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It's been a bit now since I've made my last post and I apologize if it seemed like I have been absent. I have been going hard at Kasumi's video and been trying really hard to make it as nice as possible, I'm sure you're gonna love it. As for Kaga and Nejire VR, both of those have already been rendered and their audio is being worked on as we speak. There is a good chance that I will post Kaga, Kasumi (soundless) and my Yuel foot sandwich short on the same day, but Kasumi is currently taking an eternity to fully render out, there is really a lot going on in that video. 

Also, please make sure that you join my Discord server if you want to stay up to date on what I'm working on and if you're interested in seeing the latest WIPs. I figured I would post those there since I'm not sure if it's okay for me to clog up your Patreon's feed too much. I really post a lot. Soundless versions for Kaga and another short animation have already been posted there. Here is the invite link:





Kyoko Kirigiri from Danganronpa, right? It is really majestic, you can see the details a lot, for example: its left eye closes a little by the light of the helicopter’s spotlight. There is a lot of effort in this image, I hope to see Kyoko in a video soon. About the absence, nothing happens, take it easy and when you have time, keep publishing the WIPS of the next videos and the final versions, we will wait patiently for you.


oh how I'd love to be under those boots