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Hey everyone.

Due to popular demand, here is more Peg Pete… with some extras, and… I might throw in a few more girls on the sides.

You might recognize Peg and Roxanne easy enough. But some might question who the girl on the right is - that’s Miss Pennypacker, the… school counselor at Max’s old school.

The other girl, next to Roxanne, is… in my opinion the cutest girl in all the Goofy Movie.

I have NO idea what her name is, and I actually think she was an earlier design of Roxanne. If you see the movie, the girl appears next to the blonde hottie during the song After Today. She appears to the blonde’s BFF… though the blonde brutally shoves her aside when the boys appear.

Who is she???

That has actually been on my mind since I first saw the movie as a child.

I think I was 8 or 7, but back then and when I got older, I sorta came to the conclusion that she might be Roxanne’s elder sister.

I mean… if you have the chance, look at the girls. They are so alike. Both in posture and in design. Both are redheads, they stand with books and seem somehow a little shy and meek, but both are really beautiful. Even their outfits are rather similar. Again, all this points to this girl being a pushed aside - pun intended - earlier design of Roxanne for the movie. They might have thought she looked a little too mature, and perhaps she was not as interesting in the animations.

But alas, that is all just speculation from my part.

I always thought, that she and Roxanne were sisters, and that there was possibly 2 years between them.

As mentioned, I always liked her. I thought of her and the blonde, she was by far the prettiest.

Perhaps I had a thing for girls with shorter hair back then.

She has no name listed, and I sorta like the name Cassandra. Roxanne would call her Cassie, and Cassandra would call Roxanne; Roxy.

I am thinking of adding Lisa - the blonde girl from the movie to this Roster and Max’ cousin… what was her name again… Debbie?

Anyhoo, I hope you like it, and if you are wondering, yes, this one is one I will most definitely color.

Yours truly




Jaguar Man

What a masterpiece

Jack O Rabbit

Looking good hope to see Peg’s Daughter Pistol all grown up and now I’m kinda curious on how Max looks and definitely interested in seeing a GILF version of Max’s grandma (Groof’s mother from the tv show) drawn in this incredible art style 🙏🏾