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Hey everyone.

The day has come around again. The earth has once again tripped around the sun with break-necking speed on the day my mom got to deliver me a few weeks late. 😂

Is it any wonder everyone keeps forgetting?

Hehehe, no not really, but I think it’s a good trait for Tonnie to be a little forgetful about such things. Not to her own children of course, that is just plain cruel.

But when it comes to the men in her life - in this case the artist that makes her… she sometimes forgets the day and… she uses her assets to… to… make me… forget… Uh… What was I talking about?

(Shakes head)

Bwwwwrrr… Oh man… it still works! I nearly forgot myself!


I hope you like it!

Yours truly




Alexander Pontier

Happy Birthday, may the Rockwells visit you today!


Happy Birthday man. Hope you have another good year ahead of you.