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I don't really have anything to share this week, but a friend of mine let me have some artwork she made. I figured you guys might like it since I had nothing else but news. (She made the Julia artwork btw)

On the news front, mom has cancer again, and so ... yeah, stage 3 and (somewhat) soon to have surgery to have her entire voice box removed. Shit sucks, and its left me mentally exhausted from stress and taking her to several appointments a day.

Obviously writing will be slow to null for the moment, family first. The only good news is that provided the last biopsy comes back clean, she'll be good to have the surgery, which has to chance to make her cancer free.

I feel conflicted about telling you all this, because I know you guys come here for dirty stories lol, but at the same time I didn't want to just say family stuff with no explanation.

I've actually got a few more pages finished on Bully from Hell, so I'll do what I can with the stories, but only if I'm feeling it. Might be some guest stories on the way though.

Thanks again, guys, hopefully I'll have good news to share soon.

Oh! And check the discord! I'll probably do some captions or something.




I'm sorry to hear that. Stay strong Nebic, I hope things get better for you soon.


My bro I'm so sorry for what your going through 💚

Afif Majid

Stay strong bro. We are here if you ever need to talk. My dad went through cancer too, so I fully sympathize with your stress. Take care

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-10 15:52:11 Everything will be fine and get better. <3
2022-11-16 16:31:59 Everything will be fine and get better. <3

Everything will be fine and get better. <3