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Howdy guys, sorry I've been quiet. The issues never cease, but I know that's no excuse. I HAVE been writing, and I'm nearly finished with a commission. One Heart Left - Part 2, is 2600/3000. I'll be sharing it once it's done, but for some reason I'm still struggling.

I'm not sure what the hell is wrong with me, but even with my office I'm still finding it difficult to write. Bad habits maybe? Either way I have content on the way, and I'll try to get myself in gear. I'm taking steps to try and write more.

That commission should be finished today, and hopefully posted today.

On a related note, for Christmas I think we'll start tackling Julia's Descent. Although I haven't been writing it, I HAVE been coming up with ideas and scenes I'd like to see, so I have a LOT to cram into the new chapter. That will start as soon as I'm done with the commission, and I'll be posting the link for all my level 3 patrons so they can help me proofread it.

Also I was thinking of doing a Level 4 tier, perhaps a $20 dollar thing, that is limited to only one or two people at a time, for a short 2k word commission or something. Just an idea though, first I need to be producing words.


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