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So the latest Julia update is this: That 8000+ I had? I kinda ... maybe, scrapped it.

Now before you freakout, let's just call it a draft, because I've already started over and the much better version already has 10,000 words, and I've only just finished the first big sex scene, of which there should be one or two more. I'm not sure if I should split it into two chapters, because I have at least another 10k to go.

But I'm on a roll, so I'm not going to stop!

Also, the thousands of words in drafts I have for chapter 5? Yeah, all you level 3 patron supporters will be getting around another 20k words of drafts I've had over the last year. lol So I hope you look forward to that.

Everyone else will get those same drafts later though, but the level 3s get 'em first. (Part of the bonus and whatnot)


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