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So, I've been a bit late with the next animations, two of which are nearly ready to be posted. However, due to some unexpected and seriously hindering jank, I've just been working on fixing them as best as I can for the past week or so. Luckily, I'm finally nearing towards the end of the struggle and both animations will be up soon. The total playtime of which is over 3 minutes, so there's a lot to look forward to. Please keep in mind that the Ägir animation in this preview is not related to the Giga Supporter pick and is instead part of a major commission. Please stay tuned for the following days to come and thank you once again for your patience and support!



Watch "aegirprev" on Streamable.



Hope we can get more Azur Lane girls in the future!


In a word: EXCITING. The details are incredible, I love the expressions of Ägir and that bright eye, because of how big it is, it looks like a kind of “Cerotic eclipse”, I really want to see the animation once it is finished, good luck, I wish you all the best, you have all my support.




Is Poppi coming soon ? (excited)


That is most impressive!


Very exquisite model, can’t wait to see more Azurlane grils too 🥵🥵🥵


Goddamn that's hot. I do love girls with glowing yellow eyes, especially when they portend doom... 🙃


Of course, I've already put a decent mount of work into Poppi and it should be ready ither at the end of this month or beginning of September


Me too. I always thought the glowing eye thing was obscure but it seems that a lot of people seem to like. I personally love it, it really amplifies the depiction of the girls power


Wanna see her grow even bigger😍