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Before you read.

Please remember that this is only my take on Queen La and her entering into the modern life of Ron and his new pets.
When I make references to how the modern people of today enjoys pain and torment of others, I understand that that is far from all people and is meant in comical way.
Another thing. English is my second language and though I am accustomed to writing my English has always been difficult in text. If you find passages that makes no sense or spelling errors then please text me about it.
Otherwise, I hope you enjoy this little tale of La in Middleton.


The gigantic Stoppable Mansion.

The entire harem and Ron for that matter, were out and about doing stuff.

Many of the girls had gotten jobs to tend to, and some just had chores or wanted to do something else than just sit about all day. Ron was out too, so they didn’t feel any need to just hang around…

Certainly not now, when they had a new member, who was - let’s just say - a bit difficult.

After their adventure in the African Jungle, they had brought home a new member.

Queen La of Opar had joined Ron’s harem. The mystical Jungle Queen.

It had been… as said, difficult.

La was about as clear cut and sensitive as a blunt axe. It was - Do this or face the consequences - with everything. One really had to walk on eggshells around her.

A woman like Shego or Rhea could easily brush the queen aside, but others, more sensitive or less assertive members, like Tara didn’t have such bones to shove her aside with.

There had been an incident where La had been rude to the gentle blonde. So rude in fact Ron had stepped in and given La an ultimatum.

Behave or start behaving - or it’s back to the jungle.


It would be nice to say that La’s attitude altered immediately after. But, a leopard doesn’t change it’s spots - certainly not just like that.

But La had gotten the message. Be nice, or be gone.

Her history with Ron and the harem had also been a rough one from the start, but Ron understood that the jungle queen more than anything was a lonely and lost soul. She had been alone for so long that behavior around other people was as rough as the environment she knew.

So all gave her a chance, and a wide space to get her to fit in. But Ron had insisted she needed company. He wanted her to learn her way around. And he most certainly didn’t want her cooked up in the mansion all day - that would be counterproductive to what they actually wanted.

But none of the girls would allow Ron to walk around with La all day.

The entire Harem had stood against that idea - if La had Ron all to herself, who knew what she might end up having him believe.

Instead the girls all agreed to take turns on spending some time with La.

That idea they all could agree to.

The only downside was the practicality. One thing is saying it. A completely different thing is doing it.

For the third time: La was difficult to be around.


For a long time, La had depended on her magical staff to get dressed.

Now she was without it’s magic and her stubborn nature meant she wasn’t persuaded easily to get dressed in the “Old fashioned way”.

As a result, she was naked most of the time.

It had no impact on her mood at all though. She was still very moody and had a very short temper.

Tara, the darling, still walked quickly past La and refused to look at her. La barely even noticed her.

But today, all the girls were out.

All girls, safe La, and the lucky winner of today’s shortest straw: Kim.


The pair had retreated to the living room. They had made themselves comfortable on the huge couch. Here they watched a series on Netflix.

La was so bored.

She was lying on the couch, on her stomach butt naked and annoyed. She was looking at the 75’ flatscreen television watching the ‘show’ Pals for the hundredth time - or at least so it felt.

She understood it was built up in episodes and seasons, but to her every episode was the same.

La: Urgh, this is torture… When is this silly sharade gonna end?

Kim, who sat on the couch next to La in one of Ron’s jerseys, was rolling her eyes.

They had all agreed they would take turns watching the Jungle Queen. Mostly to keep her out of trouble, but also to keep trouble away from her.

She seemed like a magnet for it - granted, she was coming from a primordial jungle life to the modern 21st century in the span of only a week.

That was no small adjustment. And they all agreed, she had to be under surveillance.

But that didn’t make her easier to be around.

Kim: We are only about done with the first season. Don’t worry La, it will only get better later on.

La: Possible, I may have entered this home in the intent of staying by my king and rule by his side, but I will not have my title brought down by simple lack of manners. I am Queen La to you, or the very least, your majesty.

Kim had to take a deep breath. It was rich - to be given a lesson in manners by a woman who had spent her entire life in a brutal, primitive jungle. But Kim concentrated and focused on her Zen.

Kim: My apologies, your majesty.

La lifted her eyebrows in recognition of her apology.

The ending title of the episode of Pals came up.

La: Urgh, at last. The suffering is over.

Kim: Oh no, your majesty, there are still 4 episodes of this season. The next one is one of my favorites.

La: Oh for the love of M’Guhnda!

La hid her face in her hands.

La: Do we really have to suffer more of the agony of these simple peasants trying to have sex with each other? And all the laughing is driving me crazy.

Kim: They… They are not trying to have sex with each other…?

La: Oh please, all they ever talk about is this weird pre-mating ritual “Dating” and weird dreams at that coffee shop.

La got a look in her eyes.

La: Our King showed me another show the other night. ‘Hellish Kitchenry’ or something, with an absolute darling gentleman called Gordon something.

La smiled a grinning smile. Semi sadistic. A barracuda smile.

La: Now that was entertaining. That man has prowess in culinary disciplines. And I adore how he treats his useless underlings.

Kim: Of course you do…

Kim sighed. She hated Hell’s Kitchen - or at least… Gordon Ramsay gave her the creeps. Just like Simon Covell. They were so mean.

La: Can’t we watch that instead. It really is the stuff of legends. I have seen bloody gladiator fights that weren’t half as entertaining. Who would have guessed the modern people would be even more bloodthirsty and sadistic than the most ruthless barbarians of the ancient? Blood and gore are so primitive. Far more entertaining to see people suffer emotionally.

Kim: Maybe we have been slouching on the couch enough for today! Perhaps a stroll in the city will do you some good.

Kim stood up and walked around the couch. La sat on her knees still on the couch. She looked baffled at Kim.

La: A stroll in the city? Possible, are you suggesting I am to mingle with the commoners? With no carrier chair or proper escort? May I remind you without my magical powers I only have my fighting skills to keep the horde at bay. I am confident but not that confident.

Kim leaned against the back of the couch.

Kim: And may I remind you that no one in the Tri-City area knows you are a royalty. No one is gonna attack you. Don’t wanna imagine what type of ruler you were since that is how you perceive the people.

La: Excuse me, what do you mean no one knows I am the queen? Surely King Ron has made a decree far and wide that he has brought home a foreign queen to rule his kingdom by his side.

Kim had to take a deep breath to calm herself.

Kim:… Thus was his first intent, my Queen, but Master Ron decided it for the better to keep the peasants in the dark about your arrival at our shores for the time being. In order for you to walk among them, learn from them, see them in the eyes, and when ready, he would announce your title and position to all of them.

La looked Kim straight in the eyes. Both women had green eyes, though La’s had a golden tint. She curled her lips and looked everywhere else than in Kim’s eyes.

La: It does seem rather intelligent to get to know the people I shall soon govern with King Ron…

Silence for a while.

La: Alright! A stroll would be nice. Better than more canned Laughter.

La stood up.

La: But I better have some clothes on.

La lifted her hand and made a movement through the air.

Kim looked. Nothing happened.

La opened her eyes and looked in her hand.

She then frowned her eyes and growled.

La: NO STAFF! I forgot! Grrr! Why did King Ron insist on me leaving the staff back in Opar?! I haven’t gotten dressed by myself in over a hundred years.

She facepalmed again. With both hands.

Kim: Yeah, you have to borrow some clothes.

La: Surely you jest!

Kim: Either that, or more ‘Pals’.

La had a tick under her eyes: Fine!


They had snuck into Vivian’s suite.

Kim: Vivian is about your measures. All over.

Kim took a look at La’s impressive bust. Not entirely the size of Shego, but surely a little bigger than Adrena.

Kim brought some pants and a top from the closet. Both nice. Kim surely wouldn’t mind having them on.

She placed the set on the bed. It looked nice. Simple and not at all overt.

La: No.

Kim looked at her with mild shock.

Kim: What’s wrong with that? It’s cute.

La: It is not fitting a queen of the blood.

Kim: La-Your majesty- it is just a simple stroll in the city. You are not to make a scene anywhere.

La: I am still not wearing it.

La sat down on the bed: I will not show myself in public without being properly dressed. My King expects me to uphold a royal standard. That includes how I dress. Incognito or otherwise.

Kim: Urgh, but… but Queen La, I don’t know if even Vivian has clothes of that caliber.

La: Well, then I guess you better go fetch some.

Kim, once again took a deep breath. She got an idea - Monique was working in the Club Banana store today.

Kim: Listen, what if we go out and find some clothes for you?

La looked at Kim out of the corner of her eye.

Kim: We call it shopping. You have to learn how to do it properly, and I am sure you will enjoy it. It’s really fun. That way we can kill two birds with one stone! We get to walk, and you get some clothes.

La understood the pragmatic. And her curiosity peaked.

La: Hmm… Fine. I will put on the rags.

Kim: Great!


A little later Kim and La drove into the mall in central Middleton.

La was fascinated by the car. She kept pushing anything in reach.

La: What a marvelous contraption.

She was fondling the air conditioning system.

She then investigated the sunscreen over her head. She saw her mirror.

La: And it functions completely without magic?

Kim: Nothing in this world is reliable on magic.

La: Incredible… Once you couldn’t survive in the jungle without just a little magic… Now so much is gone… So many lives lost to discover it… all for nothing…

La sounded a little sad. Kim saw she looked out the window, a little melancholic.

Kim: Or… perhaps it just altered it’s appearance… you know… like… water!

La looked confused at Kim.

Kim gulped: Well, you know… uhh, what is rain one day, can be a puddle the next… or a river, running to a lake… or the ocean… still water, but all in different appearances…

La seemed to think this through. She sat right up in her seat and seemed more comfortable and relaxed.

La: Perhaps I have underestimated your insight, Possible.

Kim didn’t enquire more about this comment. Instead she just drove to the mall.


She parked right outside the front and showed La the way inside.

La made big eyes once inside the mall. It was very pretty, when you looked at it a second time.

La: Remarkable… such craftsmanship… The future is truly full of wonders.

Kim: This is our present by the way.

La nodded.

The two women walked over to the store, Club Banana.

La looked around in hidden awe and wonder.

Kim noticed Monique just expediting another customer.

Monique: Thank you, have a nice day!

Monique looked up at the new customers.

Monique: Kim?

Kim: Hey Monique.

Monique: Girl what are you doing here? Weren’t you supposed to look after La?

Kim: I couldn’t take more of her complaints about what to do, so I thought taking her for a walk might get her to be a little more… relaxed and less annoying.

Kim made a gesture of her strangling an invisible person in front of her.

Monique looked over Kim’s shoulder at La. She was now investigating one of the mannequins.

Kim: Besides she has no clothes. I thought a little shopping might cheer her up a bit and also make her more likely to go outside more often in the near future.

Monique: I don’t think letting her out among people is all that smart… but I guess we can’t have her do so naked either.

Kim: Another thing, don’t use her name. Use her title, and suck up to her, she responds to that.

Monique: I gotcha girl.

Monique put up a salesman’s smile and walked past Kim towards La.

Monique: So… Queen La, thank you for gracing this unworthy establishment with your presence. How may I be of your service?

La looked over Monique.

La: Ah… the strange talking concubine… What are you doing here?

Monique: I work here, your majesty.

La: Work…? Work?

Monique:… as in laboring and getting paid for doing so, my Queen.

La: But… but you are a concubine. Surely our King can grace you enough so that you don’t need to labor for mammon.

Monique’s smile turned forced.

Monique: Surely, but I do enjoy earning my keep, and I honestly enjoy working here.

La: Intriguing…

La’s gaze became a little degrading. As if she had just heard something absolutely absurd. Monique took a deep breath and moved on.

Monique:… So do you see anything you like?

La: I was baffled about these grotesque statues all around. What purpose do they serve?

Kim: They are mannequins. They are displaying the clothes the store sells.

La: Ah… that was my second guess. Good to know. I was getting slightly unruly.

Kim and Monique looked confused at each other. Then they looked back at La.

Monique: What was your first guess then?

La: Oh well, in Opar, I had the ability to bring every statue to life by a Golem spell. They would attack anyone at my command. I was just worried something similar might happen here if someone chanted the right words.

Kim: Again… there is no use for magic in this world Queen La. Now come… let’s have a look.

And they did look.

Kim and Monique kept pulling one outfit after another off the shelves and putting it on La. She then displayed it all for them.

Kim had to conclude that La had the body of a goddess. Everything looked great on her.

La was fascinated by pants. She did love them, but wasn’t really in the mood to wear them.

She strolled from look to look, like a model and Kim and Monique were having a blast putting together styles and outfits for her.

In the end, La herself seemed to have fun.

But there was ultimately nothing she entirely liked. They did get a few tops, but surely nothing she wanted to walk home in.

Kim: Perhaps if you choose yourself, your Majesty. Then you might find something interesting?

Kim had collapsed in a chair.

La seemed a little conflicted: I am just not really sure, this is my… ‘style’ as you call it.

Monique: We… actually has something from our newest limited edition part.

Kim sat up straight like a dog catching the scent of a rabbit.

Kim: Why haven’t you told me??

Monique: It literally just came through the door. Why do you think I was called to work today?

La looked at both girls. She was rushed to the back room. Here she saw a new set of clothes on a new mannequin. It stood in a display light and looked marvelous.

Kim was in awe. It was a white one piece suit with shoulder straps. It was a marvel. Kim absolutely loved it. It had a deep cleavage and was open in the back. Under it, were a set of plateau high heels. It also came with a white neck ornament.

Kim: Oh my GOD, Monique it is beautiful.

Monique: I know, I love it too, but the problem with it is…


Monique:… it’s expensive…

La: Don’t care! That is perfect. I have never seen anything like this before.

La strolled up to the mannequin.

Kim walked over to Monique.

Kim: When you say expensive, what exactly does that mean?

Monique: Well, if we didn’t have Ron, it would mean we would have to take a lot of walks up and down Lowerton in order to pay for it.

Kim cringed: That expensive…huh?

Monique: It's one of a kind. The chief designer bought it for display only. He is on his way to see it now.

Kim: Understood. Queen La, I am sorry but you have to find something else, because it is not really for…

How it had happened so fast was impossible to know, but La was now standing in the white suite, in high heels and necklace alike. She was looking down at herself with a pleased look in her eyes, and she looked absolutely gorgeous.

La: I finally feel dressed like a queen again.

Kim: Oh no…

Monique: My words girl…


La walked out the back room into the store again, followed by Kim and Monique.

Kim: La I am telling you, you have to get out of that suit now!

La: No, I like it, and I want it.

Monique: Girl you can’t and if my boss sees ya in that, he’ll…


A compact little Italian man in a purple suit stood in the store. Behind him was a mountain of muscle - his bodyguard.

Monique: Oh no, that’s Coco Banana… the chief designer.

Kim: Oh good grief…

Kim hid her face in her palm.

Coco: I have never seen the like… it is… it is…

Monique rushed to mr. Coco in order to save her work, and possibly her life.

Monique: Mr. Coco, please don’t get upset, it was a mistake, and she was just…!

Coco: She is Magnifico!

Kim looked up, and Monique looked utterly shocked.

La seemed remarkably calm - almost bored.

But Coco couldn’t see enough of La in that outfit.

Coco: Gorgeous! Absolutely stunning! Divinity itself.

La: Flattery won’t bring you access to my King’s grace, my good man.

Coco: Oh Madonna, I am not flattering, unless honesty is flattery these days! You are absolutely spectacular in that. Simply spectacular!

La: Glad you approve, because I am taking it.

Coco: Oh of course you are Madonna! That suit was made for you. If only you would allow me to take some pictures of you in the gallery upstairs and then you won't even have to pay for it. Those photos of you will pay for itself!

La seemed annoyed with this.

La: I am not your plaything little man, I am…

Kim had shoved her hand over La’s mouth, preventing her from making a mess of things.

Kim:… We will gladly let her be shot by your camera crew, mr. Coco! It would be a pleasure.

Coco: Wonderful! To the gallery!

La looked perplexed at Kim as they walked up to the next floor.

La: You dare make decisions on my behalf, Possible?

Kim: Unless you want to pay for that suit by selling your body down in Lowerton, you better do exactly as mr. Coco tells you.


The gallery was state of the art, and the photo studio behind it was the best in the city.

So they could make very good model pictures.

La was obstructing in the beginning, but as the session went on, it was clear she loved the attention.

The photographer was not unknown as a worker for mr. Coco Banana, but he did look at La like she was a giraffe.

She had also been bought by Coco Banana, who had given her two big gold hoop earrings and two golden bracelets to go with the suit.

It calmed her down a bit. She showed everything and was a remarkably good model.

Coco: She has a lot of attitude, but as do all models.

Kim: She isn’t exactly a model, she is in fact a…

Monique:… Supermodel! From… South Africa!…

Coco: Ah, one can always tell! You know, if she ever needs a job, then she has one here with Club Banana!

Kim looked at Monique.

Monique: What? If you had told him she was a Queen from a made up country in the African Jungle, he would have had us thrown out of here… that story is so bizarre even I can’t really believe it.

Kim agreed. It was a strange and long story - Told another day, another place.


After two hours of photoshooting, La was getting tired.

La: Enough! That has to be more than enough worth the damn suit.

Coco: Oh of course, Mia cara, of course. Thank you once again, thank you.

La: Yes, yes, now please… allow me to leave.

La made an attempt to remove the hoops and the bracelets but then…

Coco: Oh nononono, Mia cara, No. Those go so well with the suit. Keep them, as a present from your newest admirer.

La looked up and nodded at his gift.

La: Fine. I accept your gift. Possible! We are leaving.

Kim watched La as she left the studio and the gallery. Monique shrugged.

Kim: Thank you for everything mr. Coco.

Coco: Ah, don’t mention it. It was a true pleasure. And I understand your difficulties, madonna. Supermodels are at times more difficult than royalty.

Monique and Kim giggled.

Kim and La left the gallery and stood in the hall. Now with a completely dressed La.

Monique had to return to the store, so she left them.

La: That was… rather pleasant. It seems some of these peasants hold some entertainment value. And this ‘shopping’ is not as bad as I first had anticipated.

Kim: Glad you like it. But usually you have to pay money for the stuff you want.

La: I understand. Money. And that is what Monique earns with her ‘Job’ is it.

Kim: Yes. She offers her labor and is paid by Club Banana for it. Quid pro Quo.

La nodded.

Kim looked over La. Her suit sat perfectly. She clapped her butt and hips a few times.

La: What on earth are you doing, Possible?

Kim: Just checking… you are not wearing underwear are you?

La: Underwear?

Kim: Come, we have to get you at least a thong.


Kim pulled La down to the best underwear store in the mall. Here they bought her a number of thongs, some brassiere and even a nightgown she liked.

La: This is worthy of a queen.

She looked stunning in it, but Kim had a little trouble visioning the queen of England in that gown.

Then they went to a shoe store. Those plateau heels were nice enough, but she couldn’t walk in those all the time. They got her some sandal heels she liked and even a pair of snickers.

As they passed other stores a mannequin showing off pants and denim skirts caught La’s eye.

They got her both a skirt and a set of tight fitting jeans.

There were also a few tops she did enjoy and they bought them too. All in light colors or white.

A little later, La and Kim drove home. La was unusually quiet most of the way. First when they could see the mansion in the distance did she talk.

La: Possible, what is a model?

Kim looked quickly over at her.

Kim: Uh…

Kim looked on the road again.

Kim: Well, uhm… a model is a person who works for people like Coco Banana. Designers of clothes. They wear their clothes and are paid to be photographed in them.

La: And what is a supermodel then?

Kim: That is a really popular model. Used by the big fashion companies.

La: It is… a work too? Like that Monique spoke of?

Kim: Well… yes and no. It is a job, and it is a lot of work, but… Monique is a store clerk. She is selling the clothes so… it’s not the same in that regard.

La nodded.

La: I guess I could lower myself to let that little man take pictures of me again. But only if King Ron gives permission. My body is his temple alone.

Kim smiled - this little ‘stroll’ had certainly been eventful.


They parked in the garage and went upstairs.

Kim: You carry your own bags, Queen La. House rules.

La rolled her eyes, and took her shopping bags.

As they entered their home, they smelled the lovely scent of Ron’s cooking.

Kim: Oh my, I am starving.

They walked into the kitchen and saw the harem walk about and cook together.

Ron saw them both come in and he smiled at them both.

Ron: See, I told you she hadn’t run away.

Shego rolled her eyes.

Ron came over to greet them both. He gave Kim a hug and a kiss. Then he looked at La. And Kim understood why. She was a sight to behold in her new outfit.

Ron: Holy Naco… La… You… you… look… So…

Shego: Oh-la-La!

Shego made a whistling noise. La didn’t even look at her.

La: Close your mouth my King, it is so unbecoming.

La smiled as she closed his mouth with her hand.

La walked into the kitchen to eat. Ron gawked at her swaying ass. She sat down on the couch and crossed her legs - almost as if to show off her new shoes. She seemed more than happy.

Kim smiled as she turned Ron’s face towards her.

Ron blinked: Any… any trouble today, KP?

Kim: Nothing I couldn’t handle.

She kissed him. And then, they had lunch.


The End.



La walked down the hall to her quarters.

On the way, she met none other than the blonde girl, Tara.

Their eyes met and La saw the terror and disdain in Tara’s eyes.

Tara: Excuse me.

Tara made an effort to walk quickly past La.

La: Wait…

Tara stopped but she didn’t turn to look at her.

When La didn’t say more, Tara began walking again.

La summoned all her willpower. The next word she uttered took immense self pressure to complete. Though simple enough to you or I, these few letters, in this arrangement, took all of La’s strength to utter.

La:… please…

Tara stopped.

La noted how that word was almost magical - on this girl.

But only the first part of her task was done. Now the real challenge had come.

La once again had to summon all her willpower.

La: I beg you, Tara… accept my utmost, and humblest apology. I was completely out of line. I am so sorry.

The blue eyes of Tara found the golden green of La.

A few seconds passed by.

Then, the radiant blonde smiled at La. The jungle queen noted how the sun suddenly seemed less bright outside the windows - next to the smile of this blonde girl.

Tara: Don’t mention it.

Then Tara walked on, and La stood behind in bewilderment and awe.

La: Hmm… my king certainly has a good taste in his concubines.




This turned out great and can't wait to see what else you'll do in later installments.

stephane aubertin

i just love it great story now i m very curious to what could happen next