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To all Patrons, I wish you all a really good time, here in the ending of a (dare I say it) really remarkable year. And yet the earth still stands -fortunately.

This is my very first post, and I have absolutely no idea of how to do it, so I'll do it the only way I know how. Short, polite and in a hopefully friendly tone, cause that is exactly what I seek in here.
Creative minds that think not alike, but in different patterns. I seek critics that understand the hardships of the creative process, and I seek a way to further my own skills and depend my passions of the arts.
My skills are limited at this moment, mostly due to some medical problems of my own. It will pass, possibly and I hope to come through it and hopefully a new person on the other side.

To all in here, this is a big step for me, and this day, seemed the right for a new beginning.
Happy holidays everyone.

And the deepest heartwarming regards.

Henrik H. Hedemann.


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