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Before you start reading.

Please make sure to understand that there are content in the writings which do not fit a younger audience. At least 18 years of age is required. Please make sure not to copy this and share it anywhere else. It is meant to be an exclusive writing for my patrons only - later it will be available for the public.
Please also take notice English is my second language and though I speak it and understand it without problems writing has always been hard for me, though I have written much (in danish). If you do find mistakes in the text please send me a message about it and I shall gladly correct it.
As this is my first ever written work I publish anywhere I have yet another request to you all who might want to comment on this my work - please be gentle, and please be understanding. I will ask of nothing else.

Oh, maybe one more thing. ;)

If you find any passages that you really like, and perhaps would ask me to make a single drawing of, then please do so. I am always more than happy to listen to requests. Especially if they are of Tonnie Rockwaller.

Yours truly


The Golden Bastet statue of South Egypt.

Discovered by the Archeologist Simon Greenmill, in 1912.

Stolen and sold on the black market in 1914 shortly after it was returned to England for an exhibition.

Since then, it has appeared and disappeared over and over again. The interpol, when it was founded a few years later in 1923, had their eyes fixed on the statue for years.

But after World War II, it was presumed either destroyed or lost forever.

It then appeared in 1955 in America - it was confiscated by the authorities but it was gone soon after. Lost again. The mafia had been under suspicion at the time, but no one knew since nothing could be proven.

Finally it resurfaced once again and was put on display in 1991. It was under private ownership, so the museum had to pay a lot of money to the owner.

An owner with clear links to the mafia.

The National Museum in Paris was more than capable of keeping it safe, but the owner had insisted on hiring his own security firm to boost security.

A security firm with known links to the mafia - family business is family business.

A lot of people were interested in the over 2 feet tall catwoman figurine. The ancient Egyptians had worshipped the cat as the child and servant of the lovable goddess Bastet - the goddess depicted in this statue. According to the scholars.

The statue showed a marvelous woman’s figure with a cat's beautiful head. Expert craftsmanship. All in gold and with gems and jewels to treasure her.

It had most certainly been the most sacred possession of either a cult or maybe a pharaoh in lower Egypt.

It had been valued as near priceless given its history, but an estimate for over 20 million US dollars was given.

This had made the owner very pleased.

Many people had come to the museum on this lovely day in June. Many families and children were about.

The current owner, a certain Mark Ragetti - a somewhat tall, yet skinny and very dark haired  man looked over the crowd. He was not pleased with the mob of simpletons and nobody’s coming to gawk at his most prized possession.

But it had all been setup in order to keep the law a little at distance from his family.

His father Anthony Ragetti, the head of the family and the business had chosen him to oversee this task.

Mark was dressed in an all black suit.

He had made his way to the display.

Man, did he love that statue.

A golden woman, standing tall, with the head and face of a cat, crowned with an Egyptian style headdress.

He loved looking at the statue.

He loved that he owned it.

He loved that by displaying it he had in essence tripled it’s value. But… he was not happy it had to be in the museum overnight.

He had asked, begged and threatened the museum's director to put it in the vault, but as the director had said, because of this new exhibition other displays had taken place in the vault.

Mark growled. At least it was only one night. One more day of display and then back to his own vault.

A woman knelt forward right next to him. A gorgeous woman dressed in a short purple summer dress.

Her huge breasts were hanging down and her mane of curly brown hair was kept in check by her huge sunglasses.

Mark looked her over again. Her ass was a masterpiece and he concluded he could use some company tonight. He removed his wedding ring from his hand and pocketed it.

He then waited for his chance. And there it was.

Woman: Marvelous… absolutely marvelous. I don’t know who owns this artwork, but he clearly is a friend of the people for displaying it.

Mark: Why thank you, my dear.

Mark smiled at the woman who looked up at him with her beautiful green blue eyes. Mark noticed her big juicy lips - he already began imagining how great they would feel around his cock tonight.

Woman: Huh? Are… are you…?

Mark: Mark Ragetti at your service, miss…?

Woman: Hill, Lucia Hill.

Mark: A pleasure. I am happy that my little contribution to the national treasure can be appreciated.

Lucia: Oh my dear mr. Ragetti, it’s men like you who give me hope for the future. If only everyone would understand how important it is to share art.

Mark smiled. This was gonna be easy.

Mark: I am merely trying to give something back. And please, please call me Mark.

Lucia blushed and smiled: Only if you will call me Lucia, Mark.

Mark placed a hand on Lucia’s lower back and let her away from the display.

Mark: Want to go someplace else? A little less crowded.

With a pleased look on his face, he took a feeling grab on her body.

Soft, yet firm - this was gonna be a good night.


Mark had cheated on his wife before, and would do so many times again.

In fact, he had more sex with other women outside his marriage than with the mother of his children.

To him marriage was not to stay faithful, but to make sex with other women more enjoyable.

Somewhere in his dark heart he loved his wife… somehow, but he didn’t much care for her. He had multiple mistresses and the odd lover once in a while, but this Lucia Hill, she put them all to shame.

Mark had brought her back to his hotel room. He had asked room service to bring up the best food and multiple bottles of champagne.

But Lucia had thrown herself at him, and he had not been able to comprehend her beauty. She was a goddess. And in the bed, she was wild.

The bottles of champagne had been wonderfully quickly emptied. Lucia had poured one over her breasts, with Mark’s head between her legs. He had been drinking the champagne off her pussy, like water from a waterfall.

Lucia kept craving more. No matter what Mark did to her, she always wanted more. Every time he came inside her, or down her throat, she kept sucking or turned around to suck him.

After several hours of endless fucking, Mark began feeling the exhaustion get to his head.

Lucia: Oh Mark.. you are the best man I’ve ever had! Fuck me! Keep fucking me!

An hour later, Mark was cradling Lucia and he buried his face between her gorgeous breasts which he right now loved more than his own children.

Lucia: Oh fuck, oh fuck!

Lucia grabbed hold of Mark’s neck and held him close to her breasts.


Mark came too, but as he tried to come up for air, he realized he couldn’t. Lucia’s breasts covered his entire face.

He tried to break free, but Lucia held him in a tight bear grip.


Mark kept struggling but… as he got an orgasm he saw lights dance across his eyes… his mind faded away and he lost all thoughts.


Lucia’s body was shaking. She was getting one hell of an orgasm - or… she made it seem so.

She saw the limp arm of Mark fall down and she smiled. She looked down between her breasts and giggled.

Lucia: Oh no… I seem to have fainted yet another lover…

Lucia finally let Mark fall down on the madras. He was still alive, but he was unconscious.

Lucia: How disappointing. Serial adulterer and you couldn’t even handle me for one entire night. Shameful.

Lucia stood up. She was dripping his cum out her vagina, but she didn’t even care.

Lucia: Urgh, at least he is virile enough.

Lucia walked over to her bag and pulled out a syringe and a sanitizer napkin. She removed the plastic tip with her mouth and turned over Mark in the bed so his buttocks were shown.

Lucia: This will make you sleep tight until morning.

She wiped his buttock with the napkin and stuck the needle in his ass, and emptied it in his system.

She put the syringe back in her bag and walked over to the phone.

She dialed a number and sat down on the bed.

A little later.

Lucia: Room service? Yes, I would love to order a wake-up call. 7:00 sharp. Thank you. Good night.

She put the phone down and walked into the bathroom. She cleaned herself and went into the bedroom again. She got dressed and took a look at Mark Ragetti’s belongings.

She found his wedding ring in his pocket: Tsk, tsk, tsk. Poor Mrs. Ragetti. That’s what you get from marrying mafiosos.

She took the ring - it was pure gold.

She found his wallet. It was stacked with British pounds.

She took them out and counted them.

Lucia: 2000 pounds. You are not afraid Mark. Any low whore would happily kill your ass for such a score. Fortunately, I will only rob you - so you think I just was a low whore.

She found some papers, that were the information papers of the statue.

Lucia: Jackpot.

Lucia put the papers in her bag and stood up.

Lucia: Now the annoying part is done, it’s time for the fun part.


Lucia was out the door and walked down the hall to the elevator. She went down a few floors. She went down a hall to another, cheaper room. Here she entered with her key and walked in.

She turned the light on and cued out in the room.

Lucia: Bonnie… pumpkin?

On the small bed a little toddler was stirring at her voice. The most lovely little girl looked up at her mother with the pacifier in her mouth.

Lucia Hill was not at all Lucia Hill. It was one of the many aliases of Tonnie Rockwaller - known professionally only as the Purple Cat.

On her bed was her youngest daughter - Bonnie Rockwaller. A little 2 year old toddler.

Bonnie sat up on her knees and lifted her hands towards her mom.

Bonnie: Mammam… mamam…

Tonnie: I’m here baby, mommy is right here.

Bonnie had been sleeping on half a sleeping pill for the last eight hours Tonnie had been gone. Tonnie had ensured nothing would come to happen. No housecleaning, no calls, no nothing. And it seemed her baby was finally ready to go.

Instinctively, Tonnie lifted her daughter and pulled out one of her breasts. Bonnie lost the pacifier and hungrily began suckling her mothers tits.

Mom and daughter sat for some hours until Bonnie had her fill. It allowed the dark to fall upon them and the city to grow calmer - which for Paris standards is still rather noisy.

Tonnie first had to change her baby’s diaper. She gave a quick cleaning and then she put her in a purple suit that matched her own.

Tonnie changed too. Into her dark purple suit, and then she put on a mask - a mask the shape of a cat’s face. It covered the top half of her face.

She looked at Bonnie who clapped her tiny hands. Tonnie bowed down and helped Bonnie into a strapped backpack so she could carry her with her.

Tonnie looked back at her daughter: Are you ready for the fun part?

Baby-Bonnie giggled. Tonnie placed the pacifier in her mouth and walked.

Tonnie went over to the window. She opened it, and with some skills, she exited the window, and began climbing the pipe next to her window.

The Hotel she and Mark were living in, was a huge older building. But she easily climbed the floors, sometimes looking in through the windows.

Most were empty or had people sleeping. But sometimes she came across a room where the occupants were enjoying the hot night of June in Paris.

One scene in particular caught her eye. A huge black man was ravishing a white woman who didn’t appear to be his wife.

In another two women - clearly prostitutes, were having a go on one lucky guy.

Tonnie: That is my beloved Paris.

She kept climbing.

She came to a crossover with another building and jumped to it. She crawled up to the ceiling and began running on the roof.

Paris was maybe the city of love, but it was a cat burglar's playground. The view of Paris at night was gorgeous. Tonnie saw it from an angle most people would never see. On the rooftops, she saw it as a treasure chest.

The glimmering lights of the city made the effect all the more realistic.

The Museum was only a few blocks away. Bonnie was giggling, she enjoyed this part.

Tonnie was safe on her feet. And though she was more careful than usual, she did jump several times to give Bonnie a joy in her ride.

Tonnie: Did you like that baby?

Bonnie giggled.

Tonnie kept moving. As she approached the museum she crouched to get a view. She withdrew a binocular from one of her many bags.

Tonnie: Okay… the security is tighter than usual. I might need your help baby, once we are inside.

Bonnie: Gah-Gah!

Tonnie: Exactly baby.

Tonnie packed the binocular away again.

A bus came by. It was gonna stop right in front of the building they were on.

Tonnie: That is our ride.

Tonnie crawled to the edge. A route was calculated in her mind. She would jump down and out on the balcony right below her, run along the flagpole, from that to the light stand and there to the bus.

And as the bus hissed and started driving she leaped.

Down to the balcony. She jumped to the flag pole and ran it like a cat. With a leap she reached the light, and then another leap, she landed completely soundless on the bus.

Her metal claws on her gloves ensured she wouldn’t slide. She flattened herself so she wouldn’t draw attention. The bus would only drive part of the way to the museum ahead.

She would need to jump to another vehicle.

A truck came up the outer lane, with more speed. Tonnie took the opportunity as soon as it was close, and then…

Another perfect landing. The truck was driving mildly faster, so her hair was waving behind her.

She was close enough to the museum now. She had come around to it’s backside. Here it was darker.

A tall wall was the first line of defense. Tonnie merely jumped to it and then continued to jump into the bushes on the other side.

Tonnie: Bon-Bon…

Tonnie whispered to her daughter.

Tonnie: This is the quiet part. Shhh…


Tonnie crawled through the bushes to the side of the left wing of the museum. She crawled a tree to get an overview.

Guards were patrolling. Guards in white shirts and hats.

These were the ordinary museum guards. Ordinary folk. Law orbiting citizens. These she wouldn’t harm.

The doors were out of the question. Too well protected. She had noticed a window in the cafeteria kitchen which had no sensors on it.

Worth a shot - she thought.

The trip to the cafeteria was long, especially because of the many guards. One time a guard sneezed and Tonnie had made a trip into a bush. He had looked suspiciously over at the bush, and just as he was walking over in their direction, Tonnie had let out a little: ‘Miauw… Miauw…’

The guard had shaken his head and rolled his eyes. In French he had said: Damn cats… they are everywhere.

As he was well out of trouble, Tonnie continued.

The kitchen.

The soft spot in the museum. The window was even a little open. A security hasp had been put in place, but with her claw, Tonnie could unbuckle it.

She had to toil for a few seconds, but finally it came loose.

She opened the window and toiled with getting in. It was rather small, and her big breasts and big juicy ass had to be wiggled in.

From anyone outside it would have been quite the scene - a wonderful one to be sure. Tonnie’s ass was marvelous.

Bonnie in her backpack was already inside, and looked at her mom’s problems. Almost a little belittling - like she was judging her.

Tonnie: Don’t look at me like that, Bon-Bon. I didn’t always have such motherly hips, you know. Those are yours and your sisters doing.

Finally her butt was inside - before she had her girls she would have slit in rather easily.

She had just managed to close the window again when a guard rounded the corner and made her crouch again.

The guard looked in the windows with his flashlight, but Tonnie was well out of his angle.

He then moved on. Tonnie looked out to see if he was gone and he was. She sent him a kiss. In a way, she loved the guards.

They were partially what made this fun.

In fact… they were the reason she always wore sexy lingerie on these heists.

If she had to, she would gladly have sex with them in order to escape. But first, they would have to catch her.

She loved the chase.

In her eyes, it was a long and wonderful tease.

Tonnie walked through the kitchen.

It was clean and very nice. A little uncomfy, but this was a kitchen for a museum restaurant, not a home.

She made her way to a door used by personnel. But it was locked.

Tonnie: Merdé!

Tonnie looked around. No other way.

Tonnie: It would also have been too easy otherwise.

She crouched and pulled out a lock pick from the bag on her leg.

It was trivial, it was boring, but she could do it in her sleep. She had done it so many times before.

Tonnie: No respect for us burglars anymore. It’s such an insult to lock these pesky little doors. As if we can’t easily pick them.

The Purple Cat made her way through the hall and into another door. This was also locked, but she didn’t have to pick it, just turn the lock on the door to open.

She now stood in a poorly lit hallway in the museum. The only lamps still lit were the emergency lights that never went dark.

She wasn’t too far from the statue, but she had only been inside for a minute, when the first goon came by her. His footsteps were loud and he pretty much stank of cheap deodorant.

Tonnie crept into a hiding space behind a statue of a muscular man.

The goon was dressed in a dark suit and looked not at all kind. He was a mafia guard. These Tonnie despised. She saw he was also armed.

The guard passed them, and she moved on.

To avoid any too much attention she climbed a column and crawled on the ceiling with her claws.

Beams crossed over and they gave her a platform to walk on to the big hall where the Golden Bastet statue was kept.

When she finally was there, she saw a bunch of goons surrounding it. She watched them for over ten minutes and there were constantly at least two gorillas guarding her prize.

Tonnie: Damn… They aren’t as dumb as they look… then again… who could be that dumb…?

A timer on her hand showed her 3:45.

Tonnie: Damn… We don’t have too much time to waste, Bon-Bon.

Bonnie had pushed a little of her mothers mane aside.

She had used her tiny finger on her left hand to point down on her mothers boobs.

Bonnie: Mam-Mam?

Tonnie: Later, Bon-Bon, later. It’s snack time later.

Bonnie was getting hungry again. And it was understandable that she was hungry, she was a growing girl, but she had to wait. In all other instances Tonnie had let her come to, but…

Actually, Bonnie had given Tonnie an idea.

Tonnie: Oh, you are a genius, my little angel.


The two goons who stood guard barely moved.

Then one of them heard a sound.

Goon 1: What the heck?

Goon 2: Go check it out.

He went after the noise.

He followed it to a little hall not too far away. There he found, in the light of a flashlight… a baby??

Goon 1: What the…

The baby was sobbing and robbing its eyes with it’s small hands.

The goon noticed how cute the baby was and a new father himself, he knelt down to lift the little thing up.

Goon 1: Easy, easy there, little one. What on earth are you doing here?

Tonnie: I do love a man, who can handle children.

That was the last the goon heard before he was knocked out cold. Tonnie had kicked him over the back of his head.

Bonnie instantly gleamed at the sight of her mother. Tonnie placed her back in the bag.

Tonnie groped the goon all over, and she found what she was looking for. A hip flask. She opened it and smelled.

Tonnie: Strong Whiskey. Perfect.

She poured it over his face, hair and dappled it in his clothes and then placed it in his hand. Then she moved on.

The other goon stood a little uneasy and waited for his comrade. But he didn’t want to leave his post to go look for him.

He had gotten nervous. Every little sound made him jerk.

He decided to stroll around a bit. To free his thoughts.

He hated night watches like this. But it was his job.

He felt a little tap on his shoulder. He turned around and expected to see his comrade. But instead he saw the face of a gorgeous woman. She smiled at him.

Tonnie: Evening Handsome.

The goon reached for his gun belt, but as he did, the woman jumped and locked her legs around his back and trapped his arms. He hadn’t even touched the gun. As he tried to toss her off he fell to the floor.

That didn’t help him. If anything, it made Tonnie tighten her grip.

He tried to scream, but his cry was muzzled in her breasts.

Tonnie: Easy, easy… go to sleep big man. Go to sleep.

Tonnie pressed her breasts up against his face so hard, and with her strong arms she managed to suffocate him between her breasts, but he struggled.

Tonnie: Just give in… just give in… that’s it… the more you fight, the sooner you sleep… good boy… good boy…

He became still.

Tonnie removed her tits from his face, and saw he had passed out.

Tonnie: Hmm, remember Bonnie, not every adventure with a man ends in climax.

Tonnie stood up.

She had removed Bonnie from her bag before she took on the other goon.

She consulted the timer on her wrist.

4:30 the time was flying. In a few hours the sun would rise. And she had a flight to catch.

Tonnie went for the exhibition display. Nothing but a mere montre of glass was in her way now.

Her right hand claws were placed on the glass and she turned her hand in a circular motion. The diamond tips carved a perfect circle in the glass. She gently pushed it in, and caught it before it hit the statue.

Then she placed it up the side of the montre and with a firm, experienced hand, she guided out the heavy gold statue of Bastet.

Bonnie was watching her mommy work. She gently chewed on her pacifier.

Tonnie now had the statue out of the montre and she took a second to behold the statue in all its glory.

Tonnie: What a Marvel. Even prettier outside the montre.

Tonnie knelt down and placed it in the bag next to Bonnie. They were separated by a memory foam barrier. Bonnie didn’t mind.

Tonnie: Now, we go home.

Tonnie lifted the bag with her loot and her daughter and kissed her daughters nose.

The way back had to be hastened, because the other goons would soon discover their fallen comrades. But as Tonnie was leaving through the window in the kitchen she still heard no sounds of an alarm.

In fact, she was running back on the top of the houses of Paris before she saw the first police cars run through the city to the museum under the rising sun.

She smiled. And kept running back to the hotel.

Getting in was easier than out. On the rooftop there was a door that let her enter the hotel. She went down the emergency staircase and came to her own floor. Before she went into the hotel, she stripped out of her suit. She was now only standing in her sexy lingerie.

She removed her mask and put it all in the bag. She had removed Bonnie from the bag and carried her on her arm.

Seeing a half naked woman with a baby on her arm this early in the morning would raise no suspicion - not in Europe.

As Tonnie had stripped Bonnie had pointed to her mothers boobs.

Bonnie: Mam-mam?

Tonnie: Soon Bonnie, very soon.

She found her room and checked the time - 5:30

Tonnie: We have to hurry Bon-Bon.

Tonnie removed the lingerie and pulled her daughter out of her suit. She took her into the shower. After a quick bath, they went in to get dressed. Bonnie got the loveliest little gown and stockings.

Tonnie got herself a daring and beautiful summer dress worthy of Paris.

She then brought out the pram for Bonnie and placed her in it. She then placed the golden statue next to Bonnie and placed her teddy bear over it so no one could see it.

Tonnie then kissed her daughter, who kissed her back, and she gave her the pacifier.

The phone rang in her room. She checked the time - 6:00 Right on time.

Tonnie: Hello?

Clerk: Goodmorning Madam. This is the phone awakening.

Tonnie: Oh thank you. Please check out my room. I am leaving.

Clerk: Of course Madam.

Tonnie let the phone down. She put on her sunglasses and strolled out the room with the pram.

An hour later, Tonnie was strolling through a park smiling all over her face.


Mark growled.

His head was hurting like hell, and his entire body was sore.

Mark: Holy Hell… What the fuck…

The phone kept ringing. He reached for it, angry and sour.

Mark: WHAT?!

Clerk: Goodmorning Monsieur. This is the phone awakening.

Mark: I didn’t fucking ask for it.

Mark hammered the phone onto its place.

Mark: Urgh, Lucia… that was your name right? Why the hell did you ask for a phone awakening?

Mark padded the bed next to him, but found it empty. He lifted his head.

The bed was empty, without him of course. He looked around. There was no trace of Lucia.

Mark: Oh fuck!

Mark flung his legs over the bed’s side and he found his wallet, and he of course found it empty.

Mark: Fucking whore!

She had left him his cards, so he still had money, but damn was he furious. 2000 pounds out the window… she had been good though, but damn!

The phone rang again. He marched over and picked it up.


He hammered it on again. He stretched his back to relieve his stomach ache. Damn was he feeling nauseous and ill.

The phone rang again.

Mark: Okay, what the hell…

He took it again.

Mark: What!?

There was a silence as he sank down on the bed. The scolding he would get from his bloody wife when he got home was…

Mark: Say that again…

Deadly silence.

Mark: WHAT!?


Tonnie strolled through the park.

In the early morning there were only a handful of people, but a strolling policeman noticed the fine lady and the pram and lifted his hat for her.

Policeman: Bonjour Madame.

Tonnie: Bonjour Monsieur. Oh, what a wonderful morning.

Policeman: Indeed Madame. Indeed. You and yours are out early I must say.

Tonnie: We had a long night, and craved some fresh air.

The policeman came over to look down at the pram to congratulate the woman with her baby. He had done this so many times with so many babies. They never were quite as cute as… wow…

Little baby Bonnie looked up at the Policeman with her beaming green eyes, and let out a giggling grin. She had a good grip on one of her feet and looked absolutely wonderful.

Policeman: Aww just look at you. You are even prettier than you mommy. And she is an absolute peach.

Tonnie giggled: Thank you, Monsieur.

Policeman: Your daughter is an angel, Madame. You are very blessed.

Tonnie smiled again.

The policeman looked down at Bonnie again: Enjoy your walk with you mommy, little darling.

Tonnie: Thank you Mr. Policeman. Au Revoir.

Policeman: Au Revoir, Madame.

The Policeman watched the amazing ass of the wonderful woman walk away. He had seldom seen anything that pretty, even here in Paris.

Tonnie walked through the Park until she reached a discrete little road with a bench. Another road was on the other side of the bench. And there was another bench. A man and a woman were sitting on it. With an empty push-chair. It could be a slightly scary scene. But Tonnie expected this.

Tonnie stopped the pram. And pulled up Bonnie and her teddy bear. She sat down on the bench and finally Bonnie could get her breakfast. Tonnie removed a strop for her dress and one of her breasts popped out. Bonnie happily began suckling.

Tonnie waited a few minutes until Bonnie was suckling less hungrily.

Then she looked out on the river, and enjoyed the view.

Tonnie: It’s done.

She said it out loud.

A sound of a gasp and hush was heard from behind her.

Tonnie: Don’t look. If you look I will tell them who to find, and where they will get it back.

A woman’s voice silenced the worried tones of the man next to her.

Silence again.

Tonnie: Do you have the money?

Woman: We do. 5 million dollars. American. Put into an account on the Cayman isles. And 2.5 million dollars in this bag under the Push-chair. And one ticket on First Class with Air France to Upperton USA. It leaves in 1 hour.

Tonnie: And security clearance?

Woman: Of course. You will pass through without any check. Go to the diplomat entrance and show them the ticket. The government of France and the artistic and historic society thanks you for your service.

Tonnie nodded.

The man's voice was heard to clear his throat. He obviously had something to say.

The woman tried to get him to let it go.

Tonnie: What?

The man cleared his voice again before he talked.

Man: You… you clearly seem to know what you are doing… but… I have to ask… why did you volunteer to help us get the stolen statue back? Why didn’t you just keep it for yourself?

There was long silence. Tonnie could sense their tension. They were afraid. Frankly they had agreed on no questions asked.

Man: I mean… 7.5 million dollars, isn’t even half of the statue's value. Why settle with less?

Tonnie sighed: Sometimes, less is more.

Her words produced a silence again.

Tonnie smiled: I may be a thief… But I do consider myself an honest one. I only steal from criminals… and only when it is worth it. That statue was stolen. Now you have bought it back… much cheaper than anything the mafia would release it for. Take it, or leave it.


Tonnie couldn’t see it, but a sound of moving fabric ensured her the man was nodding.

Tonnie: Do we have it settled?

Woman: We do… we do.

Tonnie: Good.

Bonnie had stopped eating and was ready to nap. Tonnie placed the strap on her shoulder again.

Tonnie: When I tell you, you stand up, and both go to your right around the tree. You turn the pram 180 degrees and walk away. The statue is in the pram. You don’t look back. Understood?

Woman: Understood.

Tonnie: Good. And try to act like a couple out walking the baby. So no one looks down at the pram. You might be a little tense, and that is good. Maybe you had a fight this morning. Less people will be inclined to look at your ‘child’.

Woman: Understood.

Tonnie: Good.

Tonnie took the teddy bear and the small suitcase and stood up.

Tonnie: Stand up.

She heard two people stand.

Tonnie: And… walk.

She heard them walk, and she walked over to the push-chair. She placed Bonnie in it and saw in the basket underneath was a fine red bag with wheels. She opened it slightly and saw it was stuffed to the boom with money. She closed it again.

She heard the man and woman attempt to turn the pram around. Neither had kids it seemed, so they struggled a bit.

Tonnie pushed the push-chair further down the path and walked away.

Half an hour's walk later she found the place to open the bag and look inside. It was filled with money. She found the ticket in the front pocket. She placed it in her handbag.

There was also a letter from the French President. She decided that was reading for the airplane.

She kept walking.

She soon came to a more traveled road. The traffic was beginning to wake up.

Here she walked over to a taxi.

Tonnie: Excuse me, can you get me to the airport quickly? I completely forgot the time, and I have to be there in less than an hour.

The taxi driver looked her over - he was almost a perfect cartoon character. Short stature, black curly hair under a cap. A cigarette in the mouth and unshaven.

He smiled at the sight of Tonnie.

Jean-Pierre: Of course, mon chéri. Of course. Jean-Pierre will get you there in only 15 minutes. Guaranteed.

The driver nodded and Tonnie smiled at him. He placed her bags and the push chair in the trunk and ‘helped’ her inside the backseat.

Tonnie felt how he groped and grabbed her ass, but she didn’t mind.

Inside, they drove away.

The morning traffic was easy.

The driver turned up the radio, because there was an announcement.

There was breaking news about the robbery of the museum tonight. The thief had apparently overpowered several of the private security guards and stolen the magnificent Golden Bastet statue.

Tonnie covered her mouth in feigned surprise: Oh my goodness…

Jean-Pierre: Goodness me… another robbery… Geesh this city really has a knack of collecting them. I don’t know if you’ve heard of this mam, but there was also a famous jewelry store that was robbed not two days ago.

Tonnie: Really??

Jean-Pierre: Diamonds and rubies worth over a million dollars. That’s almost 6 million Francs.

Tonnie: Good heavens… is that normal here?

Jean-Pierre: No mam, no. Paris is a city of life, and though it’s maybe a little scary for a little lady like you, it’s nothing to panic over. You just feed your little baby there, and good old Jean-Pierre will get ya safely to the airport.

Tonnie smiled and decided to play the dumb broad and pulled out a tit for Bonnie to suckle.

She did notice Jean-Pierre once or twice missed a green light.

Before too long, she was at the airport and she walked directly to the diplomat entrance. She showed her ticket and the guard cleared it.

She walked directly onto the airplane. No security check. No control.

She then was taken to her first class seat and here she was served a drink and some delicacies.

10 hours later… Tonnie landed in Upperton Airport.

A taxi drive later, she entered her own home. And put Bonnie to bed. She was still hugging her teddy bear.

Tonnie walked over to her neighbours - the Stoppables.

She rang the door.

Mrs. Stoppable opened the door.

Andrea: Oh Tonnie, you are home.

Tonnie: Yes I am.

Andrea: How was your trip?

Tonnie: Long, very long. Where are my babies?

Andrea: Girls, girls, your mom is here!

The sound of kids running came to her. Connie and Lonnie, her two 7 year olds ran to her in order to hug her. Tonnie grabbed them both and swung them around.

Connie & Lonnie: Mommy!

Tonnie: Oh my babies, my darlings, my princesses!

Tonnie began kissing them all over.

Tonnie kept thanking Andrea and asked if they had been in any trouble.

Andrea: None at all. They have been absolutely wonderful to have in the house. And they are always welcome.

Tonnie: Good, but we have to go, I left Bonnie home alone. Say good night, girls.

Connie & Lonnie: Good night, Andrea!

Andrea: Good night girls. Sleep well.


Back home Tonnie tucked her girls to sleep in their own bed. She kissed them good night. She knew they would sneak into her later, but that was the point.

She then walked into her own bedroom. She took Bonnie’s teddy bear, and sat over on her bed.

She opened the back with a special zipper, and turned it around. A small cotton bag dropped out. She closed the teddy bear again, and gave it back to Bonnie in the cradle.

She opened the cotton bag and the most wonderful sight of diamonds and rubies shined back at her.

Tonnie: I may consider myself an honest thief, but I am still a thief.

A lovely and big ruby the size of a plum caught her eye.

Tonnie then took the bag with the money.

She knew such a small bag couldn’t have a transmitter in it. She moved the money to the bed and began counting. Mostly for fun. It would take too long to count all 2.5 million. But she did enjoy holding the stacks of dollar bills in her hand.

It had been a very profitable business venture.

The Purple Cat might have had kittens, but she was still at the top of her game.

Tonnie packed the money and the jewels away in her hidden safe in her walk-in. In fact, her safe was a walk-in safe. Here were gold bars, jewels, gems and stacks of dollar bills. For now she just placed the bags with money and gems inside it. She would place it all when she had time tomorrow.

Bonnie: Mam-Mam…

Tonnie looked around. Her baby Bonnie had crawled out of her barred cradle and followed her.

Tonnie: My, my, my little Bon-Bon.

Tonnie picked up her baby.

Tonnie: I think you are a real cat burglar in the making.

Bonnie: Mam-Mam.

Tonnie: Okay okay…

Tonnie removed her nightgown so Bonnie could get to her breasts all night.

Tonnie: You have earned it.

A little later, Tonnie felt two small people come into her bed.
It was Connie and Lonnie. They snuggled up to their mother and sister and began sleeping. The Purple Cat and her kittens slept in peace.

The End.




This was a good read, look forward to more.

stephane aubertin

1 great story hoping to read more of it maybe about queen La im little curious about her and 2 your english is very good actually is better then mine english ( i speak french)


Does bonnie has the skills to become the next purple cat?


When it comes to skills and training, Bonnie can easily compete with her mom. She is not afraid of heights and she is also good with reflexes. Where Bonnie lacks is in attention span. She is not good at the quiet time parts as she has grown up. She is easily lured by objects she wants and she is not too careful to mind her surroundings. But with a little tutoring from her mom, her instincts might kick in. So yeah, Bonnie could become the next cat burglar, but she might chose a different color, just not to copy her mom ;)