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I know, I know. We are way past Halloween. But here in Denmark where I live, we celebrate something we call ‘Fastalavn’.
It has it’s origin as a fast for the holidays, but has long been a favorite for the kids, since they get to dress up and ask for candy and play a ton of games, like the other fun time known as Halloween.

I am grown up with Fastalavn, so I get into this candy-dress up silly mood at this time of the year, and not in November. Sorry. Cultures are not always easy to understand.

I am warming up to Halloween. Simply because it gives people more time without Christmas songs and carols and decorations a reason to wait long past October. Before we took Halloween to us here in Denmark some stores would begin preparing for Christmas in August... it was horrible.

It took some time warming up to Halloween. It is still taking a little time adjusting it, but I guess it comes in small parts.


I saw some kids preparing for the Danish holiday here and wanted to draw this. Of course with a reference to our story of RSAHNP. It is mostly the kids who dress up, but there are occasionally adults who entertain their kids. This year with lockdowns and less work it means the parents has time to kill, so... I guess that is why some my age are dressing up... Urgh... my age... Urgh... why do I keep doing this to myself...

Anyhoo Anyhoo.

Here we have Ron‘s daughter with Shego - Athena and her other mother Ann Possible.
(Please note that all the children of Ron call all the women in the harem a form of mother. They understand that they have one mother who gave birth to them, but they are born into this environment and sees it as completely normal. All the mothers of their many siblings are also their mothers, and the many ’pets’ of Ron eagerly share the duties of motherhood.)

Athena like her father, loves Halloween more than any other holiday perhaps next to Christmas. Athena also has her mothers winner mentality - or rather sense for perfection.
The more candy, the better.
And Athena quickly learns if she brings one of her many mothers on her trick or treating then she gets more candy if she dress up her mom in something daring.
This time, she has dressed up Ann as Morticia Addams. I just watched the new animated movie with the famous, Mysterious and all together Ooky family - and I loved it.

I have always loved Morticia Addams. The animated show from Cartoon Network was a little odd to me, mostly because when I saw it the first time I was about 6 and it was in English - to me then, a foreign language that I did not at all understand.
I had to learn it first, and by the time I understood enough English they had dubbed it to Danish.

Like so much else, I liked it not so much because of the comedy but because of the animation and the style. The show on CN was back then pretty amazing. Today... Maybe not so much in comparison.

I would like to apologize. I have been feeling very tired in these last couple of days. Being a little worried I decided to rest more than usual. I have also not been feeling too creative, and I am the type of person who often forgets what is important for myself.
I really want to upload daily but it is hard to keep up production at a steady pace. I don’t want to scare or discourage.
I am just a little stuck at the moment, but sometimes doing something completely different can help a lot.

I hope you understand.
The comic is still going strong and I am working on the first page of chapter 3.
I have just been a little exhausted lately and needed a breather.

I am immensely thankful for all your support. It really means the world to me.
Stay safe.

Yours truly




Your main priority should be yourself. No sense in burning yourself out otherwise the story will never be completed. Get Well Soon :)

Jaguar Man

The kids and this huge, fun family are the best part of this series in my opinion. While fanservice and this naughty kind of forbidden romances is great too, the wholesome end of everyone coming together and putting their differences aside to raise a family is really sweet. And yeah, please take your time. I actually like the breathers. Trust me, this picture of Ann alone should leave people feeling satisfied for quite some time.