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Now this is a story about how La had to leave her cozy home and go to a meeting on her sons school with an incident.

Nothing major. Only a slight rumble and a disagreement. Implicit is La’s oldest son R’an Stoppable, prince of Opar and the daughter of Middleton Major, Penelope Clark.

It was just an accident, but the kids reaction was not favorable. Therefore, a parent from each was called to help settle the disagreement.

Queen La and Mrs Clark both agreed it was just an accident, and the kids both were to blame for the tussle. Both also agreed the kids should share their punishment for inappropriate behavior.  
A week‘s detentions together.

Kids will be kids.
And every great relationship is built on a conflict.

( I think the situation is completely innocent. They ran into each other or something and began wrestling. Kids stuff.)

I hope you like this first look on R’an.

yours truly




this actually looks well and can see that happening now

Jaguar Man

Could you give some information about the differing personalities between Ron Jr., Thomas, Alex, and R'an? I'm guessing Thomas will be taking after her mother and becoming a mischievous, handsome master thief, and R'an will be very prideful and wild, basically like a young king.