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Ann: Oh Ronald, would you mind helping me with the ‘dirty dishes’?

Ann Possible isn’t counting on her (soon to be divorced) husband to help her with the dishes. Thank goodness Ron is a perfect gentleman and has her ass - BACK! I meant her back. 😂

Once again, I wanted to experiment a little with perspectives. And I have been dying to draw Ann over the dishes.
I know, I know… I know… it is hardly appropriate in modern times to put a specific gender in a position known and stigmatized for it’s meaning. But the bottom line (pun intended) is that Ann simply looks good in any room from that angle, especially legs spread and dress pulled up like that.
It has noting at all… okay maybe a little to do with her gender, but not as her role in society.
I cook my own meals, and I simply don’t look good in that view… not that I have attempted to.
Now I begin to wonder how I look in that angle…🤔

Ahem, getting off topic.

Surely a modern and stylish home such as the home of the Possibles, is filled to the brim with modern work saving devices to help making the life easier.
But Ann Possible is a woman of surprises. When she feels retro she makes pancakes from scratch - now that is a woman after my own heart. I think I fell in love with her because of that.

Getting ass to - BACK! Dammit, what is wrong with me??😳 Getting back to the idea - James and the twins are going into watch some television. Kim is out - for some reason, and Ann asks Ron to help her with the dishes. She pulls up the dress to signal that she herself could use some relief.

I hope you like the perfect milf tease her lover boy.

Yours truly



Jaguar Man

Beautiful picture, no nitpicks or complaints, great ass, beautiful woman. But if we're talking divorce, who is getting the house and custody anyway?


If we are getting technical in an otherwise friendly universe, I can understand the need for such information. Divorce. Ann vs James Possible. Settlement. Shared custody over their two young sons - given circumstances the boys going to a college to study - boy geniuses - the custody is left very much up to the boys to decide. The house will be sold and shared equally accordingly. All property will be shared and negotiated outside the court. James and Ann are divorcing and parting as friends believe it or not. Both are leaving and getting to be the better people they really are. :) James has a new fiancé and at his coming wedding, Ann and Kim are actually the bridesmaids.

Jaguar Man

Oh that's good. Pretty healthy. Also sorry for being nosy, I am really underselling just how beautiful this sketch is. The background and furniture is so sleek. The blinds as well, and the little details. And Ann of course is such an ideal wife, she is very beautiful here. I know this is a fanservice kind of romp first but this series can sell just on the art alone.


Oh I don’t mind you being nosy 😊 Not at all. It’s just in this fan fic/comic, Ann and James are not gonna be together. Ann is gonna be with Ron, and James is getting together with Wanda Wong. 😊 And thank you. And this is just a rough sketch. I want it to be even more detailed later on.


Now that a nice ass