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Freja is taking her mom on a stroll.

That’s gonna end well… 🤭

I hope you enjoy this quick sketch.

Sorry, been figuring a lot of stuff out in my real world problems.

I hope you are doing well.

Yours truly




The Incredible Bray

I have so many questions about Bastet being Freja’s mother.

Runus Brewblade

My Two favorite goddesses 😍 but do tell how is Bastet Freja's mother? I thought Skadi was?


Skadi was married to Njord long after Frej and Freja was born. They were adults at that time. She is like their - step mother.

Lovell Padden Maychrzak

I have an inquiry. How is an Egyptian goddess the progenitor of one from a completely different pantheon???


What’s so weird about it? Her mythology is older than the one Freja sprung from. I would have found it weird if I had made her Freja’s daughter.

Teh Wen Khiey

Hmmm, so are all the pantheons going to be interconnected in the RSAHNP universe?🤔