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Sweet as candy, and even more delicious to chew 😘

Hey everyone.

As it was Mother’s Day yesterday I spent it mostly with my mom. She had been out of town for her birthday, so she got extra spoiled for Mother’s Day. It has happened that her birthday has been on Mother’s Day, as it’s not a fixed date.

But it was nice, and we did a lot of shopping, and me and my brother helped her move some stuff around. She is a woman with a ton of projects, like myself, so she always gets new ideas and new plans.

This time it was more relaxed, and we actually went out and about.

As for a gift, I give the same every year. A new rose she can plant in her garden. Both she and I love roses, and visiting her in July when Roses stand in bloom, she at this point has a rather lavish garden. She has a green thumb. Whilst I can’t even keep my houseplants alive 😂 Man Poison Ivy would kill me very sadistically if she knew 😳 And… I would deserve it…

Other than that, just today another day. Had some time to clean out a little, and had some time to run some errands. And of course, bring ya this piece of Bon-Bon - honestly, at this point in the timeline she is not a Rockwaller, but a Stoppable. Yes, Bonnie will take Ron’s last name when she marries him. Just so you know ❤️

I hope you like it, and I hope that the summer treats you well… and if you by some chance live on the southern hemisphere I hope winter isn’t too harsh 🤗

Yours truly




I. Nobes

So Ron-Ron is going to give Bon-Bon a Bun-Bun?