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Double test, just to be sure.

Hey everyone.
Sorry for the lack of ‘colored’ pages. I will see what I can do about it, but I am rather caught up in making as many sketch pages as possible. I hope they are a little comfort.
Personally I always loved to see the process of artists even when I was younger.

Don’t worry, the pages will all be colored very soon - but I am rather curious to see if I can complete the chapter first, and then begin coloring. I am not sure how it will effect the quality or the consistency of the same, but I hope to get an understanding of it.

I have been a little stressed lately, not because of the drawings but of family stuff. There is always something coming up. Luckily thanks to you guys I am constantly improving at getting around to all bases in my personal life. For that I am truly grateful.
The drawing here was just something that came to my mind when I had made the first one of Tonnie’s test. I guessed she might have thought it a mistake. So she took another one right away.

Same result. Positive.

Don‘t mind what she is saying - it’s the shock talking.

Yours truly




Her face said it all.

The Incredible Bray

I’m more worried about her height. Did she shrink or is that toilet HUGH?


Nah, she is normal height, but glad I wasn’t the only one who thought it was a little out of scale. :)