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Let's just jump into it: I'm taking a break. I promised myself and friends that if I was able to put out something on Julia, I'd take a break and focus on my health. (I was aiming for finishing all of Julia, but it still has ... 30-40k words left I think.)

Thus come October, I'd begin working on losing weight and getting my health up. As of today I weigh 250lbs, (113kg) and I need to seriously knock off that weight. I already don't sleep well, I have low energy, obviously all this together affects how well I can write and do things, so the goal is to make some changes and just get outside more.

Cooler weather is here, and so I'm going to take advantage of it. Plenty of yardwork and housework, so that should keep me busy.

I won't be gone forever obviously, I plan on coming back refreshed and in a much better state. I'll still update you guys, and I might even throw some captions on here, but don't expect much. I really want to clear my head of writing, and just focus on getting better.

Thanks so much for being my fans, it means the world to me.

Be back before ya know it.


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