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Note: This animation is unfinished and will be updated over the course of the next few days with a few extra scenes.

MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/Pl5kHDaQ#2yomRXkkQxpB-cuvhbktvSISG6YMFwR1DIlKMnj9Tjo
Decryption Key: 2yomRXkkQxpB-cuvhbktvSISG6YMFwR1DIlKMnj9Tjo

Hi. Waiting for Aegir? Me too. Unfortunately I couldn't get the Aegir prologue out in time for Halloween, but I have this: Giant mega giga ultra Evie apologizing to the world and wiping out a small country in the process. Sorry!!! Please stay tuned for Aegir's prologue in November, along with the rest of Aegir receiving audio. Thank you again for your trust and support!



Watch "evie" on Streamable.



Honestly more evie content is always welcome she’s an amazing character and you always deliver amazing stuff in everything you do! Thank you! And Take all the time you need! ❤️


Sweet goodness... literally ANYTHING you post will be more than amazing for all of us to see! Your work, no matter the project is MUST SEE stuff for all of us size fiends :D Keep being amazing and we will always believe in ya! >:D Hope the holidays are treating you well


Holy schmoly…


So stunning, seeing a colossal giant butt covering the whole sky and falling makes me so excited:) Really looking forward to see the later complete version.


Oh. You're working on the prologue? That's not what I expected. Well, it would be interesting seeing you do a burst out of the building scene. 😁


Great stuff. Is this the first time we've ever seen the soul-absorbing aspect in action?


Evie ❤️! More Evie is fine 🥹


Evie is stealing my heart. <3


Thank you! Unfortunately I have almost no time for myself, these animations pretty much consume most of my life but I hope you're a having a good time!


Wow awesome animation


So far I love everything I have seen in this animation, the angle of the cameras are exciting and very pleasant, Evie’s expressions represent her personality well and that it was not her intention to destroy that city with a sneeze and that she did not like it very much to be attacked, the effects are wonderful and the last scene in which her huge ass approaches the city behind her is simply glorious. I’m looking forward to seeing the finished version of this animation, so far it’s my favorite, I love Evie, I’d like to hug her right now.

Lol Face323

The butt is soooo good omgggg @.@ heart going crazy from that last shot >////>


Absolutely, absolutely amazing work. Do you plan to add milk, or not for this one?


Now I don't want to see Evie get bombed after that Evie's complicated expression when she gets bombed from what I've seen she just likes people and just wanted to get close to them but hell everyone who sees her they all flee away and bombing her, feelsbadman


This is fantastic work love the Evie stuff it's the best


Yesss, I was waiting for more Evie content! I loved her worried expressions and that she is getting bombed to no effect. I love that she isn't even aware of the bombs hitting her body. I would love to see more explosions on her body that has absolutely no effect and that she isn't even aware of them. Amazing job!

Darren van der Valk

Waiting for Aegir? No. Waiting has a certain tension to it, and like a weight; there comes a certain amount of burden. So rather than add to what may, already, be a heavy load, I’d simply say I look forward to the future. Your time is your own, and I'm glad to be able to experience it in whatever form it comes in. We’re blessed to have such a wonderfully kind and ambitious individual like yourself. With this video representing such, in equal measure. It was a blessing, one which ironically enough was needed more by Evie herself. *achoo*🤧 Talk about being blown away... 💨☂️ And apology accepted! ദ്ദി ˉ͈꒳ˉ͈✧ ... this is my kind of... 😳👉👈 Recently I've come to better understand the types of compositions that I take particular enjoyment in, those of which show portions of a girls’ body in ways akin to a background; like the frame @11. They’re living landscapes and the periphery of your vision being unable to perceive anything beyond their immediate presence creates a sort of cognitive gap in the uncanny nature of it. Part of the allure is found in the unease, the powerlessness, and lack of understanding as you’re faced with the unknown. This is why scenes like this are my absolute, they instill this feeling whilst airing a point of attractiveness. A different albeit similar perception was elicited by the display of magnitude in the fly by shot (21 – 30s). It incorporates a comparable concept but illustrates this in the way that the planes, themselves, trail behind, covering little to no ground as Evie’s visage remains a constant; their movements effectively rendered meaningless. These subtle moments stick the landing as there’s a sense of disconnect in the way things are being perceived (time). They appear almost stationery in comparison making the speed at which Evie moves feel jarring. All these points coming together nicely to expand the disparity that distinguishes the gap (size). The little flash of red that appears on her necklace and thigh strap was of interest. At first, I thought it might’ve marked the completion of her absorption but she appeared to react to it. Could it have been a warning or alarm of sorts? She didn’t appear worried but more like she was listening... Perhaps it was a communication? M.U? (MOO?) 🐮 Her actions moving forward from this would suggest as much as her attention is shifted to her behind… I mean… behind her! Though I make no promises about OUR attention 😉 (It was a good perspective okay!) I enjoyed the different style of the proceeding camera work to capture this (panty) shot as it felt distinct and distant. The latter being a problem that Evie would soon solved ⬇️🧎‍♀️ Though a mystery still left to me is the lanyard glowing to her side. While the rest might have lost its lustre, this stayed illuminated; something that might yet shed some light. Makes me wonder what's instore(d) for/(in) them 🤔 Though to get back to my previous point, I wanted to note the most prominent thing that stood out to me in this; that being the use of expression and emotion. Evie by a “small country” mile beats out the competition in how she emotes and expresses herself. I could see the love and care in crafting her personality with it really making her stand out from any type of interaction I've seen before. The way you handle different characters is a big proponent of what makes me so excited to see them. Interaction is key, and I love to see the way in which they respond to the environment; especially as the plot (growth) develops. A transformation in both body and response makes the dynamic more fun and interesting. It's no wonder your works are always so captivating, as the ever touted "bigger" (read: more) echoes in ones' mind 🔊🧠

Lol Face323

keep coming back to this one - all the butt views are so good @.@