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Please let us know what you think!

  • Option 1 358
  • Option 2 386
  • Other (Please leave comment) 8
  • 2024-05-01
  • —2024-05-03
  • 752 votes
{'title': 'Please let us know what you think!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Option 1', 'votes': 358}, {'text': 'Option 2', 'votes': 386}, {'text': 'Other (Please leave comment)', 'votes': 8}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 3, 17, 4, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 1, 15, 39, 45, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 752}


Hi again!! It's been a while since I've made one of these hasn't it? I as well as the others in the team have been noticing that our approach so far hasn't been working out as well as we had hoped as we might have been a bit too eager to jump into concentrating fully on our OVA. The progress on the videos has not been as quick as I had hoped as we do not have as much to show as we usually have. The main reason for this being that all assets (audio as well as visual) ranging from tinies, drawn billboards, cities, effects, military and even the planet itself are all proprietary to each animation. On top of that, all animations are scripted and storyboarded to tell a compelling story so, understandably, these videos take a lot more effort as well as funding to produce.

As a result from the lack of posts, many supporters seemed to have felt left behind and upset and I again have to apologize greatly for causing any confusion and disrespect. We are working as hard as ever but simply fail to communicate sufficiently at times. Luckily though, we've come up with two simple solutions and would like to hear your take on it. Here is how we would move forward from now:

Option 1: 

We produce at least one short animation every month (min. 30s long) as well as a progress update on our long term Perfect Order videos. This progress update can include whole animation clips but it can also include concept art, images of model updates or other, maybe bigger surprises. The monthly shorts would of course be voted for by the community as well as be decided by us occasionally.

Option 2: 

Mostly the same as option 1 except that we focus almost entirely on our OVA. There would still be shorts occasionally but they'd be posted at much more sporadic rate. Most posts would be either updates or entire OVA clips.

Please keep in mind that these plans are meant for after we've posted Aegir and Despair Chiaki this month. Would you like to add something or suggest a different option entirely? Leave a comment to let us know and thank you again for your generosity! We will always try our best to satisfy you!



Tbh a lil bit of a difficult choice as you know more clips always sounds enticing but at the same time if that has an effect of diverting too much focus away from the big projects I think that would be unfortunate. Personally the OC stuff is what interests me most of what you've done so more focus on that would always be appreciated, assuming these shorter clips would be featuring more characters from other stuff. Wish ya the best in whichever route you go though.

Justin Brolaski

i'm ok with whatever you do. i really enjoyed what you have done on here. It's understandable things can be tough with life and such keeping you busy. But no need to apologize. Your incredible at what you do and take all the time you need. Somethings make take time but it'll be worth to see when the next project is ready to go. <3 Keep up with the great work ^^ look forward to much much more

Joe Tango

I don't think 30s clips are worth it that much tbh, which is why I would prefer option 2, but what do I know. Seems most people favor shorter vids


Honestly, so long as you continue to produce the brilliant content you have been producing, I don't really mind! I think no matter what the actual content is, you always manage to make it well. The exceptional quality is what has always been appealing to me, and why you are one of the few people I actively support on patreon.


It is really very difficult to decide, but I prefer to see more original things of yours like Perfect Order as long as possible, as long as you like your way of organizing things everything will be fine.


As Joe Tango said, 30s videos don't seem worth it compared to getting the big ones faster. As a sidenote, I don't know how hard it would be to do, but it would be great with some more ground-level POVs. There were some in the latter half of Aegir, but it's hard to really imagine how big she is when there is only earth to compare to. My brain can't really wrap around it 😗. Also, this is just a personal preference but, I really like body sounds like stomach growling. Like, in Wonder in Aliceland, imagine how loud and reverberating her stomach growling would feel on the floating island? Maybe it's just me... Anyway. This is my first comment so I just wanna mention how amazing and high quality your videos are and I'm really in awe of you guys' talent 😁. Keep up the good work! Monthly 30sec videos or not, I know the money is well invested. I'll always be looking forward to whatever is put out. Even if it's... a cow thing?


Personally, I'm more interested to see more or your OVA, full time after the other two big videos. You know projects that are ultimately you goals, and what drives you in the end. So option 2 for me.


Mm, I tend to like around 1, maybe 2 min, that's a good length


I think variety is the spice of life myself which is why I selected Other. I like the idea of interspersing your OVA vids with your usual vids with varied subjects, though I think for length I personally prefer at least 1 minute, though I can understand that taking more work. I don't know that you'd need to make the non Perfect Order videos too hyper detailed, though, honestly, I'm happy with your work even when you don't go super hardcore on it. Save the detailed work for the OVA, since that seems important for you, and let your regular vids just sort of maybe be experimental and don't worry too much about quality, would be my opinion here.

Demural Haraldssen

I think the thing I took the most issue with wasn't a lack of progress on the videos, but rather the lack of communication. As with all crowd founded things, communication is key. I would suggest something like a bi-weekly update, this doesn't have to be large texts or with short videos prepared. Instead it should be "we have worked on this, it was annoying/fun/whatever you feel". Sure, sometimes you might want to add a short of some kind, but I think it is more important to reassure people that you are still alright and doing good rather than forcing a particular short to be made because you have been working to much on a larger project.


I've wanted a dedicated GTS series for a long time now so I easily vote option 2. 30 seconds videos are nice, but also largely forgettable. I want a video that I am going to remember and will stick with me for years. I want to see the concept of GTS explored with interesting characters and intense moments, not another cookie cutter Gacha/Anime girl gets big stomps around for a couple minutes not saying a word. There are enough of those videos that I'm pretty full up on them for now. A dedicated series is something that hasn't really ever been done before and would be very unique. Granted a dedicated series takes way more effort and money and I fully recognize that you are an indie team that doesn't pull a lot of income off of this niche so I fully understand not going this route if it's too much for you guys. In the end I'll be content with whatever comes out so long as you keep the quality you've had for years now.


Of course!! From now on I will always make status updates on the matter. Know that I appreciate your feedback a lot. My main issue was simply that I wasn't confident in what we had thus far. I've been struggling with a serious mental disorder that has affected my day to day life severely for as long as I can remember and it also affects this work a lot. I tend to fall into self destructive spirals that I sometimes don't have much control over More on that I will put into a separate post at a later point. No need to worry about the shorts though, they are not too difficult to work on and would serve as a good break from the OVA work. Thanks for your considerate response!


I highly appreciate your trust in us. The idea of making the shorts serves more for sustaining our team and hopefully even expanding on it at some point. Right now our project is very niche and our reach is really tiny so that automatically slows down our progress immensely and puts a lot of stress on the people who are there to perform. The shorts would help a lot in taking some of the load off from everyone in the team as well as satiate all of the supporters who are yearning for consistent output from us. Surely at some point in the future, given that our series is received well by our supporters, we will focus purely on Perfect Order content. This is a long term project and we're not going to put it on halt any time soon. Thank you for believing in us!!


Unfortunately with only a limited budget and limited talents (especially in this sphere) I can only guarantee so much. I want nothing more than make Perfect Order into a reality, in a timely manner, and must therefore sacrifice a good chunk of other animation runtime. Of course these shorts would be simpler as you say and I'm sure some of them would a minute long but 30s is just the amount I can guarantee on top the Perfect Order posts.


Thanks for the input!! There will be many more ground shots once I've overhauled my set pieces for it. The ones I'm using currently are very outdated so I only want to show them sometimes. Thank you for enjoying my cow thing also!

Joseph B

I would much prefer regular updates on the OVAs over monthy 30 second videos. Option 2 is exactly what I became a member for. Short clips have less appeal for me, I wouldn't mind at all if they became more sporadic. Contributing to your more impressive projects and helping you all flex your skills is a big part of the appeal for me.


I picked "Other" because I don't want you to burn out on having to maintain a strict monthly release cycle. I'm sure lots of people hear "more releases" and assume that's the best thing for them as a consumer, but I'd MUCH rather you work on whatever are you are passionate about working on, be they short or long clips, because that will be better for you and IMO lead to a better final product anyway.


Please allow me to comment as a creator. I do appreciate all the works you’ve done before. The reason I prefer option 2 is that I want you to take your time. Your animation never disappoints me. So it’s not necessary to apologize for anything. Actually, no matter choose what to update, like concept art, animation WIP or a completed short animation, they are not easy to produce. That’s time-consuming. Thus your artwork deserves waiting for. Maybe some members are anxious about your update frequency. Well, that’s because they don’t know how hard the work is when a perfect animation is made. Hard to believe it that I, myself, had suffered from mental disease for years either. Though I’ve done well in university, I never felt delighted. I had no friends. And you may also have (I just say maybe) known me because there’s something happened to me. I have to say sorry. I apologize. In the year 2023 I knew you on Youtube. I started to recognise what I should do. Then I came here to become a member. I want to support your spirit for not giving up and all your marvellous creations. And, just little extra advice on option 2. Monthly update of the animation is a suitable frequency. But I’ll also be thrilled to see the model update. The character design is really awesome.


I think you did a couple before but I really enjoy the videos where your giantess is like embarassed about growing, shy about breaking stuff. The ultimate weapon of death and destruction stuff is cool too, but I also enjoy growth without smashing or eating anything/anyone. It's really difficult to find any of your old videos because most of the links are broken

Darren van der Valk

There's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said, so at this point, I'd simply be joining the choir in harmonizing. Guess I'd best get singing! Though the small matter of the 50/50 split certainly helps convince one to enter the fray that is the comment section. Quite frankly, I'm happy to have this public forum in which both sides can have their voices heard and a suitable resolution can be reached. At the end of the day, this is still a two-party agreement, and your choices in balancing that fine line have been nothing short of astounding thus far. I love hearing the trials, tribulations, hopes, and aspirations, and ultimately, all of us working together to reach that destination. So, a big thank you for fostering such a community and always being so open. It's what encourages such vocal support, as each and every one of us is moved to give our response, like this! While I'm an Option 2 supporter, I can certainly see the merits behind Option 1. Option 1 does feel like it might be a drag on progression when it comes to the OVA, but at the same time, breaks are also essential, even in the creative sense. So I guess the leaning towards 2 still applies as the option to take the creative 'out' exists there too, except that its sporadicity is linked to the want to have that rest rather than the 'need to'. As a whole, I'm in favor of the quick quips... oh, sorry, that's just me, "clips", in whatever form they eventually come in. There's also less pressure to provide the heights that I'm sure you've set for yourself and the team on the OVA in terms of quality, as they're less demanding. At least in terms of the fun and silliness to be had in experimentation, with the less restrictive boundaries allowing for testing of certain ideas or themes. It really is a difficult one, as there's something to be said for the love and motivation in working on the thing you enjoy the most, your OVA, as an impact as well. Hell, this might be as split in opinion as the vote itself! I feel like I've fumbled to and fro on my own argument. In the end, I think that either direction has its pros and cons, but I also can't seem to shake my desire for something to satiate and tide me over. Argh! These conflicting emotions! Though I think you've said it best in your replies. Perhaps, in respect of, I'm more of an Option 1 supporter after all.

Mr Groofus

its gotta be option 2. I like the current goals, but an occasional update here on patreon to be nice, for me its not a big deal to wait. I can definitely see that some more communication would help, and easily in the form of still shots or just a ramble post or even just a "we did some stuff, its been taking longer than we thought". I don't mind that things take a while (its animation, its gonna take a lot of time given the quality that y'all put out), just an update here and there could help a lot. But I see option 1 as being valid, this could be a way of testing general ideas out. Maybe y'all wanna try something new, and see how the audience likes it. They both have merit, but for me option 2 is more effective on clearing up any communication while simply continuing to go. Y'all put some real passion into your craft, and its been awesome seeing how FAST y'all get better


I’ve been on this Patreon since nearly the very beginning, and I’ve seen how much you’ve been teasing and previewing Perfect Order, so having to curtail yourself to make quick 30 second animations each month seems a bit counterproductive? I say go full bore with the Perfect Order stuff. If you want to take the occasional break from it after you start it, then I think that’s fine, but it’s time to go full steam ahead on Perfect Order, I say.