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Please remember all writings are made of fictional characters and all points of different nationalities are not meant to be taken seriously and is only meant to humor and is written with love. It’s all meant as a parody of stereotypes.

With that said, I hope you will understand that English is not the first language of this artist and that mistakes will be made.

Other than that, please enjoy.

Yours truly



 Ron was driving.

Alone. He had been at a conference in GO-City. He was to help the owners of the Bueno Nacho Company to set up a more strategic and economical menu that would be more inclusive to their customers.

Ron had been called in, as a consultant as he was the genius who introduced the Naco. That dish had been a game changer for the entire brand, and they still sold even more of them. Especially since they opened a few restaurants in Japan.

Bueno Nacho Tokyo was fantastically popular. Of course they had to include a few more alternatives since beef was much too costly in Japan. Fortunately, the Naco was also good with tuna fish.

Ron - was still the owner of the Naco part, and he still got 25 cents for every dollar per Naco that was sold.

That meant that he was reigning in millions of dollars, for the Japanese sure loved his dish.

Bueno Nacho’s headquarters was in GO-city and it had been a really entertaining meeting. Ron had just gone alone.

It was a school night, and many of his girls were busy with college as exams were coming up. Others had work, and Ron sorta enjoyed a lonely ride for a change... that was... until the weather turned dark.

Rain came over the rural roads that he traveled on, and he was forced to take it slow, as the water came down in so huge volumes that it turned the roads into small rivers. There was no light except for the light from his Mini, and he wanted to keep his wits about him.

He had stopped the music, for he needed no distractions. The heavy rain hit the car and made it so loud that music would be redundant anyway.

As he came around a curved swing, he saw a good long part down the road. There was another car, but it was holding still. It seemed the driver had had an issue and had pulled in to check out the situation. But now the Driver stood a little out on the road and seemed to be awaiting another car in the hope to catch a ride.

Ron felt how he himself would feel if he had been caught in such bad weather. A helpful hand would surely be appreciated.

Ron slowed down the car, and... it didn’t escape his attention that the person pulling him over was clearly a woman. A set of very long well shaped woman’s legs caught his eyes and as he came to a full stop a little behind the other car the woman trotted up next to his window. She was holding an umbrella, so he didn’t feel much water coming in as he lowered the window.

The face that met him was a face from Ron’s past. It was none other than Madame Jaqueline Jeanette Montespan. Ron’s old ballet instructor.

Ron instantly had a flashback. —————————————————————————————————————

 Ron stared up at the wonderful and endlessly beautiful Madame Montespan. She had just performed the most brilliant show of ballet. Gracious as a swan and as elegant as a butterfly.

She stood up and all the children in the room clapped. All 26 of them. 25 girls, and one single boy.

Jeanette: Oui... That is Ballet... I ‘ave no doubt that you all ‘ave dreams of performing like this, but sadly to those of you who do not possess ‘la talent’... I can only do very little for... but if you show a combination of talent, skill and heart, and if you heed my teachings, then you might be... the one out of a thousand...

She had a very deep and somewhat hoarse voice, and a very... VERY thick French accent. She looked at them all in that very special way that the French look at Americans. The girls all looked at her, like she was a unicorn.

To Ron she was... scary and... gorgeous at the same time.

She had looked at him with a little less disdain than the rest... perhaps because Ron was the only boy in her class.

Jeanette: Regarde Moi!

Jeanette made a very special stance, right in front of Ron, and showed just how tall she could lift her leg... up, up... UP to her shoulder and point at the ceiling with her toes. Ron stared. She looked like her legs went on forever.

Jeanette seemed to look at Ron with something that... looked like a smile.

Jeanette: Perhaps... I do ‘ave found the one in a thousand here... in the most unlikely of places... —————————————————————————————————————

Jeanette: Merci for stopping, Mon Ami. If possible I would love to request a ride to Upperton boulevard... My car has disappointed me... I should have known better. We French make many wonderful things, but Cars... we are still lacking a little behind.

Ron knew Jeanette... she would never talk bad about anything that came out of France. She is probably trying to ingratiate herself by talking bad about her own country.

Ron: No need to explain Madame Montespan, I will gladly drive you home. Ron saw that she was taken aback by his knowledge of her name. Jeanette: Do I know you, copain?

Ron: Yeah, you taught me some years ago in ballet. My name is... Jeanette: Ronald ‘Toppable...

 Jeanette was beaming it at him. Ron felt how butterflies fluttered all over his stomach and insides. He just felt like steam blowing out of his ears, and he was sure he had to be shining pink.

Jeanette: Mon Dieu, it really is you. Oh how the heavens truly have a weird way of working things out.

Ron: You are right in so many ways, Madame.

A thundering crack sobered them both up.

Ron: How about we chit chat on the way home. Jeanette: l’ idée géniale, Mon Bien-Amie Ronald.

Jeanette quickly stepped around the snout of the car and opened the passenger side door to enter and sit down. She fastened her seatbelt and placed the closed umbrella and her hat in the backseat.

Ron started the car and began moving in the direction of home. He wasn’t exactly sure where Madame Montespan lived, but he knew it was in the Tri-City area.

Jeanette: Of all the knights in shining armor that would fare to my rescue, never ‘ad I dared ‘oping that you would be mine, Mon Bien-Amie.

Ron blushed deeply as he smiled.

He knew enough French from his two girlfriends Chanel and Dior to know that she was calling him; My love.

She had used that name for him as early as when he was a pupil at her in her ballet lessons. She had been the typical cold, demanding and condescending French ballet teacher that all the stereotypes show us from all the cartoons.

But the more Ron showed her how he actually could dance, she warmed up to him, and gave him a far more kind and gentle treatment.

Jeanette leaned in towards him: Ronald... you are truly my ‘Ero...

Ron felt that the temperature in the car was reaching a critical level. Her voice was so deep and it was so... so thickly French that it was like listening to something... almost indecent...

Ron: Oh gee, I... It was hardly a heroic act, Madame... I was just at the right place at the right time...

Jeanette: Ronald, please... I am ‘ardly you Ballet Teacher anymore. You should at least just call me... Jeanette...

Her hand had found its way onto his thigh... Ron looked over at the woman.

 She was smiling that very vague smile, that meant a hundred different things... or nothing at all...

Ron tried to swallow. It felt like he had a golf ball in the throat.

He knew she hadn’t been that old when he had met her the first time. But still... she had been an adult when he met her. And it had been some years since he stopped training ballet.

She hadn’t aged a day, and if possible... she had only gotten more extremely gorgeous. She was radiant. She was beaming with light. She was a brunette. In that very special way that would make gray look any color that your mood was in. Her hair had a deep dark chestnut color, and her eyes had that rare hazel brown tint that all people go goo goo over.

When the silence became a little too embarrassing, Ron finally swallowed his toad in the throat, and gasped out.

Ron: So!... Uhhh... you probably have a family waiting for you back home, right. Jeanette shook her head: No... No family.

Ron looked surprised.

Ron: Huh... then... then what about Julio?

Ron knew that back when he was taught by Jeanette, she had been dating Julio, some Italian looking smart guy that apparently was some big hotshot singer at an opera. He had sometimes come to get Jeanette after another ballet class.

Jeanette seemed a little annoyed by this question but not annoyed with Ron.

Jeanette: Gone... no no, not dead... he found some American girl and he thought she could give him what he wanted... Apparently he wanted to live in a trailer park in Arizona and be a drunk, because that is what she gave him.

Ron smiled a comforting smile.

Ron: So... You are living the single life huh? That can be sweet as well.

Jeanette: Yeah... if I was back home in Paris. Surrounded by my countrymen... and my own culture... ‘Ere, I am treated like the last baguette in the shop.

Ron frowned. This one he didn’t know.

Jeanette: As an unknown. ‘Ard, crusty and though I might look tasty, they don’t wanna risk cracking a tooth.

Ron: Ahhhhh.... Now it makes sense.

 Ron had been to France and he absolutely loved Paris. They had seen all the fancy places, and tasted a lot of different things. He even tasted snails, and you know... it wasn’t all bad. In fact... It was delicious.

She was treated like a guest. Though welcome, unapproachable. Maybe because of her fantastic looks.

Everything about her screamed France. Her dress code, her way of walking, her entire persona. It was hard to describe. Perhaps it was all in Ron’s head. But... since Ron at present had several different nationalities in his harem, he could clearly tell that there was a difference. Not that one was bad and the other was good. There were simply differences between individuals... and it all made them unique and beautiful.

Ron: Sooo... do you live in Upperton now? Jeanette: Lower Upperton.

Ron: Ah... I get it... it’s in Upperton, but... Jeanette/Ron: It’s not really Upperton... They began to laugh.

Silence fell over them again.

Jeanette: So... Ronald... Do you still reside in Middleton?

Ron: Well... yes I do, but it’s really the true rural outskirts of Middleton. I bought a place that was a little in the middle of nowhere to... well... to escape all the fuss of the Main Streets you know.

Jeanette looked a little worried... or perhaps she feigned being worried it was a little hard to judge while driving.

Jeanette: Oh... is that... is that even close to Upperton? Ron: Oh sure...

Jeanette lifted an eyebrow and her eyes became tight slits. She looked at him the way she used to when he had either failed a stance or a move at Ballet.

Ron felt a sting in his heart.

Ron: Well... no... actually it’s not even close to Upperton, but no worries, Jeanette, I will just take a detour, get you home, it’s no biggie, I mean it.

Jeanette: No, Ronald!

Her voice was stern and hard, like when she had taught in ballet.

 Jeanette: You are NOT to make such a fuss over me. Just take me to your place, and I will make plans for my later transport.

She said it with the tone of a royalty... Ron should know, he had known a few Royal people...

Ron knew that there was no arguing with Madame Montespan so he just obeyed her wish and continued on the route to get himself home.

The trip was a little long. Somehow it took almost two hours to get home to his mansion.

He pressed a button in the car, and as he drove up the driveway the garage door opened and he drove down a ramp to the basement.

Jeanette looked very impressed.

Ron drove the car to its spot and got out.

Jeanette exited the car herself and fished out her hat and umbrella from the backseat.

She looked around and saw all the other cars.

Jeanette: Is this... an apartment building?

Ron tilted his head back and forth.

Ron: Not exactly, but... not entirely wrong either, Jeanette.

Jeanette walked over to Ron, and as something out of a fairytale, she took his arm and allowed him to show her the way into the building. Ron felt like a true gentleman and he held the doors for Jeanette. She smiled at him for showing proper manners, and finally they stood in the main hall of the Stoppable Mansion. The place was unusually quiet. Perhaps most of the gang was already sleeping.

Ron showed Madame Montespan to the area of the main kitchen. This was where he worked some of his darkest magic.

Ron fished out some ingredients for a quick pasta dish and with remarkable skill he managed to make a neat and delicious mushroom pasta, with black truffles, found on his own property.

Jeanette: Is is... okay to just use everything in the fridge like that? Ron: Of course.

Jeanette smiled. The boy had a charming new audacity to his character. A little... worrying but nothing she couldn’t get out of him. He needed to learn that it wasn’t nice to just take stuff out of a shared kitchen like that.

 Jeanette watched him prepare the meal with ease and with amazing skills. It smelled absolutely amazing, although very Italian.

Ron prepared plates, one for each, and then he served the plate for them both. Jeanette ate the dish and seemed to really relish in the skills of her former pupil.

Jeanette: Mon Dieu, Ronald... I can’t remember ever eating something so delicious... not even back in France.

Ron smiled. He loved getting compliments for something he knew he did well. Ron: Thanks Jeanette... I have always loved cooking.

Jeanette: You are a multi talented artist, Ronald... you know... had you stayed in my class, you would be the star in Paris at this point. You were that one out of a million. One in a thousand can become a good ballerina... but one in a million can become The Ballet dancer... the one... that will make movements and music combine into a symphony of arts.

Ron saw it clearly, the glow in her eyes. And also... a slight disappointment. Jeanette: ‘Ow come you stopped, Ronald?

Ron didn’t like to think back on it. To be completely truthful, he had loved dancing ballet. Madame Montespan was not a gentle teacher, but she was a good one.

The reason Ron had to stop was... because the bullying had gotten to him. In an attempt to get some of the worst of him, he had stopped going. And he had regretted it ever since.

Ron: I am sorry Jeanette... I was just not... strong enough back then.

Jeanette knew she had touched a sensitive subject. She regretted getting it on topic. But unapologetic as all French are, she took a deep breath and switched the subject.

Jeanette: Urgh, Ronald, is it possible I can ‘ave a bath and per’aps get my clothes dried before I venture ‘ome? I truly dislike wet clothes.

Ron: Oh, uh, sure thing... uhm...

Ron faced a dilemma... Where did he put her clothes and... where would she shower?

Ron’s mansion was big enough to house hundreds of people comfortably... but even though he on a rare occasion hadn’t run into any of the inhabitants didn’t mean that their luck would keep going.

Ron wasn’t really prepared for all the teasing of his girlfriends, especially if they now suddenly were going to learn that he had been the star pupil of the ballet instructor.

 Ron... in a movement of desperation and... possibly a mix of brilliance or stupidity, brought Jeanette to his own bedroom on the second floor.

It was the largest bedroom in the entire mansion. With a custom made bed, that took several sheets to cover - it was that large. It had to be. His harem numbered over a hundred.

But it also had a big bathroom and also its own washer and dryer. Jeanette looked around and looked at the bed - both impressed and also a little... critical.

Jeanette: Do you think your bed is big enough Ronald? Ron looked over at the bed.

Ron: Oh uh... that’s a long story...

He opened the door to the bathroom.

Ron: You can just shower, or use the tub, or whatever, and I will put your clothes up on the rack so they can dry up. Just place your clothes in the basket, and then I shall put it up when you’re in the bathroom.

Jeanette smiled and stepped into the room that was before the bathroom. This was a middle section to the bathroom. Ron walked into the bed and fell down on it with a loud sigh of relief. The room that separated the bathroom from his bedroom was only blocked by a wall of tinted glass. The light from the bathroom showed a silhouette of Jeanette... how her curving body bent and formed in order to get out of her jacket, blouse, shirt, shoes, pants and... Ron gulped... he saw how her back made a perfect arch as she pulled her underwear over her round butt in order to remove them. Then she turned around and the door closed, thus shutting off the source of light.

A few moments later, Ron heard the faucet open for the water, and he heard a French voice sing a song.

Ron sighed. Got up and walked into the room behind the glass wall...

The clothes were in a basket and he got it out to the place where he wanted to put up the rack.

He noted just how wet her clothes were. She had to have been in the blunt of that rain for a while before he showed up.

He began to put up the clothes. The pants, her shirt, the blouse, her jacket, the boots he placed by the ventilation shaft in the floor, and her bra came to the racket... in the bottom of the basket was... her underwear.

It wasn’t a thong, but a set of laced, very feminine and classy underpants. They probably made her butt look like a round marvel of the gods when she wore them.

Ron... he cursed his nose... because he caught the unmistakable scent of a woman’s flower in the fabric. That scent, that turns rational men into fools and set’s their entire system into overproduction.

 Ron quickly placed them on the racket and then he walked into the bed again... he got out of his most heavy clothes, and then he laid back down on the bed with a loud sigh... He tried to forget Jeanette... he tried his best, but every time he closed his eyes, he saw her in front of him from all the many angles that he remembered when he was younger. He saw her bend and twist in all the most amazing angles imaginable... Even some... that he was sure that he... he couldn’t remember... angles and positions... that were clearly figments of his imagination.

He understood... that he was dreaming... He took a deep breath and woke up from his early slumber...

He opened his eyes, and he was certain he had to still be dreaming... because there was the face of Jeanette... all up on his own and looking down at him with her heavy eyelids. She smiled like vanilla and peaches... Bonnie’s favorite soap at the moment. She was radiating heat from body, telling a tale that her shower had been a warm one.

She had bun her hair up in a towel turban, and she looked like a dream come true... which she probably already was.

It was the scent of her soap more than anything that brought Ron out of his sleepiness. That... and that he felt her body on top of his own.

Ron looked at Jeanette... and he realized she was over him... he felt that she was straddling him.

She was only wearing a towel around her body. Nothing more.

Ron looked into her eyes. By now, he knew what that gaze meant. It meant... action...

Any trace of sleepiness had evaded him instantly, and realized... that Jeanette... one of the hottest women he could ever remember he had known... was on top of him, looking at him with a sense of purpose in her eyes.

Jeanette: Falling asleep, before showing your guest ‘er place to sleep... that’s very impolite, Mon Bien-Amie. I can see your mother didn’t raise you properly.

Her smile was as cold as he remembered it. Ron tried to get a grip on the situation, but... he somehow struggled with getting his mind and thoughts together.

The very fact that Jeanette was over him... and half naked... that was an intoxicating thought.

Ron: I... I... I am sorry... I... just dozed off for a second...

Jeanette still seemed... angry?

It was hard to tell with her... Ron suspected she was also... pleased somehow.

Jeanette sat herself up, thus resting her entire body weight on her lower body, that was right now on Ron's lap.

Jeanette: Well... where do you want me to sleep, Ronald?

 Ron was completely pulled aside by her question.

Jeanette kept looking at him, as if she expected him to say something to her. Give her instructions or an order or the likes. But when Ron said nothing, she sorta began to move her hips in a way that made his goin burn with desire.

Ron: Uh... well uh...

Ron couldn’t think straight with her hips making circles on his cock... He had to grab her, and he got hold of her buttocks.

Ron at this point knew she was toying with him. And he for one... didn’t want her to go to sleep... in fact... sleep was the last thing he wanted right now. He wanted her.

Ron looked at Jeanette. She looked at him. There was a certain taunt in her eyes. A taunt he knew all too well. The Rockwallers had mastered this taunt. But so had Ann Possible, and Shego.

It was meant to provoke him.

Jeanette: Where... Do you want me... to sleep, Ronald...?

Ron heard her words, and he once again understood that she was teasing him. And she did it so well...

It happened so fast.

Ron toppled her over so she was now laying under him, on her back.

For a moment, Ron didn’t really understand what he had just done, but one look at Jeanette’s face told him everything.

She smiled an almost invisible smile, and she was looking him straight in the eyes. She was still taunting him.

Ron: Well... Jeanette... you will sleep in my bed of course... That is... If I let you sleep...

Thus, Jeanette opened her mouth slightly, and Ron removed the towel around her bosom, and out came her ample breasts. Now, they were no bigger than Susan Long’s tits, but they were perfect, and pretty.

Ron had wanted to see them again for so long. Last he saw them it had only been an accident, and she had quickly gotten hold of herself again, but this time, there was no question.

She wanted it. She wanted him to see them. She wanted him to take her.

Jeanette: Ronald... you... you ‘ave grown so bold...

 Ron began to massage her tits with his one hand. He was resting on the side of Jeanette. He was holding, squeezing and tightening his grip over and over again. A few times, he even gave her tits a few friendly slaps. Not hard, but enough to give them a good jump.

Jeanette: Oh Ronald... you... you are more than bold... And you... you are so good... where... Where did this skill come from?

Ron: I have had time to practice on other women Jeanette... but this...

Ron grabbed one of her tits, and pressed it so her nipple stood up, like a pebble.

Ron looked at Jeanette with a smile.

Ron: This I have been wanting to do for so... so long.

He leaned down, and began to suckle her nipple.

Jeanette: Oh Mon dieu...

Jeanette grabbed his head as he feasted on her tits.

Jeanette: Feast on me Mon Bien-Aimé! Feast on me! I am yours!

Her tits were no bigger than Susan Long’s but they were still wonderful and her nipples were as hard as pebbles.

Ron moved down between her legs. He had dreamed and fantasized about eating her pussy, and now he was finally getting a taste. He gave her pussy kisses, and just as he should dive right into the dish, he felt her hands hold her back.

Jeanette: No... Ronald... please... I know you ‘ave good intentions but please... Too many American’s ‘ave already given me ‘orrible experiences with “giving ‘ead”... Please... just fuck me and spare me the disappointment...

Ron smiled at her.

Ron: Trust me, Jeanette... you will not be disappointed... She sighed and removed her hands.

Jeanette: Very well... but don’t tell me I didn’t warn you...

Ron giggled and then... he dove right in. ————————————————————————————————————— 20 minutes later.


 Jeanette was on top of Ron, she was riding his face as his tongue and lips gave her the 14th orgasm of her life.

Jeanette was cursing and screaming in French and Ron, while being an adept student, still didn’t get half of what she was saying. But some words did he catch.


Ron finally gave her the coup de grâce, and used the special technique that Carmen had taught him so long ago.

Jeanette planted her feet strong and she knew what was coming.

Jeanette: Mon dieu, Ronald...! If you drink all my cum, you are most certainly gonna be my future ‘usband!... Here I go!

Ron felt it. He felt how her pussy squirted out and the stream entered into his mouth and he dutifully drank all of her nectar.

Jeanette screamed once again.

Ron could have sworn he heard her cry out: VIVE LA FRANCE! - when she came this final time...

She then fell backwards onto the mattress and she was shaking her legs, and both her hands were fondling her pussy... her right hand penetrated with four fingers and she began to roll them good and well around before she took the hand up to her mouth and began to lick the fingers, that were dripping with her juices...

Jeanette: Ronald... Ronald... Do not let me wait... let me feel that magnificent cock...

Ron was out of his pants.

Ron: I will, Jeanette... after... you have repaid in coin...

Jeanette opened her eyes, and she looked at Ron with a sly glare... she saw that Ron was not kidding.

Jeanette: Mon dieu Ronald... You sure ‘ave grown in confidence... I like is...

Jeanette rolled around and got on all fours.

She crawled to the edge of the bed where Ron was standing and she looked up at him. Jeanette: Ever ‘ad a French woman suck you off before?

Ron: I know that you are bred for this, Madam... Trust me... I know...

 Jeanette smiled a smile that spoke her words about being disappointed to not be his first French blowjob, but still... happy that he was not gonna burst the moment she took him to the root.

As she did a few moments later.

She opened her elegant mouth and sucked Ron’s cock vigorously. And within just a few moments, did Ron’s cock disappear down her throat. She rocked her body kinda how a Boa Constrictor would when it tries to swallow its meal.

This made her perfect body arch and bend in new and more fantastic ways. Ron reached out and grabbed the perfect ass.

It was as firm as he had expected, but still quite soft.

It was pure muscle. She didn’t have an ounce of fat on her that wasn’t meant to be there. Her fat was destined to be there because of nature. Her genes needed her to store a little for the future babies she would have.

Ron decided to give her buttocks a good massage. Tons of squeezes and slaps. It was so amazing to see her flesh bounce and jump under his touch. She was so gorgeous.

All while Ron enjoyed her flesh, Jeanette sucked his cock, determined to give him just as good a time as she had just been treated to.

She was not in doubt she would have him around her finger after a short while.

French might not be good at many things, but one thing her people knew better than most - and that was the finer arts of lovemaking.

And she... she was no slouch in that department. She was an adequate representative of her nation's vigor and splendor.

Just you wait Ronald - she thought to herself - I will be your fiancé before this night is over. And I will have you cum in my throat in just... a little while... damn he has more endurance than I thought for a man his age. —————————————————————————————————————

20 minutes later.

Jeanette had given up moving... she needed a break.

She had never had a man of Ron’s size or stamina before, and though he had nutted in her throat a few times, she felt he was still no less harder than when she started.

She was still on all fours, but she was staying in her place while Ron held her head and pretty much used her like a hole.

Jeanette felt utterly humiliated.

Jeannette had prided herself on being a woman that could make any man nut within seconds...

And now... Ron was showing her that not only was he extraordinary in size and stamina... she was also... completely under his charm.

 She had felt angry and she had even wanted to yell at him after he nutted the second time and still was going strong, but Ron had just grabbed her head and kept fucking her face... like she was just some common streetwalker from Lowerton...

She had seen that part of the tri-city and... honestly she wasn’t shocked at all. Paris was famous for it’s amorous working force. In fact most prostitutes in France were seen as honest and hard workers, and they were even respected. They did a service that was needed and they would do what they were told in the agreed upon timespan.

Jeanette had no problems with the idea of life as a sex-worker. It was just... she had never imagined an American man would ever have the abilities to put her natural prowess to shame... and in such a manner.

She was still feeling the last huge amount of sperm that he had given her. It was lapping around in her belly.

Ron: Oooh fuck you have a good mouth and throat Jeanette... You are really fantastic!

Jeanette was happy to hear that he was not dissatisfied with her. She gave in even more and just let him have his way with her face until he felt satisfied.

She moved her right hand down to her pussy to keep it all wet and happy... she knew that he would eventually want some of her most precious flower. —————————————————————————————————————

30 minutes later.

Jeanette came back to her senses... she was on her back... and she felt that her legs were widely spread and she also felt something akin to an oak tree going in and out of her pussy over and over again... She also felt something massive and heavy on top of her, using her body as a mattress or... more likely a sex toy...

Jeanette had no idea how she had gotten into this position, but she felt how the big muscular mass on top of her was moving and made loud moaning and groaning noises... The first she saw was the ceiling of a loft she didn’t know. It wasn’t dark in the room.

There was a golden light that was cast onto the ceiling from some lamps somewhere...

She turned her head and a little to the left and saw the lower face of Ron Stoppable... his mouth was open and he was gasping for air as made sounds that told her, that he was fucking her...

Then she remembered... how she had only a few moments ago... had asked Ron to brutally fuck her brains out... after he had just made her orgasm from sucking his cock.

She remembered a sense of flying around like a doll that had been flipped, and how she had been completely gorged open by Ron’s huge cock... it had made her pass out from pure bliss and now she was back again from her trip into heaven.

 Ron didn’t seem to mind that she had been mentally absent. Perhaps she had made sounds that had told him to keep going. Her throat felt sore... but... that could just have been the thorough blow job she had just performed.

Ron was still plowing away at her pussy, and just as Jeanette felt she could perhaps take a little charge again, she felt how an orgasm came closing in on her like a roaring tidal wave. She held on for dear life, and clung her arms and legs to Ron’s body.

Emboldened by her actions and movement, Ron quickened his pace and started hammering his cock deeper and harder into her pussy.

Jeanette couldn’t even scream in agony or pleasure... because as Ron’s immense speed and force rammed her inside and out, she felt how the shimmering light in her forehead completely overthrew what little consciousness she had regained...

She was back to square one... with an open mouth and a mind that once again was lost to lust and bliss. ————————————————————————————————————— Jeanette felt her mind return to her, when she felt how her body was placed in a very unnatural position.

Her ass was raised over her head, while she was still on her back. Her ass rested against the bed.

Her legs were on either side of her head - fortunately she was flexible and she could easily handle it, but it was the sight of Ron’s huge male organ of reproduction that plowed deep into soft womanly flesh that drove her even more crazy.

It was such a sight to see the long cock pull itself out of her pussy that hugged it as tight as a Ninja’s outfit.

Only for it to be viciously pushed into her cunt as long as it was, pushing everything inside her on its way.

She was going more and more insane with every shove, as she felt how she had reached a level of orgasmic mentality that drove her to slip in and out of the bliss with every shove... It was both heaven and hell at the same time... it was like an orgasm that would start, stop, start stop, start stop, start stop in an endless loop.

Jeanette understood at this point that Ron’s cock was a masterpiece of manhood. She was at this very point resized for life... no other cock would ever give her the wonderful stimuli that this cock would.

She was a slave of this wonderful feeling... A slave of Ron... a slave of his endless love...

To think that she would let an American... even a wonderful one as Ron becomes her Master... her man... her god... It was outrageous... her mother would have spanked her had she known.

 With her eyes rolling into the back of her head again, because yet another orgasm was threatening to overthrow her mind... Jeanette gasped and moaned and succumbed to the lust and pleasure... And she once again slided out of thought and time.


Jeanette once again regained consciousness when she felt how her legs and body were seemingly kept... up... against gravity...

Jeanette felt how the pleasure of her pussy had turned into something that leaned heavily up against... pain...

She was awakened because... of the sheer tempo of which... Ron used to now fuck her pussy...

It was such a relentless and powerful onslaught that she was screaming without even knowing it.

Ron was standing on his legs... holding her entire body up in his arms... and his cock... His arms were lifted under the back of her knees, and his hands held her neck and head downwards, putting her arms in a lock between his chest and her thighs.

His body was bent 90 degrees forward by the hip and he was now relentlessly plowing her pussy by jacking his cock into her with immense speed and almost terrifying efficiency.

Jeanette was gasping for air, and as she had gotten hold of her mind again... and as such she was about to protest Ron’s choice of positions... this was hardly the proper way for him to fuck her in. She opened her mouth to protest him...


Jeanette blinked while Ron just kept fucking her like a piston running a million miles an hour.

Jeanette tried again... she wanted to scream either; Take it easy! Or; Slow down!

But instead... all that came out was.


She once again shook her head... she was clearly behind the wheel of the car but... the steering didn’t respond...

Jeanette tried again to cry out, but... all that came out... was what her body craved. Jeanette: OH GOD GET ME PREGNANT, YES!!!

Jeanette could hardly believe the words her body made her mouth say.


Jeanette felt how her body was sounding... the endless clashing sounds of Ron’s cock as it deeply penetrated her and easily made its way to her womb... the womb... that right now screamed to be impregnated...

Jeanette: THAT’S IT! THAT’S IT! THAT’S IT!!! OOOOH THAT’S IT! Ron seemed to get more and more steam with her words.

Jeanette could only see the floor... and her tits hanging down... resistance was futile... even if she tried it.


Jeanette felt how Ron’s cock was growing in her pussy, and she knew what that meant... she was gonna get her pussy blasted full of his hot, fertile sperm... that was why her body was speaking, and not her brain... she knew what was coming... she knew that Ron was gonna blow his load into her... and... her body wanted it.

Jeanette felt her body being bent even further forward, but it didn’t slow Ron down at all. If anything, he kept fucking her faster, harder and deeper.


Ron let out an aggravated growl and a loud roar as he made the final blasting shots into her pussy.


Ron slammed his cock into her pussy as long as he was, and he blasted his entire load deep into her womb... he filled her up in a matter of seconds and all the rest of his cum came splashing out of her pussy like a waterfall. Ron however kept growling as his cock pumped her pussy with more and more sperm.

Her words about wanting to be filled up with more and more sperm had given him extra incense to make more and more cum at the last minute. He pumped her and she overflowed...

Jeanette could only see the endless stream of white cum that leaked out of her... she still was powerless to resist Ron’s full Nelson grip on her. And the immense sensation that threatened to overwhelm her yet again was this time the feeling of her womb blowing up like a balloon filled with boiling hot water.

 She felt her mind slip away from her, just like the cum that right now slipped out of her pussy... and then... It happened.

She lost consciousness yet again, for the unknownth time that evening.

She didn’t even feel it when Ron walked over to the bed again, and gently dropped her down on the mattress...

She fell asleep where she was. —————————————————————————————————————

Jeanette woke up after endless and long dreams about being a tea cup being filled and emptied with boiling hot tea, and then drunk from, and then filled again... the snout of the teapot always seemed to go far too deep into her cup... but it felt amazing...

She opened her eyes, after realizing she had probably never slept so well in her entire life... not even when she was just a child.

She found out that her head was not resting against a pillow as she first thought.

But instead she was resting on top of Ron Stoppable. Her head was laying on his collarbone and shoulder... that was clad in muscles.

That’s when her brain recollected the memories of last night. Her broken car... Ron’s rescue of her... her seduction of him... and his ravaging of her later on...

After that, things got blurry... and her mind couldn’t remember much... but her body remembered everything... And as she moved slightly... she felt a stiff and thick presence in her body...

She turned to look... She lifted her hips a little... and... to her own amazement, she saw that Ron’s cock was still inside her pussy... as if she was a sheath to his sword... a sleeve for his cock...

Jeanette: Oh Mon dieu...

She was attempting to get him out but... one... he was too long, and... two... her hips either didn’t obey her or... she was too exhausted to do anything. She fell down on his body again, and thus Ron’s cock sank deep into her again...

Jeanette: Urgh... Merde...!

She looked at Ron’s sleeping face with an angry expression on her face.

Jeanette: You... American... Brute... You fucked me... like I was just some common street walker... Didn’t your mother raise you properly?

Jeanette grabbed his cheek with her right hand and pinched him. Ron made a face and tried to shake off the pinching fingers.

 Ron: Hnnnng... nooo... bad marshmallows...

Ron suddenly rolled over, and thus brought Jeanette with him in his movement. Jeanette was now on her back with Ron resting on top of her, between her legs. Jeanette: From the frying pan...

And directly into the fire. And either Ron’s dream had shifted, or his body could feel that it was actually in the middle of a sex act... whatever it was, Ron’s hips started moving on their own, thus fucking Jeanette in his sleep.

Jeanette began to moan and gasp... because it felt amazing... Ron was still very hard and she was still full of cum from last night...

Jeanette: Oh no you don’t... I will not be your replacement for your dreams, Mon Bien-Aimé. Jeanette grabbed Ron’s head and began to gently kiss him and bring him out of his dreams. It worked... Ron slowly woke up.

He looked down at her with sleepy eyes. Jeanette looked up at him.

Jeanette: Good morning, Ronald...

Ron seemed to wake up a little more with the sound of her voice and heavy french accent. Ron: Madam Montespan...?

Jeanette kissed him.

Jeanette: It’s Jeanette, Ronald... Please don’t tell me you ’ave forgotten last night...

Ron smiled and shook his head.

Ron: Of course not... just... Post Sex clarity...

Jeanette smiled and bestowed another kiss on him.

Jeanette’s face then soured.

Jeanette pinched his cheeks with both hands, causing him to go: Auch!

Jeanette: I ‘ave a baguette to pick with you, young man... If that is ‘ow you intend on man’andling me every time we fuck, then... I can assure you that... that... That I will loudly complain about it and make it clear to all my friends in France that... Americans are just breeding bulls... With no sense of class or finesse for French delicacy...

 Ron looked at her... it was hard because she pinched rather hard. Ron: But... I only did... what you told me to do...

Jeanette: Excuez-moi?

Her pinch was released a little... but not much.

Jeanette: You dare accuse me of wanting such treatment? Pardon, but I do not think any woman would ever admit to tha, Mon bien-aimé.

Ron: You... you kept demanding... that I... Auch... fucked you even harder and wilder and... to show you... my most outrageous positions... You... You said you wanted... to be fucked... brutally... and hard...

Jeanette at first couldn’t believe this boy’s nonsense... As if she, a Parisian Ballerina of the most prestigious families would ever... ask for such a...

Her mind was stopped by the recollection of last night... Ron wasn’t wrong... She did remember that she had been screaming for Ron to cum inside of her... to fuck her like a breeding bull, and to get her pregnant... she remembered that she had been trying to protest, but out came instead... the words of what she truly wanted... The protests in her mind hadn’t been meant as real protests... only as a way to sorta... keep Ron’s attention a little more... occupied...

But her mind hadn’t been able to overwhelm the deep desires of her body. Ron was right, and she was wrong.

As if a flashback scene in a poor French movie... she recalled the words she had spoken to Ron over and over again...


Jeanette immediately let go of Ron’s face with her pinches, and instead she held it in her palms. Ron looked immediately much more comfortable.

Jeanette: D’accord Mon amour... You are indeed right... but you are still wrong, never forget that. I am always right, and you are always wrong. Even when you are right, and I am wrong. Compris?

Ron nodded. That was the same old song she had used even when he was her pupil. She was always right, and he was always wrong... even when it wasn’t so.

Jeanette: Also... there is a chance that I am pregnant... thanks to your thoughtlessness...

 She poked him in his forehead.

Ron smiled at her again, this time apologetically. He knew it effortless to point out that she wanted to be impregnated last night.

Jeanette: You better take responsibility young man... I will not raise a bastard child. I demand marriage and a huge wedding.

Ron nodded: Of course Jeanette... of course. She smiled, and kissed him again.

Jeanette: Then all is settled... now... fuck me... and this time... like a man fucks a woman... ———————————————-

A few moments later, Jeanette was on all fours, and Ron was behind her with a firm grasp on her hips.

He was pulling her backwards while jamming his hard cock deep into her pussy. Jeanette was performing with far more decorum this time around.

Her moans were classy and toned to the situation and she was far more in control of her urges.

Perhaps because last night had itched a long overdue itch in her mind.

She had needed that brutal fucking. So much.

And now, she was far more herself.

Jeanette was already beginning to plan out her wedding in her head. She wanted it to be held in France. Thus she could invite all her friends and family. It had to be soon. She was not certain or anything, but it was tradition in her family to be married before any indiscretions could be observed on the bride.

Her mother would not be happy about her marrying an American, but she knew that her father wouldn’t mind too much. He would care a little more about if Ron could actually afford her and a family.

Jeanette wasn’t in doubt that Ron had something going well for him. She was judging by the car he had been driving, not a cheap one, and this apartment wasn’t too shabby either. She understood that Ron was probably doing well enough in life... and with her by his side, giving him more direct advice and encouragement, he would soon contour the world.

Their children would not go forth into life with nothing to their name. She smiled and continued to enjoy the sex.

There was a knock on the door, but neither of them cared to stop. Jeanette herself wasn’t really in a position to stop anything.

Ron: Come in!

 The door opened and inside walked a tall, slender woman with jet black hair and tanned golden skin.

She was younger than Jeanette and she was as beautiful as a goddess.

She was dressed like a French maid... or... a horny artistic parody of a French maid... her dress left nothing to the imagination. Jeanette could even see the color of her thong.

She was carrying a breakfast tray in her hands and placed it on the table over by the windows.

Melissa: Good morning, my dear Master... Ron: Good morning Melissa.

Ron kept fucking Jeanette even as she turned to look at Ron with at baffled look and a roll of the eyes in the direction of Melissa as to tell him: Uuuuh... who is that? And why is she here?

Ron just held onto her a little better and continued to fuck.

Melissa was done putting up the breakfast on the table.

Ron: Thank you a lot Melissa.

Melissa turned around and made a formal courtesy and smiled at Ron and Jeanette. Melissa: Thank you Master... enjoy your meal.

She then left without another word.

Jeanette stood against Ron’s movements and smirked a little... she was neither happy nor angry, because... she felt she could be neither for pure confusion.

Jeanette: Alright... Who was that?

Ron: That was Melissa.

Jeanette: And... WHO is Melissa?

Ron caught the tone in Jeanette’s words. She was looking at him with a smile that told Ron that she was not all pleased.

Ron: Melissa Lexington. Doctor at Upperton Universal Health Hospital... she is a Surgeon there.

Jeanette: Impressive... so why is she strutting around like a maid in your apartment? Ron: My what?

 Jeanette: Your apartment? Does she have your key? And if so... what is your relationship with her, Mon Bien-Aimé?

Ron: Uh... Jeanette... this is not my apartment... This is my bedroom...

Jeanette blinked and her smile vanished.

Jeanette: ... Répète?

Ron: I said, this is not my apartment, this is my bedroom... The house is mine, Jeanette... Jeanette blinked a lot more this time around...

Jeanette: But... but... the kitchen... isn’t that a community kitchen for the entire complex? Ron: What? No, it’s just the main kitchen of my mansion?

Jeanette, completely perplexed and even more confused, shook her ass out of Ron’s grasp and placed herself on the bed so she could look at him.

Jeanette: Ronald... When you say, Mansion...?

Ron prepared to explain the looong story for his old ballet teacher.

Let’s just say, when he was done... she was not at all worried anymore about having Ron’s babies. Not at all...

In fact... she demanded to be taken like Ron was her breeding bull... once gain...

The End



Looks great in this.