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Hello Everyone.

I am back home from vacation. ❤️

It was a lovely trip. Amazing folks the Canadians and the Americans. Fascinating and interesting people. Truly.

The F1 race went amazingly. I am not a huge Geek but I do enjoy the races when watching them with my father and brother. And there is an undeniable charm going to the racing tracks to see them live.

The weather was possibly why the race was so interesting. The rain made it difficult for the drivers. Heheh… oh the rain… of course it had to fall on the days of the race. Before that we had high blue sky and warm temperatures. But nope. The weather gods have other plans.

Well… I am back, and… have difficulties with my equipment. It’s gonna take another day or two before I am well up to drawing speed, but it is what it is.

I can still write though, and I have been… a lot… as you might have seen 🤭 I dunno what came over me.

But… I was asked a question by a patron. If my Draca was Draco turned into a girl by a spell or potion or just a version of Draco where he was born a girl.

Well… That had me thinking. And I concluded that Draca Malfoy is Draco born as a girl.


What would Draco be called if he was turned into a girl?

Well… I thought… He/She should be called: Dracoline.

And that… is what this next writing is about.

I hope you will enjoy 😊

Yours truly



 Harry was looking at the pot he was brewing the potion inside. It was a very forbidden and very dangerous potion he was making. But the Halfblood Prince book let him not doubt that it was done correctly.

Harry had to go and get the potion in the restricted section of the library. But it had been fairly simple. He just had to fuck the mind out of Madam Irma Pince and he was good to go. Finding the book without her aide had been the real trouble of the task.

Irma had been so completely outfucked - probably because it had been years since she had last been filled with cum from a wizard - that she couldn’t even say her own name let alone help Harry find anything in the vast library.

Harry therefore had to wander the restricted section with the spell now lifted over the sealed books, so he was free to find the right one.

It took some time, but finally he found the book the Halfblood Prince had mentioned as the “Epical Prank Potion”.

“Impossible Transformations and their repercussions, by Herman Frodicus.”

Harry pulled the book down and opened the book on the page mentioned in the Halfblood Prince’s book.

There it was. Harry smiled a grin.

This was surely to put down Draco a notch or two.

It took several weeks to prepare the potion.

He had to gather the ingredients at the right time of day, and with the correctly prepared instruments. Including a basket that had been coated with the love juices of a fully satisfied woman, and a scissor that had seen the full moon mirrored in a lake. And finally when he had everything on the list he had made the potion in one of the bathroom stalls of the school.

Harry pulled the spoon up to tell if it had been brewed correctly. If so, the potion wouldn’t drip at all when he poured it back into the mass in the pot.

And wouldn’t you know it. The Orange brew didn’t drip a single time.

“Yes!” Harry said and poured it into a bottle.

“This will show Draco who is boss around here.”

Harry had a long history with Draco Malfoy. The two had been bitter enemies since their first day at Hogwarts University.

Draco had been a thorn in his side for too long. But this would make Draco think twice before humiliating him again.

Harry went planning.

 Draco had to ingest the potion. He needed to drink it.

It was... almost dumb how easy it was to get him to drink it. Draco never looked before he drank his pumpkin juice in the morning. All Harry had to do was bump into him, pour it in the glass, and then watch the results unfold.

Harry bumped, Draco insulted, Harry was laughed at, they walked each their way and Harry got into position so he could enjoy the performance.

—————————- Now my dear reader... we are going to tell two different stories. So please... hold your horses.

Harry was watching Malfoy so carefully, that even Draco noticed. He knew that something had happened when Harry had bumped into him... he just... didn’t know... what... For some reason he didn’t wanna touch any of his food... nor his drink. He saw... that the glass was almost overflowing. He hadn’t poured that much inside of it... he had a little idea.

He leaned in to his friends, Crabbe and Goyle.

“Guys... meet me out in the back of the hall...” He said. “I have something I

Draco stood up and took his glass with him.

He noticed out the back of his eye that Potter was following him closely.

He walked outside.

And Harry was left behind... baffled.

“Excuse me for a sec,” Harry said to his friends as he jumped up from his seat and ran out the back to follow Malfoy.

“Bring back more sausages!” Ron yelled with a stuffed face. Hermione looked at him with deadly eyes.

Harry walked out the back and scoured down the halls to see where Malfoy went. As he rounded a corner he was jumped by two huge persons. He resisted, but it was futile. Crabbe and Goyle were not only larger than him, they were stronger too. They held his arms and forced him into an empty classroom.

In here stood Malfoy. Harry was pushed to his knees. Malfoy sent him a deadly and smug look.

“You really thought you could trick me, right Potter?” He said menacingly. “Please... I know you spiked my juice with something.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about...” Harry lied to his face.

 Malfoy didn’t buy it.

“What is it? Truth serum? Wanna hear my secrets?” Malfoy lifted his eyebrow at him.

“As if you don’t know I always carry the countermeasure on me... Hmmm... Maybe it’s just as dumb as a laxative...”

“What’s a laxative?” Goyle said looking incredibly dumb.

Draco rolled his eyes. “Something the Muggles have invented. They take it when they are constipated, you moron.”

Goyle looked like he had seen a light.

“Well... I don’t think it’s that... Hmmm” Draco sniffed the juice. “Can’t smell anything... so it’s not Polyjuice... But it could be something that will transform the drinker... Really Potter... you know such tricks are beyond illegal at Hogwarts... and also in general.”

Harry snarled at him.

“Maybe we should just go to Professor Snape and have him find out exactly what you did and then let him decide your fate?” Draco smiled an evil smile.

“Can’t imagine Dumbledore would be able to save you from that one.”

Harry knew Draco had a point. He had gambled and lost.

“But...” Draco said... “As annoyed as I am... I am far more interested in the effects of this potion. So... why don’t we see?”

Harry looked at Malfoy... was he... gonna drink it?

Draco snapped his fingers and Crabbe and Goyle pulled Harry’s hair back and held his mouth open.

Draco then quickly poured the drink down Harry’s throat and... Harry swallowed it all...

Just a single drop of the potion in the mouth would carry out the effect.

When the glass was empty, Crabbe and Goyle let go of Harry, just in case he was gonna turn into something... dangerous.

Harry was coughing on the floor... desperately trying to puke up the potion... but it was futile... even if he somehow managed to get it out... it was not... enough...

“Now... we’ll see...” Draco said and watched as Harry slowly began to transform.

Harry’s body... felt warm... immensely warm... he felt pain. Excruciating pain. His bones... all of them hurt... he felt how his body began to alter... he felt how his hips widened. He felt his shoulders narrow... he felt how something between his legs disappeared, and how his belly hurt like hell.

 He felt his hair grow and how the mass of his body altered... his muscled arms grew slimmer, and he felt his thighs bulgde. He could also feel how his skin wobbled and moved like molten caramelle.

Until... the pain slowly vanished... and... he sat up straight... and looked up at Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle...

“Nothing happened.” Crabbe said confused.

Harry sat back and showed them... the changes... because... he most certainly had changed...

Harry’s chest was no longer the pecks of a man... no... Now... he had two huge and gorgeous hooters hanging from his chest... the weight of them was massive.

He grabbed them with his hands and lifted them up... he couldn’t believe it... He had tits!? “Wow...” Goyle said. “Nice tits!”

Harry moved his hands between his legs... and... there was nothing there...

“Uhh, is it just me...” Crabbe said. “Or has he... gotten prettier?”

“No...” Draco said, and he sounded so strange. “No... he... he definitely got prettier. In fact... I would say he had gotten... hot...”

Harry jumped to his feet. They were now at least 4 numbers too small for his shoes so he stepped right out them and ran to the nearest mirror at the other wall.

Harry stared at his own mirror... He gasped.

The face of a goddess looking woman stared back at him. She had huge, green eyes. Long black hair and pale complexion. Her lips were full and lush, and her nose was small and cute.

Harry couldn’t believe it... the potion... it had actually worked...

“Wow Potter...” Draco said. “What an ass!... You know, I wouldn’t mind you sitting on my face with that bum!”

Harry reached backwards... he felt it...

His butt... that had been tight and neat just a few moments ago, was now plump and was completely round and bouncy. He turned to see it... it was not only nice... it was fantastic. It was an ass all women would dream of.

“Oh for fucks sake!” Harry said. He immediately clapped his hands in front of his mouth. His voice... it wasn’t the one he knew.

“One two three four... Seven jumping barnacles on a cubicle...”

 His voice was higher... it was sweet... cute and charming...

Crabbe and Goyle left the classroom and Malfoy walked over to the mirror behind Harry.

“So that’s what you had in store for me, Potter...” Malfoy said.

“You were gonna turn me into a girl... One can only speculate for what... you filthy bugger.”

Draco looked smugly at him. Harry turned around.

“I wouldn’t wanna lay a hand on you if you were the hottest woman on the planet Malfoy, so stop that thought already! I just wanted to humiliate you!”

“Oh man, Potter... you’re in deep...” Draco said. “I only know of one book that has such recipes... and not only is it beyond illegal... it’s also irreversible...”

Harry turned pale. “What!?”

Draco smiled even wider.

“Didn’t you read the other page... that tells the repercussions of this potion, Potter? It clearly states that this potion should NOT be used as its effects are permanent and can’t be reversed. Man, you really ought to listen to Professor Snape once or twice you know.”

Harry screamed... and yes... like a girl.

He still had the book in his bag and as he checked the page, he did notice that there was a second page... and here it was listed... that there was no remedy to alter him back. The change was permanent.

Harry was forever stuck as a girl... Harry was about to burst out crying, when Draco told him to read on.

Harry kept reading down the page.

“The potion is also gonna put into effect, a certain sense of aromatic energy. The user is to be prepared that no matter what gender the swap turns the user into, there will be a strong and highly effective rise in the pheromones and chemicals in the body, that will put the user in a state of... mind blowing horniness...”

As Harry read the passage he felt how his body was slowly beginning to heat up and how he was feeling a strange and... completely new feeling in his belly. He also felt a feeling... where he once had a cock... But this feeling was completely new to him. He had never felt such... a tingle... such an intense and wild tingle...

Harry was sweating cats and dogs, and he removed his cape, sweater and shirt in one go.

 “Wow... what a show...” Draco said, but Harry didn’t listen.

Harry’s gigantic hooters were now hanging down. Harry touched them and he felt that his nipples were as hard as diamonds.

He removed his pants and a hand flew down between his legs...

He touched something he had touched a lot of times on other girls... but now... it was himself... he felt a soft and really warm fur between his legs... right before...

Harry screamed and fell down forward... his body was shaking and he was literally going blank in his mind... What had happened he knew not. He had touched himself and... his body had literally exploded in shivers, lights and sounds.

With shaking hands... he put a finger... then two fingers inside... and...

Harry lost all track of space and time and when he finally came back to his senses... it was when he felt someone pull him up by the hair.

Harry felt something hard and warm clash against his face several times... and he smelled something he had never smelled before. The smell was disgusting... it was... somehow familiar to him... but... never this potent or... strong.

Something about the smell made him wanna hurl... but... for some reason... another desire rose up inside of him. A stronger and more craving desire... His... his pussy... was literally burning with lust... after he smelled that...

“Now, that’s a nice body you have there...” Draco said while rubbing his cock over Harry’s new womanly face.

“And it’s something of a show... how about I help you out the next 4 to 6 hours...”

Harry couldn’t think. He wasn't able to. His brain was so cooked and soaked in chemicals of his own making that he wasn’t even acting on will anymore. His body was answering an older magic. A magic more powerful than anything else... the nature of his species.

“Open up bitch...” Draco said.

And as soon as he said it. Harry opened up his mouth and Draco shoved his cock into his face.

Harry felt like his mind was about to go blank again. He had never felt like this before.

He had often wondered how it would feel for a woman to suck a cock... not that he had ever wanted to... before now.

As the new and disgusting taste slowly started to turn well and good in his mouth, he moved one hand down between his legs and a hand up to his huge tit. He pinched the nipple hard

 and pulled it, and filed away at his new pussy... his body felt so amazing... sucking Draco’s cock... felt amazing.

For some reason... probably out of curiosity... he looked up at Draco who looked down at him with a smug and satisfied look in his eyes.

Harry felt utter disgust but for some reason... he couldn’t... and he wouldn’t stop.

There was something truly bizarre at work... the feeling of Draco’s cock in his mouth and the feeling of his hand controlling his head by holding his hair... It...

It made him realize... that... He was in fact... a woman... He was not a he... he was a she...

Harry... was no longer a Harry... he was something else.

Harry adjusted... ‘her’ stance so ‘she’ was now facing Draco directly.

She was no longer filing away at her pussy or pinching her nipples, but instead she leaned on arms and legs and allowed Draco to fully and completely be in charge. Before his cock had only pushed against her cheek, and now...

Harry felt it.

Harry felt how Draco’s cock began to forcefully go down into her throat.

She felt how it pushed all her reflexes and made her want to hurl and gag, but somehow she managed to not act on the reflexes. She kept opening up and when she needed to breathe she did so through the nose.

Draco was NOT gentle. Draco was never gentle. He treated Harry’s throat like he did all Slytherin Girls. Like his own personal fuck toy.

Harry took it. She didn’t mind. In fact... at this point, there was no problem with Draco going down her throat at all. She was completely fine with it.

“Holy fuck, Potter...!” Draco said, increasing his pace. “You suck cock like a freaking pro! OOOH! Damn You!”

Draco bent his knees slightly and rammed his cock as far as it could even go into Harry’s mouth and throat.

Harry felt it, and she tried to jolt, but Draco mercilessly kept her head in place.

“NoNO NOOO! Women are meant to drink that! And you are a woman now! SO DRINK IT! ALL OF IT!”

Harry had no choice, Draco was too strong. He felt how it pumped out of Draco’s cock and into his throat. It was as if she was being forced to swallow something... thick and gooey... It was disgusting. Some got into her mouth... and it tasted so fucking gross... but for some reason... it made her cum.

 Draco finally let go of her and pushed her backwards. Harry fell down on the floor on her new big womanly ass and felt how her body was under the spell of Draco’s dominance.

Draco was moving her around on the cold floor.

Harry knew that she was to deny him. She was to fight him. Resist him. Keep him away from her. In her mind she heard the words she was about to speak...

Like: Get off me you creep!


Instead she heard her mouth utter the words: “Yes... please... take me...”

Harry’s mind exploded in screams that went like: NO! NO! FUCK OFF!

But again... the words that came out of his mouth were: “YES! YES! FUCK ME!”

Harry felt how she was pushed down on the cold floor and she felt the weight of Draco on top of her.

“Oh you really are one horny bitch, aren’t ya Potter... well alright... here I go...”

Draco spat in his hand and this motion made Harry wanna vomit... but only a tiny and ever shrinking corner of her brain. All other parts of her brain were shivering in anticipation.

She felt it soon after... the feeling of her flesh partening by the force of Draco’s hard cock... Harry clenched her teeth as... her body had never before felt such pain before... she threw her arms around Draco’s neck and her legs around his waist.

Locking him in his place.

Harry’s mind was now completely cooked and if there was even a shred of doubt... then one only had to look at the faces of Draco and Harry... Because... the two enemies were interlocked in a hot and steamy tongue kiss.

Only when they were gasping for air did they take a break. But they quickly continued their steamy kiss.

Draco had looked a little puzzled while they had both gotten their air again.

He looked over the incredibly hot woman’s face under him. It couldn’t be more clear that he was battling some major issues in his own head.

But in the end he said: “Oh what the hell...”

And then he kissed her again, tongue and all. —————————————————————————————————————

Draco tossed Harry into a myriad of different positions after her deflowering in missionary. Her favorite was undoubtedly the doggy style. All about it was simply magnificent. Not only did she love the feeling of being mounted like a mare in heat, but she loved it when Draco

 spanked her ass like a drum. She loved it when Draco pushed his thumb up her ass, and she loved it even more when he collected her hair in a ponytail and pulled her hard backwards.

“Say you’re a bitch, Potter!” Draco yelled while pulling her hair. “Say it!” He yelled and yanked her hair even harder.

“I’m a bitch...” Harry said with a drool coming out of her mouth.

“Can’t hear you bitch!” Draco yanked her hair even harder.

“I’m a bitch...!” She said louder.

“Louder you fucking bitch!” Draco spanked her so hard she was feeling the pain through the pleasure.

“I’M A BITCH!” Harry screamed out loud.

“AGAIN!” Draco yelled.


”Who’s bitch are ya, BITCH!?” Draco yelled even louder. He was now ramming her pussy even harder.


Draco spiked up his force to level ten and he fucked her so hard that Harry kept cumming. Apparently her words were edging him on. It made him go wilder and wilder.

He had already exploded into her pussy... but this time it felt even better. Maybe it was because the load was getting deeper than usual, or maybe it was Draco’s hands around her neck that blocked her from breathing...

Whatever it was, it was good, and Harry felt her brain go numb from all the amazing stimuli.

“Oooh fuck, Harry... you were... wasted as a man... but as a woman... ooooh fuck... you’ll make an excellent private cumdump!... perhaps the best... Damn your pussy is tight!”

Harry gasped for air and her tongue hung out of her mouth as her eyes rolled back her back of her head.


Harry came to her senses again sitting on her knees, once again with Draco’s dick in her mouth. It tasted different this time. Harry had never tasted pussy before, but she guessed that’s what that taste was.

She wasn’t even resisting anymore. She just kept letting him use her. “More drool bitch... we’re gonna need it where we’re going next.”

 Harry didn’t fight. She obeyed and left tons and tons of drool on his cock.

After a while, Draco pulled her head off his cock. Harry felt how she was dragged around, forced to walk on all fours like... a dog... a real bitch.

Finally Draco tossed Harry to the ground and placed Harry in a position. He lifted her ass up in the air. Harry felt and heard how Draco spat her in the ass.

“There we go bitch...” He said and aligned his cock with her hole. “I am gonna lay claim to this fantastic ass... from this day forth... this ass... is Malfoy property!”

And with that... Harry felt a searing pain as something went inside... her ass... She once again clenched her teeth and felt how something forced its way inside of her. The pain stopped and she knew... Draco was all up her ass.

She wanted to scream, but just in the moment she was going to, she felt how the pain changed... it didn’t... hurt... the same way... anymore... it felt... warm and... wonderful... like the pain and relief you feel when you stretch a muscle... only about ten times better.

“Ooooh yes... that’s the stuff...” Draco spewed out and he began to ram and fuck her like crazy.

Harry wasn’t going anywhere, and she was kept in place by Draco’s firm grip on her hair.

Draco wasn’t kind. He wasn’t sweet. He spanked her ass and called her bitch, slut, whore and a whole lot of more filthy derogatory slurs before he finally pulled his cock out of her ass and pulled her to a sit.


The next she felt was the sense of hot warm sperm that sprayed all over her face and into her mouth... He literally coated her face in his warm sperm.

Harry never imagined how it would feel. She felt how the sperm oozed and steamed over her face... it stank and she felt the smell so harsh and strong in her nostrils as well... as the steam coming out of her mouth... she was so sure that she was gonna puke but... instead... she felt how her tongue was rolling around in the puddle in her mouth... it was so sick and twisted and... she loved it so much...

“Swallow what I have given you... bitch...” Draco said meanecingly.

A part of Harry’s brain wanted to spit the load in his face and tell him to go fuck himself but... Her body...

She closed her mouth... dwelled in the taste one last time and in one big gulp... she swallowed the load of hot spunk.

 “Show me your tongue, bitch...”

Harry opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue... She showed Draco that she had swallowed all of his sperm.

Draco smiled. He formed a spitball in his mouth and dropped it in her open mouth. Harry let it slide down her still open throat. She sank and still had her tongue out of her mouth.

“Filthy bitch...” Draco said and gave her face a loud clap. Not a smack or slap but still... enough to make her feel it.

“You really are a complete bitch now, Harry Pot...”

Draco stopped himself.

Then he smiled.

“Harriet Potter... That’s your name now bitch. Better get used to it. You aren’t gonna be a man again... better get used to being a bitch for the rest of your life...”

Harry... Harriet...

Harry knew that she was never gonna become a man again... Harry... felt how something finally vaporated in her mind... something tiny, small... and insignificant.

Something that spoke with a voice of resistance... but all it said... was...


It vanished.

“My name... is... Harriet Potter...”

“That’s right...” Draco said rubbing his cock over her face. Wiping his cum all over her. “You’re Harriet Potter... My personal cumdump... understood?”

“Yes...” Harriet said with an obedient and submissive tone. “I am yours, Draco...” “Master Draco.” Draco corrected. “Know your place... you filthy slut.”

“Yes... Master Draco...” Harriet said.

Draco smiled

“Oooh this is gonna be sooo goood...” To be continued.

———————————————- Now my dear reader, we will get to the alternative part of the story. Where things went the opposite way. —————————————————————————————

 “Man that Potter is a fucking bastard...” Draco snarled when he grabbed his juice. “I am gonna give it to him one day. One day, I swear I am gonna get him.”

And with that. He gulped down his drink in one large draft.

He took a deep breath and slammed the glas down on the heavy wooden table.

Instantly... he knew... something was off. Draco felt how his world was spinning. He felt how a something was bubbling inside of him. His stomach... it felt so strange.

“What in Merlin’s name...” He stood up instinctively and moved himself to the exit of the great hall. He walked down the korridors and aimed for the toilets... but before he could even get so far... he stumbled and landed on the floors.

He thought he was gonna vomit but nothing came out. Nothing at all.

The only thing that came to him, was a feeling of sickness, dizziness and something akin to pain.

He began to howl and yell as his bones ached, his intestines ached... pretty much all of him ached in some form or another.

He looked forward and saw his vision was distorted by something. He figured it was his hair due to the color. He snarled as he pushed it away from his face. Only to find there was even more of it. He was confused as he kept crawling forward. He didn’t have that much hair...

“The... Juice...” He knew it was the juice. It had to be... “Po... Potter... What have you... done to... me...?”

“I am teaching you a lesson, Malfoy.” Harry said in a confident tone behind him. “And a well earned one if I might add.”

Malfoy turned to look behind him. He glared daggers at him.

“What did you do to me?!”

“Oh nothing that you wont be able to shake off... but you might have to figure out a new routine for the next two to three weeks... depending on how long it will take you to brew the anti-formular for... this particular brew.”

Malfoy once aagain succumbed to the intense pain and he once again felt how his entire body felt like it was melting and... transforming.

His hips, and his legs... His shoulders and arms... his chest and butt... all of it was like bubbling hot molt that took a new form.

 Draco knew... it was a transformation potion... and a potent one... and... he dreaded... a permanent one...

Draco curled up on the cold floor to get relief from the searing heating pain. But little came...

Only... after what felt like an eternity... did the pain finally subside, and he once again felt how his body began to feel normal... only... it felt nothing like normal...

Draco tried to get up sitting.

He took to his head... only to find... hair... more hair than he had ever dreamed of having.

“What the hell is this... a hair growing potion?!” Draco removed the hair from his face with his hands like one would a set of curtains. He saw the smug and annoying face of Harry Potter right in front of him. Right before it turned... surprised and...

“Why are you blushing Potter!?” Draco stared daggers at him. “What have you done to me?”

“Well Draco... Let’s just say that...” Harry couldn’t hole back a smile. “I never imagined that you would end up looking... so... cute...”

Draco glared at him... confused.

“What do you mean ‘cute’? What am I? A kitten?”

Draco tossed his hair over the back of his head and then... in that movement... he felt his arms hit something on the way.

Something soft and bouncy.

“AUW! Hey!?”

Draco reached for the thing that his arm had graced... something was sitting on his chest. Or... more correctly they were hanging... from his chest... for he had two of them...

“Oh no...” Draco said as he grabbed the things on his chest. “Oh Nonononononono!”

Draco stood up and as he did he ran to the boys toilet. He rushed over to the mirror and...

Draco looked into the mirror and saw a girl... a cute, beautiful and incredibly hot gorgeous looking blonde of a girl. She had his ice blue eyes, and the same silvery blonde hair. She looked absolutely fantastic.

“What the...” Draco said as he lifted a hand to his cheek... the girl did the same, and he realized that the girl was none other than himself... he looked like he had seen a ghost. He grabbed the two tits that now had sprung out on his chest. A pair of completely perfect, purebred tits, that was looking like a perfect albeit a little smaller version of his mothers hooters.

After juggling them a little his attention went between his legs.


He screamed, and was surprised to hear a girls shriek as the voice rang and echoed against the teal walls.

Over by the door, he heard a laughing. He turned to face... none other than Potter.


Harry withheld his laughter to gloat in his triumph over Draco.

“Well... I have just played the ultimate prank on you in retaliation for your little stunt in on the Quidditch field. I say were even.”

“Oooh you have no idea you filthy fucking bastard!” Draco screamed.

“Oh bite the bullet, Malfoy.” Harry shrugged. “All you have to do is brew the countermeasure and then you’re back to normal. That is... if you really want to go back to normal. As I would call this a real improvement. You’ve never looked better.”

Draco had walked up to Harry with a blush in his cheeks. It made him look even more adorable.

“There is NO countermeasure for this potion you stinking bastard!”

Harry felt a little sting of shock.

“Sure there is... I mean...”

Draco slapped him over the face. Harry felt the place she had hit him. It had been really heard.

“Auch...” He said.

“There is NO fucking countermeasure to a full genderswap potion... do you really never listen to Professor Snape!? He talked about it all last year... The potion is part of an old Druid’s magic... it’s highly potent and incredibly dangerous... and unlike our magic... it cannot be undone... this form of transfiguration... is PERMANENT!”

Draco screamed the last words so it rung in the stalls. He was now getting aware of the repercussions... the repercussions... Harry thought...

“Oh shit...” Harry said.

“OH SHIT!?” Draco said only a little quieter than a scream. “You’ve fucking turned into a fucking girl and all you have to say is: OH SHIT!”

 Draco grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

“I am gonna get ya for this, Potter!” She snarled through her perfect white teeth.

“I don’t care how long time it will take, I do not care how much I have to sacrifice! I vow this day to turn your life into a living HELL!”

As soon as Draco said it, he nearly collapsed into Harry’s arms.

Harry... not knowing what to do, and as close to panic as it was even possible to come, caught her in his arms, and... then he thought about what to do now.

The Hospital wing?

Nope... if he did that he would have to explain the situation to Madam Pomfrey and then he would be expelled.

The Slytherin common room?

Nope... can’t get past without the codeword.

The Gryffindor dorm?

Nope... too many eyes and he would be caught.

“The come and go room it is then.” Harry said. He lifted up Malfoy in his arms and ran away through the halls.


Malfoy woke up still clinging to Potter’s collars.

He was looking upwards and he saw the face of Harry... It was so strange... he had never realized how absolutely... gorgeous his chin line was... or how... dashing his hair color was. She was clinging closer still to his collar and felt how... how he had swooped her off her legs... Potter... Oh dashing and perfect Potter... —————————————————————————————————————

Harry came to the room of requirement.

Inside he found... what could possibly be the most gaudy and suggestive bedroom in existence. Harry had no idea what the room had imagined when he asked for a place for them to rest.

But the room had made a bedroom that wouldn’t be wrong to a honeymoon suite. Everying in here was held in dark and red colors with pink nuances.

The pillows were all hearshaped, and the bed was round and had pink and red sheets.

Harry walked over and placed Draco on the bed so he could rest and hopefully get a little better.

Harry secured himself that Draco was at least ok, before he ran off the to toilet stall where he had prepared the brew. The book was still in there.

As he left, Draco got back to his senses.

 “Potter...?” He said groggy and confused. “Potter...?”

Draco began to move and squirm on the bed. Draco had opened his pants and stuck two hands down between his legs...

A completely lightning storm of stimalitive impulses rushed through Draco’s brain as he touched his new pussy...

He pulled one hand up to his mouth, and licked two of his fingers... his pussy... tasted so good. He left a good part of his saliva on his fingers and moved it back down between his legs... and this time... he filed around his new clitoris.

Draco’s eyes rolled and he gasped... this was... so... amazing... —————————————————————————————————————

Harry ran to the stall, he emptied the brew into the toilet... hoping that it wouldn’t cause any effect to any of the rats in the sewers...

He then grabbed the book and looked at the other page of the recipe... and here there was clear warning labels and a list of repercussions and also side effects of consumption of the brew.

“Please note that the effect of the potion is irreversible. That means permanent. Common side effects lists as follows:

Incredible arousal and/or wild and intense lust to sex. A strange desire for strawberries.”

Harry hit his head with the book. He finally remembered that Snape had in fact talked about this potion. And how it’s effects cannot be undone.

Harry was ready to curse himself, but right now he needed to get rid of this book. And that really fast.

He rushed out of the stall with the book in his bag and then... he ran into... the last person he wanted to see.

It was Snape.

“Potter...” He said looking more angry and bitter than ever before. “Look where you are going... And where... are you going in such a hurry... if I may ask?”

Harry gulped. “I... I uhhh...”

Snape looked like a thundercloud.

“Let’s try another question then...” Snape said and turned his head a little. “What was wrong with young Mr. Malfoy?”

 Harry shrugged his shoulders.

“No clue...” He said. “I mean... I don’t care for Malfoy at all. Did you ask his friends, sir?”

Snape looked like he wanted to strangle Harry.

“Potter... if I find that anything has happened to Malfoy... or that you have been implicit in any of it... you will regret it... dearly...”

“Duly noted sir,” Harry said and slinked around Snape. “Sorry, gotta go... gotta... you know... study...”

Snape saw Potter run off down the hall to who knows where.

“Something’s fishy...” He snarled and walked into the great hall where they had taken breakfast. He walked over the place Malfoy had been sitting and lifted his cup.

With his huge nose he sniffed to the glass. He caught no aroma from it.

“Hmmm...” He said and wiped a finger around the bottom of it. A few droplets hang to his finger.

He then tasted it with his tongue... but he could catch no scent or flavor of anything wrong... And that... was his first clue... that something was terribly wrong... —————————————————————————————————————

Harry returned to the room of requirement and closed the door behind him with panic rising in his body.

“Ohh shit... Ooooh shit...” he said over and over again. “Snape is gonna kill me... he is actually gonna kill me...”

He was caught off guard when he heard sounds of loud moaning. The moans came from a lovely and sweet female voice.

Harry turned around... and saw a naked and absolutely gorgeous woman’s body twist and turn on the bed. It was none other than Draco Malfoy... who was spinning around and around... using his hands to please his new pussy. His ass... his now completely round and absolutely perfect ass was raised up high, and Draco was masturbating like crazy...

His tongue hung out of his mouth and his face was pressed against the mattress.

Harry walked over as he tossed his bag aside.

“Draco, what on earth are you doing?” Harry said as he looked at the scene.

“Well...” Draco growled through his smile. “What does it look like I am doing you... fucking... idiot... I am... Urgh... I am... suffering... the worst hell... a guy could ever... dream of...”

Draco once again tilted over and was on his back. He lifted his hips up from the mattress and began to fingerfuck his pussy.

 “Ooooh fuck Potter... I have gotten so many orgasms... and... I can’t fucking stop... I want more... I want something big... massive... and hard... inside of me...”

Draco looked at Harry between his legs...

“Don’t just fucking stand there you fucking bastard!” Draco screamed while cumming and spraying.

“You fucking caused this!!! You can at least help me get by this!!! COME AND FUCK ME ALREADY!!!”

Harry didn’t really know how or why he did as Draco wanted. He just knew that he did. Soon after he was all naked and he was crawling in on the bed, and had grabbed Draco’s legs.

“Oooh fuck... mmmh....” Draco spread his now womanly legs, and Harry dived his head down between and began to feast on... well... ‘her’ pussy...

Draco screamed as Harry began to lick her clistoris... suck her pussy lips and overall play and feast on her pussy.

Draco had gotten multiple blowjobs but this was totally different.

It was now perfectly clear to Draco that his... well... her former life as a man... was gone... he was no longer a man... he was a woman... he was a she... he had become a woman... But Draco was gonna burn in hell before he became a submissive and rolling over kind of woman.


Not in a million years.

Draco pushed Harry off of... her... and got Harry on his back. She then placed her pussy over Harry’s face with the words.

“I am in control here... bitch!”

And then she sat down on Harry’s face and began to rub her pussy over Harry’s face. She grinned her pussy so good and well.

“That’s it... that’s it... your face is my property now...”

She saw that Harry’s member was out and pulsing... she was... kinda awestruck on the sheer size of it.

“Holy hell Potter... you’re bigger than Zabinni...” Draco grabbed the thing in her hands... “I... I didn’t think they could get so big... hehe... compared to you, Goyle is like the size of an infant...”

A strange and completely new desire rose up in Draco’s mind... He... well... She was a she now... There was no trouble... really there was no problem... with her at least trying it... After all... Now she would finally know... why it was so difficult for the girls to do it properly. Now he would be able to show for himself... how easy it actually was.

 And with that... Draco dived down over Harry’s fat cock and started to blow him...

Well... it was anything but easy... it was incredibly diffiscult.

Draco saw how much of the cock was left outside of her mouth. It couldn’t be true... And also... how come this Halfblood bastard of a muggleborn was equipped with such a gigantic woman pleaser of a cock...?

After gagging over the cock in a futile attempt to get it down her throat, Draco coughed and came back to the surface.

“What the actual hell Potter...!? What has those Muggles been feeding you!?”

But Harry didn’t answer her. What happened was that Harry managed to flip her over so Draco was on her back and her head was over the edge of the bed. Harry’s cock found way to her mouth.

“Here you go, you fucking bitch...” Harry said as he rammed the cock into her mouth and almost no effort slided down into Draco’s throat...

Draco wanted to scream but her throat was literally full of cock and all she could do was jolt and jerk around... and... try to maintain a little brainpower, as her body was reacting so strangely to the new sensation that she was experiencing.

She was cumming. And that so hard that she squirted out of her pussy in onto Harry’s face that still was eating her out.

“Damn you are horny, Draco...” Harry said and with all this new stimuli, he explosively shot his sperm directly into Draco’s stomach.

Draco felt it. She felt how her stomach was being pumped full... full... of Harry Potter’s Halfblood spunk...

Draco’s eyes was filled with tears... but not of pain or sadness... but of anger... frustration and... joy?

She was being defiled... defiled... by a Halfblood... a filthy Halfblood... She was the product of careful breeding from two prominent and old pureblood lines of ancient magical families... and now... she was the fleshlight of a Halfblood bastard...

She wasn’t jolting or jerking anymore... She was defiled... what was done was done... it was how it was...

Harry pulled his cock from her throat and as he pulled it out of her mouth... she gasped... although not as loudly as he had expected.

“Wow, Draco... that was... amazing...” Draco rolled over and she got on all fours.

 She looked meanecingly and unforgiving at Harry.

“You filthy bastard...” she said... “Who gave you permission to use me like a sex toy... or cum inside of my pure body...?”

Harry smiled defiantly at her. He grabbed her by her cute face and squished her cheeks to make an even cuter face.

“I did NOT hear you say ‘do not use me’ or ‘do not cum inside’ did I?” Draco blinked.

“What I heard... was ‘COME AND FUCK ME ALREADY!”

And with that, the mood was set. Harry tossed her back on the mattress and as Draco tried to crawl away, Harry caught up with her on the bed and after a short struggle, the two began to fuck again.

Harry’s cock found it’s way to her pussy quick and easy, and Draco... who had been resisting slightly was now digging her nails into Harry’s back and screaming at the ceiling while her legs were locked alongside the flanks of Harry.

She was gasping and moaning, she was crying and screaming and all of it was accompanied with her chorus of.




Harry took her in all the different ways he knew how. He even allowed Draco to be on top in order to regain some of his energy.

Draco rode him like a wild stallion and she had even begun to kiss him. This had caught them both off guard and they both seemed to suddenly understand... just what exactly it was that they were doing.

Draco slowed her pace and thus made her tight pussy feel even better to Harry, that was sure he was gonna nut soon if she kept it up like this.

He had nutted inside her pussy several times, and all the times Draco had gone completely mind blank. Her eyes had rolled back into her head and she had looked like a mess.

Now... she seemed more in control... and far more... present. It was a welcome change. “I can’t believe you turned me into a girl...” Draco said still fucking him slowly.

 “Draco...” Harry said... his hands were on her perfect butt. “I am truly sorry... I truly didn’t intend for it to be permanent... I...”

Harry was silent. And he knew that he had messed up unforgivingly this time around.

“I have no words... There is nothing I can say that can ever forgive this... I am so sorry...”

Draco blinked... She looked almost... like a totally different person. Like she was... filled with all new emotions.

She rested down on Harry’s chest and placed her head close to Harry’s.

“If they had just destroyed that damn book...” Draco said. “Instead of keeping it... this wouldn’t have happened at all... I blame the school... and the faculty... more so than you...”

Draco looked gentle and kind one minute. Then she looked angry and bitter again. She pinched Harry’s cheeks.

“... But I do still blame you...” “Auch...” Harry said...

Draco let him go... and she once again looked completely harmless and... harry wanted to say... beautiful... and sweet...

“... But...” She lifted her head and looked him in the eyes. “... I do forgive you...”

Harry blinked and... in this very moment... He saw that Draco... was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his entire life.

“Draco...” Harry said.

Draco didn’t say more. Because now she kissed Harry... right on the mouth, and with tongue and all they began to make out.

They were about to start up again... when they both jumped in the bed as they heard the doors to the room of requirement open with a loud ‘BANG!’


A voice screamed in the room and Draco and Harry got off each other and looked at the enterance...

The figure walked up to the bed with break neck speed and stopped just before the bed in the red and golden light from the lamps over them.

Harry and Draco gasped... There stood... Severus Snape... but... Not the real Snape...

 This Snape had gigantic hooters and a slim waist and broad hips. Her hair was not long and filthy, but instead long and shiny.

Snape’s face was different... her nose was smaller, still kinda hooked, but gently, and her face was beautiful and her neck was long and graceful.

All on her was beautiful... only...

She looked like a raging storm in the face.

“POTTER! YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!!!” Snape screamed and both Harry and Draco exchanged looks.


To be continued.



Well things calearly got interesting here.