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We have all tried it I think.
Either for a water slide, or for a roller coaster, or for the West coast‘s best churros.

All the lines, lines LINES!
(sorry I hate sounding like Cartman)

But when you are a couple, the time flies a little faster, especially if you are creative.

Now I don’t know who came up with this idea, Ann or Ron, but whoever did was mildly genius.
Okay, I can see all the flaws in this scenario, but if we say the line is packed (in the final drawing, making this a big drawing in the end) then they are less likely to be discovered, especially if they are inside.
Like the line for the Pirates of the Caribbean in Euro Disney (Disney Land Paris) (That‘s the Disney Land I remember the best.)

I can’t imagine this taking place in Disney Land. But perhaps in some other amusement park on some island paradise.

I hope you like it.

Yours truly




yeah there would indeed be a flaw with this scenario, only would work if the line wasn't exactly moving at all and the place is jammed pack where no one could really notice any debachery happening


Right, that I forgot to mention. I want a sign in the back ground saying: “From this point 1 hour wait” And they deliberately forgot fast pass.