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Okay, so I'm pushing hard to start bettering myself and working through this situation. Mom's doing a bit better, even though things don't look good in the long run, but goddamn it I'm gonna try to do more no matter what happens.

Got another gay bully story for you, and while I know not all of you like it, I'll have soemthing different next time. Gonna tackle this depression head on and try being productive.




That's the spirit! Depression is a constant struggle but I've found that having a routine helps me stay motivated. Something like setting aside a few hours a week at specific times so I have that space carved out for a project really helps. If I don't do that and plan on just getting it done whenever I have time, I'll just waste all of that time putting it off and it never happens. If I could make another suggestion, it might help to have a regular update schedule. Like pick one day a week where you'll always post an update here, regardless of whether or not you have an actual story to post. That consistency can really be a good motivator, especially if you're using the Trello board or something else to track projects. Also, have you ever given any thought to fleshing out your guest stories section on the Wordpress? I feel like some of the websites where you used to be able to find extreme content like VWD are tightening restrictions. Maybe you could add a story submission channel to the Discord where the community can put stuff they write, and the best stuff could be given a home in the guest section? Or even reach out to authors who have released this kind of content in the past. I was stoked to see JWC's story show up last year and I know there's some stories from BottomBoyToy's old site that don't seem to be available elsewhere. Sorry for the wall of text, apparently I have a lot of ideas today. :)


Thanks for the support, and yeah I plan on getting my schedule fixed. Starting with my sleep schedule, and then trying to write a certain word count every day. I'm not sure how i'd reach out for the guests stories but we can figure something out.


This story is amazing. Hope we can expect a brutal ending!


Didn´t particularely liked the ending, but the beginning and the middle were cool.