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Remi's been taking her feeding sessions to the next level!  It wasn't too long ago that just one hose pumping delicious, high calorie, mana infused cream would fill her belly tight and full like a balloon! She could barely keep up with the flow of cream, struggling to swallow each mouthful to make room in her cheeks for the next!  Afterwards, she would barely be able to move, all her energy focused on digesting and absorbing the meal!  Breathlessly sprawled out, her belly so big and heavy that she could use it as a soft bean bag to support her weight!  The feeling of being so full, and the following weight gain that every feeding packed onto her body was soo satisfying that she made sure to push herself to eat more and more every time the machine was turned on!  Soon, she was able to keep up with the flow of cream, her body falling into a rhythm, instinctually gulping it down with ease and eagerly awaiting for more!

As her body grew softer, rounder and heavier than ever, Remi decided to get a little bit greedy!  The force feeder had three hoses in total, Remi determined she would cram all three into her mouth filling it full!  A rush of excitement flowed through her as she thought about how much cream would be forced down her eager throat and into her belly!  How fast she would fill up--- How much bigger she would get!

She struggled to get the hoses into her mouth, their soft silicone filling her cheeks with their size as they squished into her mouth!  One popped out, and she opened her mouth wider, and relaxed her throat, shoving the hoses deeper than ever so that they would stay in place!  Once she was satisfied with their placement, her cheeks filled and mouth spread agape, her heart beat wildly with excitement and anticipation-  She reached over and turned the feeder on!

Immediately her mouth spread wide as the hoses were filled with cream, expanding to their regular size!  The flow of cream filled her throat, and she began to gulp down as much as she could!  But there was far too much, and the pressure of their flow just forced the cream inside her!  Swallowing was an after thought now, as Remi relaxed her throat as much as she could to allow the pumps to do all the work!  She felt her belly fill quickly, rapidly swelling as the pump did its job!  Remi could barely think, the sensation of being inflated like a balloon by so much pressure and cream was too much to comprehend!  Had she made a mistake, did she finally go too far in her quest to grow?  Her belly was bigger than it had ever been, and she was lifted from the ground as it continued to swell!  Her arms and legs dangling in the air helplessly!  Remi's weight shifted and she was no longer in reach of the force feeder, unable to turn it off, even if she wanted too!  The pleasure was too much, and she was going to enjoy every second, even if she burst!  

Deep down Remi knew this was her limit, her belly overflowing with cream as it began to force its way out the sides of her mouth, and nose, finding any way to relieve the pressure!  Finally, the force feeder blinked empty, the flow of cream slowing to a dribble as it shut down!  Remi was completely stuck, her massive body unable to move even an inch, locked in place by the sheer pleasure of being filled so thoroughly!  Orgasm after orgasm wracked her body, sending jiggles throughout her curves as her body struggled to find release from being stretched so far!  She was so full, so happy, but she needed to rest a bit to work off her most massive meal yet...  She couldn't wait to see how much bigger she would be when she woke up!




I love this so so much!!! Wish I could give more likes and I really enjoy your storytelling! Remi is so much more bigger than I could ever thought and I love it! Can't wait for what's in store for her, Master Wolf, and Renae! Keep up the good work! Also as the three continue to lvl up, would there be newer machines, relic, or abilities being used? It might be fun seeing one of them using much more bigger items to satisfy their much larger forms!


Thank you so much Abyssal! I'm so glad you're enjoying the stories! I have a lot of fun writing them to test out new ideas and concepts to be included in future comics! As Remi, Master Wolf and Renae continue to level up and grow, I definitely plan on introducing new machines, relics and abilities to push their growth even further! Their training is going to have to become even more intense as they grow, gain weight and evolve, so Renae will definitely have to get even more creative keeping them full, and satisfied, and breeding as effectively as possible! That means more powerful spells, lewder equipment and all manner of relics to help them reach their goals! With a breeding couple as determined as Remi and Master Wolf, and a dedicated fertility priest like Renae, there's no limit to how much they can grow and evolve! They've grown a lot already, but their journey is just beginning ;)