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Renae's power as a fertility priestess has continued to grow as she absorbed more and more mana from her loyal slimes!  All this mana needs to be stored somewhere, and Renae's once small and lithe rabbit body has swelled and expanded far beyond what she had ever expected!  She has truly become a beacon of bounty and fertility, truly fit for the task of aiding Remi and Master Wolf!  At this size, moving on her own was nearly impossible, but her strong and loving slimes were more than capable of carrying her wherever she needed to be in order to continue to provide her services to Remi and Master Wolf!  




If she can continue to train, will she be able to start producing her own mana? So much training wowee


Glad to see our adorable fluffy rabbit is growing in more ways than one!


Me too! Renae deserves to look the part of a fertility priestess by becoming curvier, heavier and more well endowed than ever! She works hard to help Master Wolf and Remi, she's going to need the extra weight to fuel all her spells!