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My internet has been shit for quite a while, so I'm changing providers in a couple days. As it is now I can barely connect to the internet, (in fact I'll be surprised if this even goes through) so writing is a slight issue, since I need to connect to Trillian to talk with my commissioners, and since google docs needs internet to update any changes I make to it.

Paying $65 for less than 6mbps. It's GARBAGE. Plus It drops all the time, and sometimes I don't even get 6mbps, sometimes it's less.

Just signed up for something new though, different provider, $45 a month, 200mbps. Hopefully they can keep true on that. They're coming to install in a couple days.

Just wanted to let you know.

Oh! And i've started messing around with Chapter 9 of Julia's descent, getting ideas together on what we'll be doing with it. Soon as my internet is fixed and everything is solid, I'll post it up so the level 3s and I can go over it and begin work.


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