms over her head and had her hands at the back of her neck. Kim went to investigate. They were precious.

Not as big as Tonnie or Shego, but they were sizable. She was even bigger than Adrena. Kim grabbed them. They were just as soft as Tonnie, and despite being huge, they didn’t seem to lack sensitivity.

Kim massaged the huge Rockwaller milkers. Bonnie began moaning in pleasure.

Bonnie: Ron was so clumsy in the beginning… but… now… he… he… is so good… at massaging me…

Kim: Shego and Adrena gave him plenty of time to massage their breasts. They practically lived with him - it was a nightmare for me. But this… this is like a younger version of Tonnie’s breasts.

Bonnie: You… massage my mom… too?

Kim: As often as I can.

Bonnie and Kim shared a glimpse into each other’s eyes.

They didn’t say too much.

Kim then grabbed Bonnie’s nipples and turned them around a few times, as if she was an old radio and she was trying to pick up a station.

This really set Bonnie off. As is, she really liked it. Kim guessed this was a thing she and Ron did a lot when they were alone.

Bonnie: Oh yes… oh yes… that’s it… more… more… pull me more…

Kim pulled harder. Bonnie’s mouth was now constantly open. She needed more oxygen to fuel her growing pleasure.

Bonnie: Harder… pull on me harder…

Kim obeyed.

Bonnie: Harder… harder… more… more… please mor-mmf!

Kim kissed Bonnie. Partially to get her to shut up, and partially because she couldn’t take it anymore.

Bonnie looked surprised for a moment, but then… she let her arms fall… gently, as feathers, onto Kim’s shoulders. She circled her neck and the two girls were locked in a heavy kiss. Kim was still pulling and twisting Bonnie’s nipples.

But for now, their tongues were battling each other in close quarters.

Kim thought; She can kiss… that’s for sure.

Bonnie thought; I hope you’ve gotten better at cunninlingus, Kim.

Their tongues got out of their mouths and they played with each other.

After a good long licking outside of their mouths, Bonnie and Kim gazed into each other’s eyes. Their ears were roaring with the blood that rushed from their thundering hearts.

Kim pushed Bonnie down. She took charge, as she so often did with Bonnie’s mother. Bonnie fell down on the madras. Her green eyes found Kim’s and they exchanged a gaze before they actually smiled and giggled. Kim removed her own bikini bottom, and pulled Bonnie’s off her.

She took a quick sniff of the cloth and it was drenched in her fluids and her perfume. It was intoxicating.

Bonnie: I am not my mom…

Kim: I know…

Bonnie: I don’t necessarily like what she likes…

Kim: I know… Back to basics…

Bonnie: Boring… get the fruit…

Kim brought the bowl of fruit over and placed it on the madras next to them.

Bonnie reached for a passion fruit. She took the little blade that came with the bowl and sliced it up.

She then smeared the fruit over her pussy and in between her buttocks.

Bonnie: Clean me… thoroughly…

Kim loved passion. And she loved this game.

Bonnie had smeared it out into her deepest crevice and Kim was now licking a mix of sweet and salt. Bonnie’s ass was thick and juicy, and it tasted so good, even without the fruit. Kim felt something that made her almost scream out.

She and Bonnie were laying on the sides. They were 69’ing each other. Bonnie had peeled a banana, and gently shoved it into Kim’s pussy.

Kim now felt Bonnie move the banana in and out, while she licked Kimmie’s clitoris.

Kim: Oh fuck Bonnie… no fair… uh… oh… shit…

Bonnie’s tongue was a marvel. And as relentless as she was in real life, the more relentless she was right now. Bonnie didn’t give Kim an inch.

Kim fought against Bonnie. She began licking Bonnie with the best tricks. She knew Bonnie was essentially easy to faint from orgasmic bliss.

But it seemed Bonnie had learned a bit of endurance. Because although Kim did manage to get her to cum, she was still very much able to play.

As Kim rolled onto her back to escape the banana fucking, Bonnie rolled with her, to see it through.

Kim: Oh Bonnie… fuck… I am cumming… I am cumming…

Bonnie shoved the banana as deeply as she dared and when Kim’s closing cramps had stopped she slowly pulled it from it’s cave of love, and turned to face the redhead.

Kim looked up at Bonnie who was smiling and slowly devouring the banana.

She stuck the banana into Kim’s mouth, and the gentle taste of banana mixed with her own orgasmic juices filled her mouth.

Bonnie: Time for a drink.

Bonnie grabbed the half empty bottle of champagne, and placed herself on her knees with Kim’s face directly under her.

Kim could see the marvelous trimmed bush that Bonnie was famous for.

It was strutting in excitement.

Bonnie: Only Ron has had champagne served like this… you are lucky.

Bonnie began pouring the chilly champagne over her chest. She leaned slightly backwards to form a river with her body. A river, ending with a waterfall over her pussy… and into the ocean that was Kim’s open mouth.

The cold champagne was prickling against Bonnie’s perfect skin, and she shivered under it’s cold. And under her, Kim’s tongue was grasping for every drop that passed over Bonnie’s fleshy rose. She gulped them as if they were a gift from the gods themselves.

The stream stopped and Kim heard Bonnie take some big sips from the bottle herself.

Kim had had the lion's share so she didn’t complain. Besides, they were both plenty drunk.

With that, Bonnie sat down on Kim’s face and had Kim suck and lick her very strongly.

Bonnie: Yes, yes, that’s what I want… stick-stick that tongue into my pussy… oh fuck yes… oh fuck yes…

Kim tried to get her tongue as far into Bonnie’s pussy as she could possibly get. But from this angle it was like spitting into heaven.

She tilted Bonnie over and the gorgeous brunette made a little scream of surprise, but then she giggled when she felt Kim was still eating her out.

Bonnie got a good grip of Kim’s red mane, and began moaning to tell her how she enjoyed it.

Kim also did enjoy it. She had never really enjoyed licking Bonnie before, but now… something was different.

And there was also a bit of naughtiness involved. Technically Kim was with Bonnie’s mom, so it was kinky to also do one of her daughters.

Kim made Bonnie cum, and Bonnie clamped down on her tongue the way she would on Ron’s cock to milk it for sperm. Kim was impressed how strong her muscles in her abdomen were.

Then again, she was a cheerleader and a ballerina.

Kim wasn’t done feasting on Rockwaller. Bonnie was easy to pass out, but that only meant you could do whatever you wanted.

Kim turned Bonnie sideways so she had access to her butt. She parted Bonnie’s ass cheeks and revealed the asshole of Bonnie. Just like her mom, it was a prestigious sight. Kim let a finger circle it as she wanted to imagine how it felt to penetrate that hole.

Kim had been assfucked thousands of times at this point. She knew Ron loved it, and she loved being pounded by Ron in the ass, but she always, always wondered why guys are so fascinated with that hole.

Bonnie was moving, and Kim ended her game. She crawled over the brunette to let her think she had only been out a few seconds.

Bonnie curled and turned and as she did, she came face to face with Kim.

Bonnie: Kim…

Kim: Bonnie…

They smiled and then they kissed.

Kim: Like the taste of your own orgam?

Bonnie: Just as much as Ron’s sperm.

They giggled and continued kissing.

Bonnie: Kim… I need cock…

Kim sighed. She was horny for Ron’s dick too. Shego was really a bitch - she thought. She could at the very least have given them a dildo to play with, but no… they had to make do with…

Just as Bonnie’s fingers were beginning to fiddle her pussy she casted a look on the fruit bowl.

There were banana’s.

Kim smiled, and she reached for them. She cracked one off the bundle and looked it over. She saw Bonnie was looking at it too.

Kim: Well, in the absence of meat…

Bonnie smiled, and Kim smiled back. Kim began peeling it.

It was a tender and careful game of fruity dildo.

Kim made Bonnie roll over so she was face down the madras and ass in the air. She did not need any lubricants. Bonnie was as wet as the mighty Mississippi.

So Kim inserted the Banana and let the curvy fruit enter as long as possible.

Bonnie was gaping and moaning. Clearly not the same as Ron’s mighty weapon, but the circumstances taking into perspective, it was an adequate replacement.

Kim was in a mix of enjoyment and utter envy. Not that Bonnie was clearly enjoying herself, Kim would have her time soon enough, but because Bonnie’s pussy looked absolutely marvelous when penetrated.

A devious part of Kim wanted to fill the hole with as many bananas as she could… just to see how many that could fit in there - but she kept her cool. Perhaps, she could at least stuff a banana in her asshole. That would be something to see.

Bonnie nearly broke the banana in half when she came again, and Kim pulled it out before anything like it happened. She licked Bonnie clean afterwards. The mix of Bonnie and Banana was delicious.


Morning came.

The sun rose over Stoppable’s island and the little cabin was soon lit up in clear sunlight.

Kim was resting. She felt the wonderful chilly morning breeze caress her body.

It was a little cold, so she tucked closer to the warm body she was embracing. That warm, soft body. She buried her face in a mane of silky soft, warm hair.

Though covered in the scent of sweat she could also feel a very familiar vanilla-coconut smell. A fragrance she associated with the Rockwaller household.

Kim smiled and found a set of lips on a face that had turned towards her. She kissed them without hesitation. They were as soft as could be and just kissing them was enough to arouse her.

Kim was so completely sure who this woman was, she began her morning ritual with her immediately. She didn’t even open her eyes to look at her.

After a good long kiss she kissed the woman’s body, all the way down to the pussy. There… she began feasting on a pussy. A gorgeous and wonderful pussy that tasted of banana.

This caused Kim’s slightly hurting head to remember a few things from last night… and also… the moaning of the woman… that didn’t sound like her Tonnie at all…

Kim sat up and looked at…

Kim: Bonnie…

Bonnie was awakened by her and she looked at Kim, also… slightly surprised. Bonnie reached for the blanket and looked at Kim a little bewildered.

Bonnie: What the…

They looked around and saw the clues of what happened last night and… then they both remembered. They found each other’s eyes and… they began giggling.

Bonnie: Oh my god… You shoved a banana up my ass, didn’t you?

Kim giggled at this: You… you told me it was alright…

Bonnie laughed and fell down on the madras again. Kim fell down on it too. She was also having fun. Her eyes were looking at the shaking Rockwaller tits in front of her.

There was silence. Both the girls looked very happy, but also very thoughtful.

Bonnie: You are more dominant than your mother…

Kim looked at Bonnie who looked a little distant at the ceiling. Her smile was a vague version of the barracuda smile she used to give Kim and Ron back in the day.

Kim: And you are just as amazing as you mom.

Bonnie giggled.

Bonnie turned so she was on the side and face to face with Kim.

Bonnie: What are you gonna tell her?

Kim blinked.

Kim: The truth.

Bonnie’s mouth opened slightly. This she had not expected.

Kim: I am no good at lying. Especially not to her. I am gonna tell her that I fucked you… and that I had an amazing time. Honestly. I really enjoyed myself.

Bonnie smiled. It was clear she wanted to reward Kim with a kiss the same way she always rewarded Ron with them. But she held back for some reason.

Bonnie: Is it true… that you and her… are… struggling?

Kim shrugged.

Kim: I don’t know if we are. You mom is impossible to read. Sure she struts around, flirts with all the others and… looks genuinely happy while not around me… but… then we go to bed and… we still fuck just as wildly as always… She is impossible to read.

There was silence. Bonnie was really listening to Kim.

Kim blinked: I… I don’t know… I love your mom, Bonnie, I really do… and… I don’t want to lose her.

Bonnie blinked. She looked down and then, after chewing on her tongue for a while.

Bonnie:… Then… spend some time away from her…

Kim looked up at Bonnie. Bonnie’s eyes found Kims.

Kim: What?

Bonnie: The key, to holding my mom, is to show her, you can do just fine without her. That drives her nuts. The more you try to get away from her, the more she clings onto you - but… as smart as she is, she can’t tell if you really want to get away from her, or is just faking it.

Kim blinked again.

Bonnie: My mom is bored with those who cling to her. She can’t stand it. Sure she will still have sex with you - she loves sex - but… she is testing the waters for a new adventure. But if you just strut around with someone else for a few days, then you will see her come crawling back.

Kim blinked. Her heart was fluttering. But… a little sting punktured her growing balloon of excitement.

Kim: But… my mom… she did just that with Rose and…

Bonnie: Mom had you.

Kim looked at Bonnie who smiled.

Bonnie: Mom could ignore it, because she had you. But right now, she is just joking around and flirting. She hasn’t gotten to anyone yet.

Kim felt her excitement grow again.

But she still felt a little suspicious.

Kim: Why are you telling me this?

Bonnie smiled and kissed her.

Bonnie: If you have to ask, then it’s not a gift.

They looked each other into their eyes and smiled. Kim at this point really had to agree with Ron. Bonnie was an outstanding and magnificent woman.

They were just about to kiss again, when they heard the phone ring.

Kim sighed and turned around to fetch it.

Kim: What do you want, Shego?

Shego: Good Morning to you too, princess.

Kim rolled her eyes: Good morning. What do you want, Shego?

Shego: I just wanted to tell you and Bon-Bon that the doors are open and you are free to leave the cabin anytime. But if you girls want to stay a little longer, then you can just stay put.

Kim looked up. The door was really open. As were the panoramic doors. That’s why they were engulfed in gentle breezes.

Kim: But, but you said that…

Shego: Yeah I know… but you two have really worked out your differences so well, that I thought I would throw you a bone for once. I am very proud of you.

Kim blinked. A little out of character, and certainly not on her good will, she felt very happy that Shego was proud of her.

Shego: Whatever… I hope to see you and Bon-Bon at dinner tonight. Love you.

Kim: Bye…

Kim let the phone down. She could feel Bonnie at her back. She kissed her right between her shoulders.

Bonnie: It was… nice… wasn’t it…?

Kim turned her neck, and nodded.

Kim: Yeah… yeah it was.


Kim and Bonnie went into the shower. They took turns, because it was very small. They then dressed up in their bikinis and walked back to the Olympus.

When they arrived they did so arm in arm, gently and fondly snuggling as they entered the dining room. Breakfast was served some time ago and most were out and about.

Ron was still present and they both ran over to kiss him good morning. He was sitting next to Hestia who had that very satisfied, very familiar look on her face that told both Bonnie and Kim that she had been the sole female this night.

Ron: Hey girls, where have you been?

Kim: Oh, just having some girl time.

Bonnie: Tee-hee, right.

Kim and Bonnie then kissed and Ron looked at them with marvel in his eyes. Even Hestia looked a little surprised.

Tonnie: Kim?

Kim and Bonnie turned.

There was Tonnie. The knock off milf stood in her hot pink bikini and looked like a dream. But her face revealed a little bewilderment - almost… shock.

Bonnie: Oh, hi mother.

Kim: Hey babe, what’s up.

Tonnie expected Kim to come to her, but she didn't. She stayed with Ron and… Bonnie.

Tonnie didn’t move… at first.

Tonnie: I uh… You… Where were you last night, honey?

Kim: With Bonnie. We had some stuff to talk about.

Bonnie: And we did.

Bonnie snuggled her nose against Kim’s. Looking like a smitten kitten while doing it.

Tonnie marched over.

Tonnie: Well uhm…

Tonnie stood next to Kim and very flauntingly strutted her huge tits into her sight.

Tonnie: Kim, would you mind going with me to the beach? I am still looking for seashells for that special bikini I am making.

Kim saw Bonnie slightly shake her head out the corner of her eye, and Kim also felt it was too early. She was not done yet.

Kim: Sorry babe, I have plans. But maybe tomorrow?

Kim gave Tonnie a kiss on the mouth, tongue and all and then she ran off with Bonnie.

Tonnie was left behind with Ron and Hestia and she looked uncharacteristically lost and shaken.

Tonnie: Yeah… tomorrow…

Ron smiled: Are you alright, Tonnie?

Tonnie: Fine!

Tonnie answered too quickly. And it was as if she even knew it.

Tonnie: Uh, Ahem! Fine… I am fine… I was just… I mean… I am glad they are getting along, I was just… uh… have you ever wondered… If they are…

She was babbling. Then she turned around and walked out to the pool area again.

Ron: What in the world was that about?

Hestia smiled at Ron. Then she kissed him.

Hestia: Don’t worry about it. Do you want to take a walk?

Ron: Sure.


The End



Damn that was hot!


By the way who is Belladonna?


Oh yes, I haven’t had a chance to introduce her yet 😁 Belladonna Cortez is Marcella’s mother


Quite well with what was done here. Keep up with the good work.

Julian Fratzscher

Very hot. But one question, where did Hestia get a Raptor?


From her home land. The Amazones are proud striders of Raptors. She brought a pair with her, and they made little ones.