6-26-17 (Patreon)
2017-06-26 14:30:26
Hey, guys! Back for another update, just to let you know things are doing a bit better. I'm trying to get back into my habits, and so far It's ... kinda working. lol
I've been writing around 1000 words a day for the last few days. It's not much, but it builds up. Also, since I don't have anything to post, and the Patreon is still paused, I thought I would mention I have a Tumblr.
https://nebic.tumblr.com/ is my Tumblr, so while you wait for me to unpause my Patreon and resume the stories, you can find a new caption by me, everyday, or almost everyday, just as something fun to look forward to.
However, be aware that most of my captions will be similar to my Imagefap Captions from a while back, meaning mostly hardcore interracial.
Hope you guys enjoy that. :)