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Hello everyone.

Meet an Amazon OC for an upcoming chapter of RSAHNP.

Pythia - the Oracle of the Amazon’s.

Now in Greek mythology - if it interests you I can warmly recommend Mythos by Stephen Fry. It is absolutely lovely and gives a very delicate description of the major deities in the pantheon - Apollo is the patron of Oracles. He is indeed incapable of lying himself, but he rarely gives the whole truth.

The Oracle of Delphi was once said to get the information of the future directly from Apollo himself.

Pythia in the story of RSAHNP will be an empathetic and lovely character - indeed, I honestly think knowing the future is not at all wonderful or even a blessing. Sure, to us mere mortals it might come in handy… until we experience it first hand.

I think the show American Dragon explained it rather clever by making the oracle twins polar opposites.
One dark and gloomy, one bright and cheery. Oddly we might think Is it, that the dark and gloomy sister sees all the good things that happen to her before it happens, and the happy cheery sister sees all the bad things that happen to her before it happens.
Now why would that be?
Well when all your positive surprises are taken from you, you are only surprised by all bad things happening to you… so life becomes… dark?
And the other way around, life becomes bright, when all surprises, are indeed happy…

It actually made sense to me, and it was one of the few things I was impressed with the show of American Dragon. Whoever wrote it, had a good perspective of life.

In the same way, I see Pythia’s situation as rather a tragic one. She serves a purpose. She has a role in her society, in fact… she is the one making a prophecy of Ron’s arrival at a point, and that he shall be the mate of the ruler of the Amazons.

Like all Greek mythology style prophecies, it’s not all the truth, but it is all Pythia will see.
And like all Greek mythology style prophecies, no matter if you embrace it or try to prevent it, it will come true, no matter what.

Pythia is a kind and gentle character, and wouldn’t you know… her ‘gift’ for a lack of a better word, is not one she has necessarily all her life. It is bound to her chastity. If she is touched by a man, her gift is forfeit and she will no longer see the future.
Therefore, Pythia is under constant watch by guards to ensure she doesn’t loose her ‘Gift’.

I hope you like her design.

Again, I am not sure yet, and her tattoos are a test. I know she will have some ornaments, but again, I am still polishing her design.

Yours truly




I can't wait to read these events unfold.

Jaguar Man

Being too fixated on the future can distract from the present! I think the problem with prophecy is how vague they are, and how they sometimes devalue the will of people! Ron is someone I consider to be a hero, but I think one of his problems is the fact that it was only destiny and prophecy that give him mystical power. Then again, he did go through hard work to earn his strength. I can already kind of see where Pythia's story is leading. I am digging the bald look!


Yeah I remember that part with the American Dragon show and it worked quite well. Now with fortune telling/future sight, one should often research into many things so they won't misinterpret a number of details on visions unless they are outright plain as day on what they are seeing. And there's also details with semantics and interpretations which are often annoying to consider.