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Happy first of December everyone.

I hope I can make this December month my most productive December ever.
I wont make promises, but hope this drawing spree I am in will last long.

I want to tell you all how much I appreciate your support. It really means the world to me.

Here is the first ever drawing of the one episode only Appearance, Heather.
Now Ron calls her Hottie Heather, and I think it is a rather good name for her. Suitable and catchy...

Perhaps it’s just my ego playing in...

Anyway, I hope you noticed that I have made some alterations to her design. I kept drawing her in a more usual hair cut, but it was a sore look to me. I fact, I felt she looked too much like a Kim/Vivian combo and it wouldn’t have it. I tried a new hair cut - lets face it, stars gets them all the time, so it’s not too radical.
I ended up liking the result. I hope you like it too.

Yours truly

