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Before you start reading:
Please make sure to understand that there is explicit content in the writing below. And that the positions presented is not necessarily a viewpoint that I as the author of this find either correct or acceptable. This has only been written for the pure purpose of entertainment. If you find the content either wrong, disturbing or somehow offensive then I apologize for that.
It is only fiction.

With that said, I hope you enjoy it.

If the part where Ron and Ann are going at it is a little confusing, they it is because Ron is gonna travel back in time and meet both College Ann and College Tonnie in 86. I am also trying to write that Arc, as that is the arc where we get to see the Purple Cat as a younger model.

I also hope you will be understanding of any spelling errors or wrongful English. I speak the language well enough, it’s writing it which is my hardest ordeal. And also, if you find a part that, doesn’t make quite sense, then please inform me too - I wrote this months ago, but have added and altered something at this point.

Yours truly


Tonnie Rockwaller was driving her high powered Porsche to her best friend's house.

She had been on a mission for Ann. Nothing Major, but still enough to report in person.

She drove up next to the golden Jaguar in the driveway. Out the door, as she exited her car, came Mr. Possible. As usual dressed in a neat white shirt, a pair of well pressed pants and a double Windsor tie.

Tonnie never understood what his appeal was to Ann Possible.

She knew the girl better than she knew herself. And she knew her taste in partners. All about James was just… wrong.

Tonnie had no hard feelings against James.

He was a good man. He was a good father. He was both likable and intelligent. But she knew that this sort of man would bore Ann out of her mind.

Tonnie, who was always paying attention to the things around her, noticed James checking her out. She didn’t mind at all. All men did it. She did love it. Even when it was the husband of her best friend.

And Tonnie, the constant flirt, smiled back at James and met him in the driveway.

James: Oh, uh, Hello Mrs. Rockwaller.

Tonnie: Hello James… and please don’t be so formal. We are on first names aren’t we?

Tonnie walked up to him and straightened his tie like a loving wife would do to her husband. Now it sat perfectly. Then Tonnie beamed her smiling eyes into his. It was clear he was uncomfortable meeting her gaze.

James smiled awkwardly back. He was nervous. Perhaps because, he knew, she knew. Tonnie continued to smile. She enjoyed tormenting him.

She placed her arms around his neck. She could do it. With the information she had on him, she pretty much owned him. Had the situation been a little different, she would love blackmailing him for all he was worth and give it all to Ann. Or perhaps use him for sex - but it was unnecessary, simply unnecessary. Then again, it would be nice to know if he was willing…

Tonnie: Wanna go home to me and have some fun? I could always come up with an excuse to Ann, why I couldn’t meet her today.

James: Uh, no… sorry, Tonnie, I uhh… I am off to a meeting… and I am actually running a little late...

Tonnie thought to herself: Coward - a good thing you are cute. Otherwise I would have blackmailed you for cheating on my best friend.

James: Uhm… I have to go to work.

James gently pushed Tonnie off him. It was hard, because she was very clingy. Tonnie followed him to his own car.

Tonnie: Work? On a Saturday? Oh James, you are pushing yourself too hard.

James entered his car - quite hastily. He needed to get away from that woman.

James: Oh well, you know Tonnie, those rockets aren’t sending themselves into orbit.

He closed the door and started the car.

Tonnie: Poor fool - Tonnie thought. She must really be something special since you are willing to just throw away your wife and family life to spend a few hours with her.

Tonnie leaned in the window on the driver's side. All the way into James face. James looked utterly perplexed at her. Perhaps it was her deep cleavage that made him blush.

Tonnie smiled a sadistic smile.

How dared this foul insect to run away from her like this? She wasn’t done playing yet.

Tonnie: Are you going without saying properly goodbye to me? Shame on you, James.

James: Tonnie I… I am…

Tonnie:… Off to cheat on Ann with that woman… Wanda Wong or something?

James’ whose face had just been blushing red, now turned pale.

James: You… you do know…?

Tonnie: Of course I do, stupid… I know all about it. How you and her fuck every day at work. How you spend time in Florida on your little Rocket projects together. What you see in her, and not in Ann I will never understand… And I don’t care much. But if you are prepared to break a happy family for another woman, then I can at least send you off to her with a boner as hard as a rock.

And then Tonnie kissed him. Violently and vigorously. She used her tongue and all her skills. James was only fighting her for a second, then he kissed her back. The man was an ok kisser, just not half as satisfying as Ron or Ann to Tonnie.

After a long play with the tongues, Tonnie finally released James from his torment.

Tonnie: Now… go and fuck that bitch you somehow think is better than that amazing redhead you are leaving behind.

Tonnie licked James face and then spat at him. James looked bewildered and shocked at her, but Tonnie just smiled, pulled her head and torso out of the car, and walked around it.

Tonnie then waved James goodbye and entered the hall of the Possible residence.


Tonnie: Hello Baby!?

Ann: Hello Hottie!

Ann came to her, smiling all over her face and hugged her friend.

Ann: Oh Tonnie, good to see you.

Tonnie hugged her back. Her heart was beating with happiness to see her friend again.

Tonnie: You look great honey. Don’t tell me you and James has started fucking again?

Ann: Oh heavens no… we tried a few weeks back and it was absolutely horrible. Horrible I tell ya.

They sat down in the living room. Ann had made tea and sandwiches.

Ann: That marriage counselor is a hack. I paid $1500 dollars to get her to tell us to ‘at least try’... Urgh! I am sick of married life. I love the kids, but this is ending.

Tonnie: Sounds like you are determined.

Ann: I am. I just need to be absolutely sure I have a case to present. So… Do I have a case? What did you find out?

Tonnie nodded while she added a lump of sugar to her tea.

Tonnie: You were right to contact your lawyer. I followed James as you asked. And he is indeed seeing another woman.

Ann: I knew it. I smelled it on him a long time ago. Who is she?

Tonnie: I did get her name. Wanda Wong. She is an Asian woman. Really pretty. And I think she is a colleague to him, because they wear the same lab coats and both are seen at the Space Lab.

Tonnie opened her bag, and drew out some pictures. It was surveillance pictures. One clearly showing James and a Wanda together. And one where they were kissing tenderly.

Tonnie had expected Ann to be outraged or perhaps hurt, but instead she smiled. And not at all meanicingly. But sorta… happily.

Ann: Ahh, Wanda Wong. She is basically his boss.

Ann was laughing. Tonnie was relieved to see her girl so giggly. It meant she shouldn’t feel bad about it herself.

Tonnie: You seem remarkably fine with the news of your husband cheating on you.

Ann: Tonnie, I really don’t care anymore. James and I, we are not intimate or romantic anymore. We were… once - I think. No, we were… shortly. We definitely made Kim passionately and it was a lot of fun, but the twins were an accident - I love the boys, really I do. But they are constant trouble. Not that Kim was a picnic all the time.

Ann took a sip of tea.

Ann: But James and I, we are at this point just friends, who happen to share 3 kids. Nothing else. Of course that has been a little frustrating as well. I know why James has turned to Wanda Wong. He is not dead. He needs the touch of a lover. As do I btw. But I simply can’t do it with James - I felt utter disgust when we tried a few weeks ago. I allowed him to finish, but I wanted him off of me from the moment we started.

Tonnie smiled. She could literally smell that her girl needed sex. So she made her move.

Tonnie: It seems like you could use an affair too.

Tonnies hand fell on Ann’s thigh and quickly moved up under her dress.

Ann moaned and smiled. Knowing Tonnie was coming over, she had not bothered to put on panties. Tonnie took her entire pussy in her hand. The silky soft skin was still a dream to touch.

Ann: I don’t think you could call us an affair, Tonnie… we have been together since college… and I don’t think we ever actually broke it off… Or did we?

Ann looked at Tonnie and Tonnie looked into her gorgeous blue eyes.

Tonnie: No… we didn’t. We just took some pauses… which lasted a few years… But we never ended our relationship…

Ann: Kiss me already…

And then the two women launched at each other.

They kissed so passionately it would make any man watching it go into sexual overdrive.

Tonnie kept massaging Ann’s pussy, while she kissed her red headed lover over the last many years. Since college they had been fierce lovers. They had had breaks, sometimes because of work, sometimes because of families, but they had always stayed together.

Ann had several weeks of frustrations to make up for.

While they were kissing, and Tonnie was plowing at Ann’s pussy with her fingers, Ann finally got her tongue back from Tonnie’s intense kiss.

She needed to breathe, because Ann was ready to cum. She was ready to spray her pussyjuice over the coffee table.

She almost stood up from the couch while still resting on it. And then she came… A fountain shot out from her pussy. Tonnie kept going on with her. She knew what she wanted.

Ann: Oh… Oh Tonnie… it’s no use… I need a man… I need a fucking cock…

Tonnie kissed and sucked her neck.

Tonnie: I have your favorite dildo in my bag… We can pretend at least…

Ann: Oh… no… I mean… I really need a man…. Doing it with you and Rubber Ron is amazing, but… it’s just not enough.

Tonnie: So… you want to stop?

Ann: NO! No… I mean… I wanted to show you my new bedroom… right?

Tonnie smiled.

The two women got to their feet and Ann led Tonnie on through the house. Tonnie remembered her handbag. An unusually large one.

Ann’s new bedroom was actually just the guest room.

It was almost an exact copy of the Master bedroom. It was the same size and color theme. Tonnie knew it well. She had fucked Ann many times in here. The bed was also the same, just with more neutral sheets in a reddish color.

Ann undressed and so did Tonnie. When the two women were finally naked. They moved into the bed, kissing and caressing each other.

Ann had taken some initiative. Tonnie’s breasts, when unleashed, were the most amazing thing in the world, and she loved them as much as her own kids.

Tonnie loved when she licked them. She had always loved it.

As she watched Ann make love to her tits, she reached into her handbag. Out came a big purple dildo.

It was one of a kind. It was a cast. Made from a real man's cock back when Tonnie and Ann were in college. A man, they had both loved with all their hearts.

Tonnie: Look who I brought…

Tonnie dangled the hard rubbery thing.

Ann looked at the thing with glowing eyes.

Ann: Rubber Ron…

Ann kissed it as it was the cock of the love of her life.

Tonnie pushed it a little, and Ann understood. She took it into her mouth. Though it tasted nothing like the real thing, the mere shape of it was something Ann could never ever forget.

Tonnie pulled out a set of rubber panties from her bag. She quickly got them on, and attached Rubber Ron on them. She was now the Master of Rubber Ron. She swung it in her hand, as if it was her own cock.

Tonnie: Suck him, bitch!

Tonnie got to her knees and Ann on all fours. With a firm grip on Ann’s mane and a grip on Rubber Ron, she began moving the dildo back and forward.

Tonnie watched her best friend make love to the dildo. She had seen it happen to the real thing, so many times in the past. Back when she and Ann once had a relationship with a man.

They were happy back then.

But this was all they had at that time.

Rubber Ron slided down Ann’s throat. Back and forward, accompanied by the obscene noises Ann made when she almost strangled herself on the dildo. It did only little to Tonnie.

It was nice to see her girlfriend enjoy the facefuck, but it was only a light shadow of the real thing.

Tonnie: Move over bitch… and let me fuck your pussy with Rubber Ron.

Ann obeyed. She released the cock from her mouth and crawled over. Tonnie grabbed a good handful of Ann’s hair. She spanked Ann’s wonderful ass. Tonnie’s grib in Ann’s hair was not good, and she had to make another grib. This time harder and with more force.

Tonnie: I liked your long hair better baby… You need to grow it back.

Ann: I will… I will…

With one hand Tonnie split Ann’s buttocks to make entrance easier, and with her free hand Tonnie inserted the dildo in her lover's pussy, and shoved it in. Without any trouble. Ann’s was as wet as Niagara Falls.

Ann: Oh fuck… it fits… perfectly…

Tonnie grabbed her hair again and pulled back hard. Ann’s body made a perfect arch.

Tonnie: Of course it does. It’s the only cock for us.

It was several hours of intense lovemaking. The women were all over the place.

The dildo, though a very wonderful toy, was cast aside for the most part. It was not the real thing and would only be used as a supplement for their games.

Otherwise the women fingered, kissed, licked and sucked all the parts they could in order to produce orgasms.

They grinded their pussy’s against each other. They went for the 69 position. They loved it and they were so good at it, that they came pretty much, at the same time, all the time.

Only when fatigue and exhaustion finally caught up with them did they stop.

They were snuggling together, enjoying the afterglow. It was only a mere shadow of the glow in the past, but it was all they had to remember…

Tonnie: Remember… back in college? The days… where we fucked… all hours of the day… with him?

Ann: I do… It was the best time of my life… before marriage and kids…

Tonnie smiled and kissed the head of her lover: Hehe, I told ya… you weren’t cut out for that life…

Ann: I was… if it had been… with him… and you… but with James... It has been killing me… slowly… you alone kept me going… but now… I need more…

Tonnie: Then go for more…

Ann and Tonnie kissed. They both knew what it meant.

Tonnie: You have to divorce him.

Ann: I will. I am already having the documents made… I am soon a free woman again…

Tonnie kissed her.

Tonnie: Wanna go again?

Ann: Yeah… suck my pussy, Bitch!

Tonnie obeyed.

But it had to be their last time today.


After a quick shower and some kisses, Ann escorted Tonnie to her car. She was once again dressed and neat. You would never guess she had just had intense lesbian sex for several hours - perhaps only by her grin, which was a little broader.

Ann: If you aren’t here when he comes I get less of a fuss.

Tonnie: May I just notice how odd it is, that James is cheating on you and is also suspicious of you?

Ann: Well, James is very conservative - in regards of sex and such. It’s so boring. And besides… I am also cheating on him, aren’t I?

Tonnie: Is it really cheating when it’s with one of your own gender?

Ann smiled. Looked around. Then quickly kissed her.

Tonnie: But you should cheat on him. Just to settle the score before you get out.

Ann: I don’t know… the only one I wanna do it with is…

Tonnie held up a hand to stop her from saying the name. She knew who she meant.

Tonnie: He is not a child anymore Ann. And from what I hear, he is really into you.

Ann: How would I even go about it? I can’t just invite him out or tell him to go out with me - as much as I want to.

Tonnie: Ann… you’re a doctor… surely you can find some reason to call him into your office? YOUR office? A secluded space, with heavy security and confidentiality? Get creative, girl. Tell him you need some bodysample’s or something.

Ann finally understood. She smiled at Tonnie.

Ann: Thank you.

Tonnie: No problem. Give your kids my love.

Tonnie entered her car and waved at Ann as she drove off.


A little later.

Ann was sitting at her desk with her phone. In her head she was planning how to put it. Finally, she had an idea of how to put it.

She dialed the number.

Duuuut - Duuuut - Duuuut… click

Ron: Hello?

Ann: Hi Ron, it’s Ann Possible.

Ron: Oh, Mrs. Dr. Possible. Hi, how are you?

Ann smiled. She loved him so much.

Ann: Ron, would you mind coming by my clinic tomorrow for some tests.

Ron: Uhhh, what kind of tests, Mrs. Dr. Possible?

Ann: Some overall tests of your health. To make sure everything is in order - especially with your brain since the Nanotite incident.

Ron: Uhhh, okay, if you say so Mrs. Dr. Possible.

Ann: Good boy. See you tomorrow. Oh, and Ron.

Ron: Yeah?

Ann: Since the tests will require some samples from you I must insist that you refrain from any corporeal action with any of your girlfriends. Is that understood?

Ron: Uhhh… that wont be easy but… okay…

Ann: Good boy. See you tomorrow my love.

She then hang up.

Ann: Tomorrow, I will finally taste you again… Ron.

Ann found an old picture from her desk drawer.

It was a picture from her college time. She loved the picture.

It was pornographic, sure, but the emotions it stirred were genuine and happy. It showed Ann, with long red hair and a broad smile on her face.

Her true smile. The smile she had not shown on any other picture with her family of 20 years. Only one ever came close, and that was on another picture of one of Kimmy’s birthdays.

She was on all fours in this picture, naked and behind her, with his hands firmly gripping her hips, was Ron Stoppable. A little older than he is today and smiling too. As he should. His cock was balls deep in Ann’s pussy, and Tonnie was taking pictures of them.

Ann remembered the scene from back then. Over 20 years ago.


-20 years ago.

In a dorm room at a college, on a warm summer's day.

Ann: Oh fuck, oh fuck yes Ron! Keep fucking me! Don’t ever stop!

Ron: Oh Ann, your pussy is clenching me… it’s so tight!

Ann: Of course it is… I want you to explode inside of me!

Tonnie was massaging her pussy while watching them.

Tonnie: You guys look so adorable when you fuck. It’s so hot!

She reached for the camera. They had been out taking pictures that day. And there was still film inside for at least 20 pictures.

Tonnie: It’s such a shame you never get to see it yourself… So now… I’m gonna take some shots.

The camera clicked and Ron and Ann looked up.

Ann: Tonnie! What the… NO! I don’t wanna be a porn star!

Tonnie: Oh come on baby, it’s hardly porn… it’s just more juicy love pictures than anything else. Ron you are fine with it, aren’t you?

Ron: Uh, well, uh… sure… as long as… we also get some porn pictures of you Tonnie… I mean, fair is fair.

Tonnie smiled: I think we have found a new hobby!

Ann: Fine! Just… take the damn pictures. But I better look good on them!

Tonnie: Then smile… like you did before!

Ann smiled.

Tonnie: No Ann! That’s fake! I want your real smile! You have to smile like you did before!

Ron: I have an idea.

Ron began moving. He resumed fucking Ann. Her face changed completely. Her smile became a real, genuine smile.

Tonnie: That’s it girl… that’s the Ann we both love! Keep her still Ron…

Tonnie took a picture of the loving couple.

She removed the picture, and then took another one. This was fun.

Tonnie: Lift her up a little Ronnie! Yes just like that!

Ron held Ann in her breasts. He presented them to Tonnie.

Tonnie: And now, give her a kiss - a big tongue kiss.

Ann and Ron didn’t need further encouragement. They kissed and they heard Tonnie click the camera.

On the next picture, Ann and Ron kissed, and on the next they both looked into the camera and smiled their truest smiles.

Tonnie: Damn this is so hot! Can’t wait for my turn!


Back in the present time.

It was the most wonderful of days. In fact, they still had all twenty pictures. Ann kept them safe. She loved looking at them, when she had a moment to herself like now.

Ann turned the picture over.

With a sharpie, it was written: Summer 86 - Ann and Ron, forever!

It was Tonnie who had written it. But it had been Ann and Ron, who had dictated it.

Ann: See you tomorrow, Ron.

She put the picture back into the desk, and then packed her stuff so she could go home.




Did ron go back in time or did they build a time machine ?


Vivian and Justine attempts to build a device to other dimensions, but end up with a time machine instead. And Ron sorta get’s stuck in the past - but the girls eventually goes after him and gets him back. ;)

Francisco Elias Castillo

I would have thought somehow they end up with the Tempus Simia. But either way, this is a good intro for Ann to be in the harem.


I know there's a lot more writings than what you've got here. Where do i find them?


You can find them in bulk at my writers Patreon. Link: www.patreon.com/greenscar1990


I put the same comment there too. No luck.