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Short announcement.

My brother is going to Canada to study.

That we (my family) have known for a little over a year, but with the current conditions of the world, there has been some delays and some questions about him actually going or not.
Personally I am against studying abroad under these circumstances but I also understand his willingness to go.
It's just the big brother in me being protective.

But we have just a few days ago gotten confirmation that he is actually going and has his visa approved. So he is leaving soon. A lot has to be done in a rush now. Packing and stuff. I have to help where I can so I might be called off my table.

I will definitely try to upload something very soon, I have been making a lot of progress on the comic, so you are in for some pages soon.

I just wanted to let you know, that I am probably getting a little occupied with helping out my brother in the next couple of days.

Yours truly


The Incredible Bray

Family does come first so don’t stress over getting artwork done. I hope everyone is safe 🙂👍

stephane aubertin

family first always first also i live in canada in montreal