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Hestia was out and about with one of her close friends Alora. They were coming to a nice little glen in the forest where they took a break, and from the bushes sprang a Goblin. A female.
She launched for Hestia and got a firm grip on her long black hair.

Jynx: AHA! I finally got you! Hold still human! You shall be my forever mount!

Hestia: GYA! Get off me!

And thus an unbreakable friendship was forced.

Jynx was wounded rather badly in the struggle, and Hestia brought her home to care for her. She knew that some goblins made a mockery of Amazons and their pride by turning them into human mounts. A rather grim fate. A cruel punishment that her mother had implemented on all Amazons who dared question her orders or rule.


Hey guys. Sorry for the long break. I had some time to do some other stuff. Mainly care for my own health, but things are going good.
Also, the weather is finally turning a little better. We had our first full sunny day today, so it was better to be out and about.

Also, I was to a concert last night. John Mayer is simply one of the best - in my humble opinion. It was such a great time. it was a solo performance, so it was just him on a stage and 15.000 of his closest Scandinavian friends. Really very lovely. He has a great sense of irony.

It was a great night, and I hope you all get to have similar experiences with ya own favorite artists out there. I am not able to perform the same way Johnny does but I will try to do it anyway I can.

Yours truly




To answer your last sentence on your post you are at least to me like Keanu Reeves . A genuine nice guy so don't worry about it. Thank you for your work i shure hope we see a story on Hestia and Jynx's friendship. ♥️☺️


I really hope you continue this story in a comic