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Note: This animation is a work in progress and is incomplete, there are also still a few errors in the animation.

MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/3wwzlCYT#LvaK4_-5tUSapeQNWLye0IJ2FK-N3CR82bTjH17mwR8
Decryption Key: LvaK4_-5tUSapeQNWLye0IJ2FK-N3CR82bTjH17mwR8

Here we go, starting another long project before GGEX is done... Sorry for being late with this one, I was distracted by the Halloween animation to finalize this one, please forgive me for it. The giga part after she gets teleported is missing, but I will just add it when the final version with sound is ready. I think this is a nice change of pace after the stressful and violent animation that came before. Do you like these kind of more peaceful animations? Please let me know



Watch "ganyuwip" on Streamable.



hows the animation for this going?


Oh, wow, I really can't wait to see this one!!


Your animations are so delicious and exquisite, a real treat for the eyes. That last part were Ganyu gets teleported gives me the hopes that you have something more in store for us with her! Maybe you are going to teleport her in the middle of a city? -wink wink- Ooh, one can only dream haha Excellent job with this one, Lajest!


I love it, excellent continuation of the original Giga Ganyu, I really like how it grows inside the sanctuary thanks to that cat, you can see the size difference between the cat and Ganyu, I can’t wait to see the final version, good luck, you will always have all my support. Answering the question, yes, I like that kind of quiet animations, I wouldn’t mind seeing this kind of animations frequently.


I've been waiting a real long time, but the wait was truly worth it. I'm seriously looking forward to the finished project! And yeah, I do like these kinds of animations a lot. Feels like there's more freedom, in a sense, in how these play out.


It's definitely well crafted! I like the visible un-eveness of the growth and how stuttery it seems. That makes me look forward to the sound design a good deal too! As for the actual 'plot' of it...It's probably just a personal preference of mine, but I would've liked to see her do a little more than ride it out. It takes a bit of time for her to start interacting with the environment. It's good as a watch for just growth (and that's totally fine too!) but might not outright be my preferred type of content. I know you like to do a variety of stuff though, so all good!


What did you feed the cat? 😻😼 Good animation, that you upload so many in a row really impressive, keep it up. Have a nice day.


This is exactly why it is so hard to wait for your videos. You bring up some of the juiciest scenarios, but you manage to deliver them with spectacular results. 😁


Thank you! She will be teleported back into the Genshin world where will she giga sized, the series continue with the other girls growing in a similiar fashion and ending up where Ganyu is


Aw sweet! Glad to hear that! I can't wait to see what you will come up with that scenario! :D


Excellent, without a doubt, this is going to be very exciting, good luck, I wish you the best, enjoy what you do.


great video! love the cheeky lil beladdy cat


How did I not realise this until now? That's literally his logo. So that's where the tribute connects. 😁


So, the goat is back/


More Goat!!!