Patient's Hand Glass: Art (PNGs) (Patreon)
Greetings All!
You might notice a skip in items, the large sheets are still being processed to a larger page layout to stand in for the double sided cards. Its a process, but getting there. I have also started a new layout to better display the items here on patreon, I hope you enjoy!
Patient's Hand-Glass: This is a massive fave due to both being a low level item and a throwback to the first Evil Dead. It had a huge influence on me as a teen, that something so great could be made by dedication and time, really got me into art. This is a homage of sorts to those passionate roots.
Here is the latest art with some re-works, lineart and shadows/reflections.
Blank, Name, BKG, and All separated as per usual for use.
Truly as always, thank you all.