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This is a Base Game compatible Aspiration solely for your child-aged sims, found in the MULTI-SKILL category. Completing this Aspiration will ensure your sim becomes a well-rounded individual in all aspects of their life.

This is different from your usual Aspirations where you only end up with one reward trait, in that your sim will earn a gifted trait upon completion of each level. This will help them learn better and faster in the future. If you want even more of a boost to your child's abilities, equip them with the Super Keener Trait!

JOIN: Kids just wanna have fun, but that's not all they need. Their minds and bodies need to be nurtured and strengthened to help them meet challenges that are sure to come their way as a grown up. This aspiration will enable your child sim to become a well-rounded individual who is prepared for their future.

Level 1 - Get Moving!
-Play on a Jungle Gym while Playful
-Play with (#) toys
-Ride a Bike for 4 Hours
-Achieve Level 6 Motor Skill
Reward - Physically Gifted Trait - Physically Gifted Sims build adult physical skills faster

Level 2 - Express Yourself
-Achieve Level 2 Piano Skill
-Achieve Level 2 Guitar or Violin Skill
-Draw All (#) Picture Types on the Activity Table
-Practice Music for 6 Hours
Reward - Creatively Gifted Trait - Creatively Gifted Sims build adult creative skills faster

Level 3 - Make a Friend or Two
-Make a Friend
-Become Friends with (#) other Children
-Become Friends with (#) Adults
-Achieve Level 6 Social Skill
Reward - Socially Gifted Trait - Socially Gifted Sims build adult social skills faster

Level 4 - Do Well in School
-Finish homework (#) Times while Focused
-Achieve a Grade of "A" at School
-Achieve level 10 Mental Skill
Reward - Mentally Gifted Trait - Mentally Gifted Sims build adult mental skills faster

FINISH: (NAME) completed the aspiration! Yay! You now have the skills for the next step in your life's journey.

