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A little late to posting this one, but that's fine, better to keep the post date near the weekend I think, so you guys get to enjoy it more. Good bit gay this one, but I don't think I've written an exclusively gay short in a while. A recent commission I did made me want to use the character again, so I came up with this birthday party.

Also keep in mind that these little shorts, are prompts for Commissions or future stories I can elaborate on. So if you like any of them, or would like to see them expanded, let me know!

(Link is old, but you can find the story on my wordpress!)



I hope your weight loss journey is still going well! If you're taking requests, I'd love a follow-up to SS53 or 57. I'm sure it gets boring to write all the time but I can't get enough VWD-type stuff. :P


Weight loss is still on-going, and while I had an issue the past week it seems like there was no weight re-gained. And yeah let me look at those shorts and I'll see about it.