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MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/LhpjSDjS#jqLs_lq0AsjD55nwS4GPijQbb93FiC72W85SjvbqqzE
Decryption key: jqLs_lq0AsjD55nwS4GPijQbb93FiC72W85SjvbqqzE

Finally, the long awaited super mysterious secret animation abomination. Do you think it was worth the long wait? Please let me know. 

This is officially the first animation to take place in Evie's universe and subsequently that of the OVA. Maybe you can guess what the title "Perfect Order" could stand for?  Try to find all the hints in the animation to piece together the narrative of what's going on. We want to slowly show the world of Perfect Order in a slightly more involving way instead of just letting it all out in a huge inconceivable mess. Hopefully this will make things a bit more interesting for everyone watching! Stay tuned for more giant women in a few days from now and thank you for your continued trust and support!



Watch "パラディグムシフト-JP_SUB" on Streamable.



Wowowow!!!!! <3

John Schmitt

Fantastic work as always, very excited to see more of Evie's world!


awesome, this is my first birthday present <3 keep pushing


Amazing as always. Worth the wait no questions about it. looking forward to more work in the future no matter what it is!


Am at work lol so no way I can safely watch till later :(


Banger, felt my heart drop when Evies foot loomed above her, great shock value. Also super positivily surprised how well the dialog is inserted here. Never thought I'd see non annoying talk from a size character, especially at that size. Was really worth the wait! Also also, can't believe I was right with my guess, just cause it was night time lmao


Yo that was awesome what an unexpected surprise


Really good growth as always, plus the level of scale beyond that as well, and definitely has me curious about the stuff going on outside of just the hugeness, so pretty great overall I think!!!


Great and worth the wait:D Please keep making amazing animations.


I usually just lurk, but I really feel the need to express how well done this was. The attention to detail was incredible, definitely one of the best works you've made so far. I really like how the dialogue was implemented, and Evie's lip syncing was done very well. I also love the idea of slowly revealing what this universe has to offer, makes me excited to see what else the world has in store. I definitely think it's worth the wait!


HUGE SIKE moment 🥷


WoHo, giant Evie!


Oh WOW, this was amazing! I don't recognise the characters but that really doesn't effect my enjoyment of this at all. I'll honestly say this is probably my favourite from you, I love the slow pace and the emphasis on every movement, the big girl feels so rooted in her world and it's all super natural. It's also really nice to see you focus on smaller sizes again, at least for a bit, I love all the little details. Plus the voice actor at the end did a great job! I love em.


The wait has been worth it, the effort is noticeable in every second of the animation, that slow and sexy growth of Eunectes while some drones and vehicles seemed to be supervising that growth test, but then a Giga Evelyn Sadako appears and destroys the place, and then contact someone. It seems that Eunectes was dragged to try a growth experiment, now I am full of intrigue, I hope to see more animations of the Evie universe in the future, for now, this is the best animation you have done, good night lighting, a very immersive and pleasant audio, both Eunectes and Evelyn are very expressive, the difference in sizes between objects with women is impressive, There is a lot of attraction in the angles of the camera towards the women and some very good voices for Eunectes, Evelyn and the boy with him the latter contacted. I loved this animation from start to finish, good luck with the next animations Lajest, you will always have my support.


It definitely worth it, I am now really more excited to wait for the OVA:)


Yay. Finally something truly new from Lajest after so long. So this is what you mean by OVA. My dude is literally creating some sort of cinematic universe here. I'm interested. 😁


It's a shame we can't see her grow further, but this is another great ending 👀 Nice Work


Not gonna lie, though your Katarina video is my all time favorite, this one is such a close second. The scenery, the visuals, and even hearing Evie talk after accidentally crushing the other (plus who knows how many thousands of people), is just so good. She's so adorable but with a perfect amount of accidentally cruelty; her first step was with SUCH FORCE that it's hard to imagine it being just a walk-by. That's how immense she is, and I love it. This was beyond worth the wait!


Just wow, from start to finish a true masterpiece! The Cyberpunk setting was very cool, and it works very well for such scenarios given it's futuristic flair! All this just to get stepped on by the precious cutie that is Evie~ She really is an adorable character, and her (seemingly) clumsy misstep was very powerful yet cute! Same goes for her voice, it really suits her! I do wonder who she contacted and who exactly she "Eliminated"... Guess we'll find out some day! I'm really looking forward to see more of Evie and her universe! As always, fantastic job by team Lajest!

Lol Face323

the butt view with the initial growth spurts was so good, makes me crave the dream of a entirely butt focused growth animation (Fischl was the closest)

Darren van der Valk (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-15 12:21:38 While one case closes another opens! Truly the kind of mystery any detective would dream of uncovering 🕵 Get me a van, a dog, and a gang of goofy go getters 🐕🚐🧑 there are secrets waiting to be answered! In fact, thinking on this more… I feel that Eunectes (whom I shall share with ‘Yuran’ [calling sus ඞ] 🤨) was a diversion, a way of throwing us off the trail... 👣 running cover for the actual reveal. A clever bit of sleight of hand in the use of a known project 🖐👈🎩 Hold up! ✋ Let's not be so quick to brush this away. The only thing being swept here is us off our feet 🧹💨 It's great that more giant women are on their way BUTT it's important to take a step back and revel a little. This is your project after all 😌 I'd even go as far to say that it could be interpreted as being synonymous of what's to come. Crushing the 'old' work as Evie guides us into the new era. Then speaking of the GOAT, she speaks! I had legitimately lost my mind when I heard that her personal assistants' name is Moo 🐮🥛 tell me I’m not going crazy 😂 udder ridiculousness and a little on the nose 😉 I appreciate the dramatic irony~ Her VA is just perfect. The way she delivers the lines in such a cute and adorable way 🎤 has me spamming that replay ▶️ I can't get enough of the way she conducts herself 🥰 though with that echo, we do get triple the mileage 😜 (real talk: made the beeeg⬆️) Okay hear me out... those earrings acting as earphones, brilliant! 👂💍 Such as the way they glow as they 'connect' with the necklace, acting as pseudo modem📡📶 (cue dial-up noises 📞) Seems Evie has her work cut out for her. Hope her 'company' foots the bill for any mission liabilities 😅 Can't be having them take it out of her paycheck 😨 Then what of the world? Having laid into it herself, I think it's time we do so as well. The scanners elicit a feeling of a dystopia: the use of mass surveillance to ensure a strict and abiding 'order'. Having seen the trea(n)d, the surveying being conducted was complicit in verifying threats and alerting the necessary authorities. Evie's line in "I can't find her anywhere" confirms as much. The "Perfect Order" (I said the thing 🤭) is one that is governed and enforced by individuals such as herself. The symbolic image of her upon the board signs this off ✍️ illustrating that perhaps the "one" being referred to, is "one" thing being out of order. Whereby harsh judgment is then passed onto all 👨‍⚖️⚖️ Where the 'scales' are balanced by the literal use of said scale 😏 So we’ve established that they’re organized (technology, communications, objectives), there’s a system in place and potentially a hierarchy as she’s given orders (exhibit screen 🫱‍💻) What is interesting is what therefore disrupts this order. We get a first glimpse of this in the mysterious symbol on Yurans' band. Appearing almost demonic in nature. An image of two wings and a single horn? 😈🤔 However the moon runes prevent me from deducting further 🌙 as I'm shaded in their eclipse 🌒 Though it is interesting that when Evie’s image signed off, characters of a similar persuasion appeared in her place. A calling card? Something to signal what was to come? Whoever it was, they seem intent on bringing chaos (the shifting paradigm as it were). Why 'who'? Because Yurans’ surprise implies as much. A pawn in a game much larger than herself, a tool with which an experiment is being carried out ♟️with the contrasting colours of red 🟥 and blue 🟦 establishing exactly which side of the board the two 'stand', creating a strong sense of separation between what each of their roles in the world represent. (An almost 'Good' vs 'Evil, though things never tend to be so fine cut ✂️) Though any more than that we'll just have to wait and see 👀 Count me a fan of the 'choose' your own adventure type narrative that you're rolling with. Theorizing and coming to your own conclusions to perhaps only find yourself coming upon a dead end ❌ returning to the previous ‘page’ 📖 to try again. All the while getting that little bit extra as more content comes out to help push you in the right direction 🚩🏃 the balance of curiosity and intrigue being a recipe for seconds 👨‍🍳😋 You've done an excellent job of bringing personality to Evie's character as her exaggerations in both frustration and dejection give her a well-rounded and expressive charisma. Language is more than spoken word and the manner in which she carries herself adds to the emotion being conveyed. As they say, the eyes are the windows to the 'soul' though don't mind where mine are tracked 🫣 Take away the tonal queues suggested in her voice and you'll in no way be misplaced on grasping the intent. With the entire piece being in 'sync', and that isn’t just 'lip' service 😘 With this in mind, the mood does reflect a contrast between her actions and reactions therein lying a more complex story. Or could just be that she's an adorable goof 😆 Of course, credit is due to our resident maestro 🎶 The soundscape was enthralling and not a beat was out of place even down to the minutest detail 🤏 such as the way the device pulsed to life as it woke our sleeping beauty 🛌 (Who says you need Prince Charming? 🤴) Drawing immediate attention as any good alarm clock would ⏰ with the subsequent 'scanning' as one looks in the dark to hit that snooze button 💤 the 'searching' reinforced by the associated sound does well to bring out the feeling of covering the form, like a blanket. Then with a loud thwoom the light beams through the 'curtains' as they're drawn. Acknowledging the threat to one’s slumber. If you weren't awake yet, then the impending nature that it's time to 'rise' would make sure of that ☀️ Giving her a 'rise' as her expressions and vocalisation matched well throughout the 'rising', combining into a mixture of exasperation, confusion, and pleasure. The sound itself encapsulating the expansion. The result of such being that the surges are always so enticing and from the looks of it… not just for the viewer 🤤 The use of uneven growth in the beginning was an interesting idea as she bottomed out in an ever more cramped space. Should've cautioned for a wide load ⚠️ Well there's no crime in being 'hip', order or should I say balance was restored via the 'top' jurisdiction 👮 Your honor! Please continue to pass judgement on ‘cases’ of these ‘proportions’. The feet focus towards the end was a great way of building up the final flattening. Foundationally building the imagery of being underfoot to then be subsequently stomped out herself 🦶 closing in the cinematic culmination that was her final fleeting moments making for one of the best compositions I've ever seen. The inception step. Worth it? You tell me? (๑&gt;؂•̀๑) Perhaps this is one question I invite you to solve~ 🫵 As for the matter of time… well… I’ll keep turning the glass as many times as is needed! 🫱 ⌛ ⏳
2023-04-15 08:24:17 While one case closes another opens! Truly the kind of mystery any detective would dream of uncovering 🕵 Get me a van, a dog, and a gang of goofy go getters 🐕🚐🧑 there are secrets waiting to be answered! In fact, thinking on this more… I feel that Eunectes (whom I shall share with ‘Yuran’ [calling sus ඞ] 🤨) was a diversion, a way of throwing us off the trail... 👣 running cover for the actual reveal. A clever bit of sleight of hand in the use of a known project 🖐👈🎩 Hold up! ✋ Let's not be so quick to brush this away. The only thing being swept here is us off our feet 🧹💨 It's great that more giant women are on their way BUTT it's important to take a step back and revel a little. This is your project after all 😌 I'd even go as far to say that it could be interpreted as being synonymous of what's to come. Crushing the 'old' work as Evie guides us into the new era. Then speaking of the GOAT, she speaks! I had legitimately lost my mind when I heard that her personal assistants' name is Moo 🐮🥛 tell me I’m not going crazy 😂 udder ridiculousness and a little on the nose 😉 I appreciate the dramatic irony~ Her VA is just perfect. The way she delivers the lines in such a cute and adorable way 🎤 has me spamming that replay ▶️ I can't get enough of the way she conducts herself 🥰 though with that echo, we do get triple the mileage 😜 (real talk: made the beeeg⬆️) Okay hear me out... those earrings acting as earphones, brilliant! 👂💍 Such as the way they glow as they 'connect' with the necklace, acting as pseudo modem📡📶 (cue dial-up noises 📞) Seems Evie has her work cut out for her. Hope her 'company' foots the bill for any mission liabilities 😅 Can't be having them take it out of her paycheck 😨 Then what of the world? Having laid into it herself, I think it's time we do so as well. The scanners elicit a feeling of a dystopia: the use of mass surveillance to ensure a strict and abiding 'order'. Having seen the trea(n)d, the surveying being conducted was complicit in verifying threats and alerting the necessary authorities. Evie's line in "I can't find her anywhere" confirms as much. The "Perfect Order" (I said the thing 🤭) is one that is governed and enforced by individuals such as herself. The symbolic image of her upon the board signs this off ✍️ illustrating that perhaps the "one" being referred to, is "one" thing being out of order. Whereby harsh judgment is then passed onto all 👨‍⚖️⚖️ Where the 'scales' are balanced by the literal use of said scale 😏 So we’ve established that they’re organized (technology, communications, objectives), there’s a system in place and potentially a hierarchy as she’s given orders (exhibit screen 🫱‍💻) What is interesting is what therefore disrupts this order. We get a first glimpse of this in the mysterious symbol on Yurans' band. Appearing almost demonic in nature. An image of two wings and a single horn? 😈🤔 However the moon runes prevent me from deducting further 🌙 as I'm shaded in their eclipse 🌒 Though it is interesting that when Evie’s image signed off, characters of a similar persuasion appeared in her place. A calling card? Something to signal what was to come? Whoever it was, they seem intent on bringing chaos (the shifting paradigm as it were). Why 'who'? Because Yurans’ surprise implies as much. A pawn in a game much larger than herself, a tool with which an experiment is being carried out ♟️with the contrasting colours of red 🟥 and blue 🟦 establishing exactly which side of the board the two 'stand', creating a strong sense of separation between what each of their roles in the world represent. (An almost 'Good' vs 'Evil, though things never tend to be so fine cut ✂️) Though any more than that we'll just have to wait and see 👀 Count me a fan of the 'choose' your own adventure type narrative that you're rolling with. Theorizing and coming to your own conclusions to perhaps only find yourself coming upon a dead end ❌ returning to the previous ‘page’ 📖 to try again. All the while getting that little bit extra as more content comes out to help push you in the right direction 🚩🏃 the balance of curiosity and intrigue being a recipe for seconds 👨‍🍳😋 You've done an excellent job of bringing personality to Evie's character as her exaggerations in both frustration and dejection give her a well-rounded and expressive charisma. Language is more than spoken word and the manner in which she carries herself adds to the emotion being conveyed. As they say, the eyes are the windows to the 'soul' though don't mind where mine are tracked 🫣 Take away the tonal queues suggested in her voice and you'll in no way be misplaced on grasping the intent. With the entire piece being in 'sync', and that isn’t just 'lip' service 😘 With this in mind, the mood does reflect a contrast between her actions and reactions therein lying a more complex story. Or could just be that she's an adorable goof 😆 Of course, credit is due to our resident maestro 🎶 The soundscape was enthralling and not a beat was out of place even down to the minutest detail 🤏 such as the way the device pulsed to life as it woke our sleeping beauty 🛌 (Who says you need Prince Charming? 🤴) Drawing immediate attention as any good alarm clock would ⏰ with the subsequent 'scanning' as one looks in the dark to hit that snooze button 💤 the 'searching' reinforced by the associated sound does well to bring out the feeling of covering the form, like a blanket. Then with a loud thwoom the light beams through the 'curtains' as they're drawn. Acknowledging the threat to one’s slumber. If you weren't awake yet, then the impending nature that it's time to 'rise' would make sure of that ☀️ Giving her a 'rise' as her expressions and vocalisation matched well throughout the 'rising', combining into a mixture of exasperation, confusion, and pleasure. The sound itself encapsulating the expansion. The result of such being that the surges are always so enticing and from the looks of it… not just for the viewer 🤤 The use of uneven growth in the beginning was an interesting idea as she bottomed out in an ever more cramped space. Should've cautioned for a wide load ⚠️ Well there's no crime in being 'hip', order or should I say balance was restored via the 'top' jurisdiction 👮 Your honor! Please continue to pass judgement on ‘cases’ of these ‘proportions’. The feet focus towards the end was a great way of building up the final flattening. Foundationally building the imagery of being underfoot to then be subsequently stomped out herself 🦶 closing in the cinematic culmination that was her final fleeting moments making for one of the best compositions I've ever seen. The inception step. Worth it? You tell me? (๑>؂•̀๑) Perhaps this is one question I invite you to solve~ 🫵 As for the matter of time… well… I’ll keep turning the glass as many times as is needed! 🫱 ⌛ ⏳

While one case closes another opens! Truly the kind of mystery any detective would dream of uncovering 🕵 Get me a van, a dog, and a gang of goofy go getters 🐕🚐🧑 there are secrets waiting to be answered! In fact, thinking on this more… I feel that Eunectes (whom I shall share with ‘Yuran’ [calling sus ඞ] 🤨) was a diversion, a way of throwing us off the trail... 👣 running cover for the actual reveal. A clever bit of sleight of hand in the use of a known project 🖐👈🎩 Hold up! ✋ Let's not be so quick to brush this away. The only thing being swept here is us off our feet 🧹💨 It's great that more giant women are on their way BUTT it's important to take a step back and revel a little. This is your project after all 😌 I'd even go as far to say that it could be interpreted as being synonymous of what's to come. Crushing the 'old' work as Evie guides us into the new era. Then speaking of the GOAT, she speaks! I had legitimately lost my mind when I heard that her personal assistants' name is Moo 🐮🥛 tell me I’m not going crazy 😂 udder ridiculousness and a little on the nose 😉 I appreciate the dramatic irony~ Her VA is just perfect. The way she delivers the lines in such a cute and adorable way 🎤 has me spamming that replay ▶️ I can't get enough of the way she conducts herself 🥰 though with that echo, we do get triple the mileage 😜 (real talk: made the beeeg⬆️) Okay hear me out... those earrings acting as earphones, brilliant! 👂💍 Such as the way they glow as they 'connect' with the necklace, acting as pseudo modem📡📶 (cue dial-up noises 📞) Seems Evie has her work cut out for her. Hope her 'company' foots the bill for any mission liabilities 😅 Can't be having them take it out of her paycheck 😨 Then what of the world? Having laid into it herself, I think it's time we do so as well. The scanners elicit a feeling of a dystopia: the use of mass surveillance to ensure a strict and abiding 'order'. Having seen the trea(n)d, the surveying being conducted was complicit in verifying threats and alerting the necessary authorities. Evie's line in "I can't find her anywhere" confirms as much. The "Perfect Order" (I said the thing 🤭) is one that is governed and enforced by individuals such as herself. The symbolic image of her upon the board signs this off ✍️ illustrating that perhaps the "one" being referred to, is "one" thing being out of order. Whereby harsh judgment is then passed onto all 👨‍⚖️⚖️ Where the 'scales' are balanced by the literal use of said scale 😏 So we’ve established that they’re organized (technology, communications, objectives), there’s a system in place and potentially a hierarchy as she’s given orders (exhibit screen 🫱‍💻) What is interesting is what therefore disrupts this order. We get a first glimpse of this in the mysterious symbol on Yurans' band. Appearing almost demonic in nature. An image of two wings and a single horn? 😈🤔 However the moon runes prevent me from deducting further 🌙 as I'm shaded in their eclipse 🌒 Though it is interesting that when Evie’s image signed off, characters of a similar persuasion appeared in her place. A calling card? Something to signal what was to come? Whoever it was, they seem intent on bringing chaos (the shifting paradigm as it were). Why 'who'? Because Yurans’ surprise implies as much. A pawn in a game much larger than herself, a tool with which an experiment is being carried out ♟️with the contrasting colours of red 🟥 and blue 🟦 establishing exactly which side of the board the two 'stand', creating a strong sense of separation between what each of their roles in the world represent. (An almost 'Good' vs 'Evil, though things never tend to be so fine cut ✂️) Though any more than that we'll just have to wait and see 👀 Count me a fan of the 'choose' your own adventure type narrative that you're rolling with. Theorizing and coming to your own conclusions to perhaps only find yourself coming upon a dead end ❌ returning to the previous ‘page’ 📖 to try again. All the while getting that little bit extra as more content comes out to help push you in the right direction 🚩🏃 the balance of curiosity and intrigue being a recipe for seconds 👨‍🍳😋 You've done an excellent job of bringing personality to Evie's character as her exaggerations in both frustration and dejection give her a well-rounded and expressive charisma. Language is more than spoken word and the manner in which she carries herself adds to the emotion being conveyed. As they say, the eyes are the windows to the 'soul' though don't mind where mine are tracked 🫣 Take away the tonal queues suggested in her voice and you'll in no way be misplaced on grasping the intent. With the entire piece being in 'sync', and that isn’t just 'lip' service 😘 With this in mind, the mood does reflect a contrast between her actions and reactions therein lying a more complex story. Or could just be that she's an adorable goof 😆 Of course, credit is due to our resident maestro 🎶 The soundscape was enthralling and not a beat was out of place even down to the minutest detail 🤏 such as the way the device pulsed to life as it woke our sleeping beauty 🛌 (Who says you need Prince Charming? 🤴) Drawing immediate attention as any good alarm clock would ⏰ with the subsequent 'scanning' as one looks in the dark to hit that snooze button 💤 the 'searching' reinforced by the associated sound does well to bring out the feeling of covering the form, like a blanket. Then with a loud thwoom the light beams through the 'curtains' as they're drawn. Acknowledging the threat to one’s slumber. If you weren't awake yet, then the impending nature that it's time to 'rise' would make sure of that ☀️ Giving her a 'rise' as her expressions and vocalisation matched well throughout the 'rising', combining into a mixture of exasperation, confusion, and pleasure. The sound itself encapsulating the expansion. The result of such being that the surges are always so enticing and from the looks of it… not just for the viewer 🤤 The use of uneven growth in the beginning was an interesting idea as she bottomed out in an ever more cramped space. Should've cautioned for a wide load ⚠️ Well there's no crime in being 'hip', order or should I say balance was restored via the 'top' jurisdiction 👮 Your honor! Please continue to pass judgement on ‘cases’ of these ‘proportions’. The feet focus towards the end was a great way of building up the final flattening. Foundationally building the imagery of being underfoot to then be subsequently stomped out herself 🦶 closing in the cinematic culmination that was her final fleeting moments making for one of the best compositions I've ever seen. The inception step. Worth it? You tell me? (๑>؂•̀๑) Perhaps this is one question I invite you to solve~ 🫵 As for the matter of time… well… I’ll keep turning the glass as many times as is needed! 🫱 ⌛ ⏳


That was absolutely incredible! I loved every second, well worth the wait. Keep up the amazing work!

Calvert Ma



By the way Lajest, there is a detail that you have overlooked: when Eunectes crushes that tank, one of Evelyn’s feet appears on her, but it is the left foot, it would have to be the right one because it is the one who crushes her in the next scene, it is confusing.

Zyri Antel

Start of animation: “Ooh, I wonder what her story’s gonna be-“ End of animation: “That’s rough, buddy.”


Will you upload another version of the animation in which the correct foot is shown in that scene to Patreon?


that...was amazing, you never fail to impress


Your work by far tops all


I see that you have added a version with credits and subtitles in Japanese, are you also going to put a MEGA link to download it?


where is the full version