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I’d like to have a little discussion regarding Bully’s latest chapter, and the upcoming Lights Out finale. From what I’ve read between your comments, I’m glad that most of you seemed to enjoy it, but at the same time I understand the complaints that others have. (this coming from the blog btw)

A big part of why I’m having some issues in my writing, (I believe) is because I’ve been working on these same 3-4 stories for … hell more than a year. Because of things with dad and everything else, I jumped on and off of the stories, and get side tracked, lose interest, come back, try to get back into it, go in a different direction, and generally just forget how to write in the first place. 

Hell up until tonight I had practically forgotten the “show don’t tell rule”! I’ve been off my game and feeling pressured to complete these same stories that I should have finished a long time ago.

I just wanted to let you guys know my mental state, and that I’m not stopping or anything,  I’m just clearly still rusty.


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