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MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/3lYF0JxL#f5B44Ebmson3DnOTllepHNGwyaNvEfE-v1kR7dSpn4Y
Decryption Key: f5B44Ebmson3DnOTllepHNGwyaNvEfE-v1kR7dSpn4Y

Low pitch voice: https://mega.nz/file/i4YFnJpR#UCLm5YcP6paPgcpVyS6tSWgHIw-HwwanDjpHhNZmess
Decryption Key: UCLm5YcP6paPgcpVyS6tSWgHIw-HwwanDjpHhNZmess

At last, or is that what I always say? Anyway, we are inching forward to the finalization for Aegir now. The bigger she gets, the trickier the audio work for her becomes, please excuse us for the long wait inbetween. Enjoy the last parts of Aegir and look forward to her finalized prologue later this month!!



Watch "Aegir_Part_3_SOUND" on Streamable.


Darren van der Valk

Those were my thoughts exactly. Which is precisely why I'm excited to see how the audio work continues to evolve alongside her. My curiosity is practicably insatiable as to the how you'll bring the scale to our ears. I believe we're entering uncharted waters as to the way ambiance is orchestrated at these heights. I've no doubt that you will rise to the challenge, like a wave washing away all obstacles in its' path 🌊 My top points here have to go to the layer of detail added to her movements as well as the booming footfalls, positively impactful! Hearing the ruckus her every move makes never ceases to give me goosebumps as to the sheer mass and power that is on display. A staple reminder of ones' helplessness in the face of it. The rising in pitch before cutting to silence preceding the step @59s was deafening. I love those moments of partial suspense, leaving the aftermath that much more striking; as the emotions are stirred through the audio. This same feeling is again evoked @1:29, coupling so well with the zoom and facial expression to indicate a momentary calm before the storm as the realization of the swell breaks; and boy the air in those cords! I'll say it again but props to the VA 👏 but also to the wizardry on the backend in tuning that performance to proportion 🤏😉 There were also matters of distance kept in the picture with distortion (muffling) which I enjoyed experiencing from the vantage point of the camera 🎥 Then not to get too swept up in it all, the finale by means of the extensive black cut really made you feel a part of those who (were) wiped out 🏄 A little bit of full negative (space), as displayed here, can be great in handing the reigns over to the audience as it stimulates the imagination, adding a bit of personal flair to the mix. I'm so so eager to see how the next leg is conducted and unto the end, the wonders this project has done prepping for your next chapter cannot be understated and crowning this off along with the experience from this experimentation will be a sight, and sound, to behold!

Lol Face323

how badly i want to see her butt smother the whole planet @.@