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Greetings All!

These are a whimsical take on the Caltrop, the Fey glass inspired directly by the Christmas ornaments from Home Alone. That memory is just seared into the back of my child mind, barefeet and all.

While partially consumable, rather than working in magical rules for shattering and losing pairs. I will leave it wide open for the GMs, I really do enjoy the idea of a limited tracking feature for those that plan ahead. The DC:15 is standard for Caltrops, over the normal DC of a Common magical item.

I hope you think so too! Thoughts are always welcome, and encouraged.

Updates: Minor art tweaks.

I hope you enjoy this one! Truly, as always and ever sincerely, Thank You.

- Hos (Dungeon Scribe)


These sharp yet delicate pointed structures share both common qualities of their namesakes. They are structured to be jagged, with a blade coming up from whatever angle they fall. Additionally, they are constructed from the colorful reflective glass of the fae. This practical application of a normally whimsical material only helps cement the idea these once started as a cruel joke.


  • As an action, the user can spread out a single bag of glass caltrops over a 5ft square area. Any creature that enters the area must succeed a DC:15 Dexterity Saving Throw or stop moving and take 1d4 piercing damage as the caltrops shatter and pop, which can be heard up to 30ft away. The following effects are also inflicted on the creature.
    • Until the creature regains at least 1 hit point, its walking speed is reduced by 10ft.
    • Due to fae glass, powdered glitter coats the creature's tracks until they have travelled more than 120ft, granting advantage to any attempts to track the creature or its course during that distance.
    • A full set cannot be collected again once shattered, GM determines if the loss of caltrops is significant enough to lower the DC.



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