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Neo_Geppetto banned for tagging abuse.  NeoGeppetto banned for ban evasion.  Appeal: Left on read.  

4 years and hundreds of posts all lost.  Did I deserve the ban?  Yeah, I messed up.  But it would've been nice to have the specifics of what I did wrong linked on my account so I could see what I did and fix it instead of receiving a blanket warning of tagging abuse.

Here's some shit posts I thought up while at work

Hopefully I'll be able to post again on e621.  It was the first place I posted my art, and despite the ban, the site does hold a special place in my heart.  




They seem to be complaining that when you posted your art there, it was marked as questionable instead of explicit. Isn't that kind of like complaining about the ocean being wet? E621 is a porn site right?


My heart goes out to all the e621 users that didn't want to see porn on the porn site...


Other then this e621 bs how are you holding up Neo?


I've been doing well but very, very busy! I just finished 8 days in a row of 12 hour shifts at work and I'm super grateful to finally be able to get back to drawing! I hope to have the next page of Stuffed Mutton Evolved finished and posted by monday!