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Welp, mom is in the hospital, so I'm doing what I can here at home. Writing has been slow again for obvious reasons, so I'll be a tad slow on the next upload. On the bright side, I'm going to switch the payment style to the new thing they've announced.

Basically, when you sub, you get an entire 30 days of content. No more being billed when you sub, and then again at the first of the month. Honestly this is how it should have been from the start, and I have no idea why Patreon didn't do it that way.

I'm working on Sinister Short 60 right now though, (big VWD one) and I'm going to try and make progress on Bull from Hell, since I'm on the final chapter. Thanks for being patient with me guys, you bunch of fuckin' chads.



very impatient to read it sir, good luck and take care <3


Best wishes to your mother. <3


Take care my g all the love in the world to you and your mother