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Boy am I fuckin' sleepy. Stayed up too late on New Year's Eve, overslept on the first, and am now attempting to fix my fucked up sleep cycle by staying awake until tonight around 10pm. 11 hours to go, I just gotta stay awake.

In more important news, writing will resume this month and I should be back in action and posting things. During my "break" I still ended up writing a bit, one thing being chapter nine of Bully from hell. It's practically finished, already at 6k words, but needs a few more additions and it'll be ready to post, hopefully soon.

As with everyone else at new year,  I'll try to break some bad habits and build some good ones. Still wanna lose weight, not gonna stress over writing as much but will try to get a set amount done each day, things like that.

Just wanted to let ya'll know.


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