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I'm a bit of a gamer!  There was a time when I was completely addicted to League of Legends.  A harrowing time where I'd pour hours into rage inducing game after game trying to rank up!  Any league gamers will relate to the terrible toxicity and stress that playing ranked will induce.  Luckily, I was able to quit this terrible game and I haven't touched it since!  I now waste my time on other games like Sea of Thieves and Elden Ring, much more enjoyable experiences in my opinion!  

While my days of playing League are done, I still enjoy the lore and characters!  I've always been a fan of Kindred, her and wolf's designs are very cool!  I actually made a comic of Kindred and Rengar back when I used the the name of Enduranthill on Tumblr!  

Would you like to see more league character art in the future?  Let me know what characters you would like to see!




I never played league of legends in the past but I had played other MOBAs before so I can feel your sentiment lol. When you get the chance, could you draw gnar? One of the few characters I can mainly recognized the most out of god knows how many characters are in this game


Gnar is such a cute character! It will be very fun to draw him, especially with his "small" and "mega" form! Lots of lewd opportunities!


Ah, a fellow recovering league of legends addict. Played that for many years, and I definitely have some decidedly mixed feelings about it as well. I had to stop playing when I started law school, because I knew it would just be too much of a distraction, but I do miss it. You reminded me about this funny video they did though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2Q3rfC5l88 Anyway, some lillia art would be cool. There's not enough of her imo.


I truly resonated with the 3rd type of tilt, somedays I would truly beleive I was cursed to lose every game as I'd continue to rage queue and demote two or three tiers in one session. It was statistically improbable to lose 8 games in a row right? I'd say to myself out as I huffed copium haha! As for some Lillia art, I completely agree! Lillia has such a unique design and I've seen so little art of her! I'd love to see how she looks as a much more well fed, and well endowed version of herself! She has two stomachs after all, so much room to be fed and bred!


I had a strict rule that if I lost 2 ranked games in a row I was done with ranked for the day. That definitely kept me from tilting too hard. I was more the second guy. I remember when that video came out all my friends were joking that Riot made a video about me. I did tend to tell my teammates what to do a lot, and I had a habit of frequently saying "TEAM?" when I died, no matter the situation. You know, I really loved that game. I was pretty good at it too, even made diamond rank, but I had to give up on ranked before I stopped playing altogether. It's just too stressful, and for what? I thought once I got to diamond people would stop flaming me, but it only gets worse. Once you have a high rank everyone will insult you if you have an off game, and say you bought your account. With how hard it was to get that rank, that really got to me. Games are supposed to be fun. That game can just be such a chore at times unless you have a group of people to play with. Solo queue just brings out the worst in people. Nice that you've moved on to other things if you weren't having fun anymore. I might try to get back into it one day once I'm done with school. Oh and another lol character I'd request you to draw is Evelynn. She has such a sexy design. I always got distracted when playing as her, because I'd zoom in all the way to watch her animations when jungling XD


What's your top favorite games btw?


My favourite games right now are definitely Elden Ring and Sea of Thieves! I've played nearly every fromsoft game since dark souls 2 and I fell in love with Elden Ring's world and PVP combat! It's probably my favorite game of all time! I've also really enjoyed Sea of Thieves for its unique artstyle and world, as well as its dynamic player interactions! There's nothing quite like sailing the beautiful ocean and getting immersed in a new adventure every session! Another honorable mention is Skyrim, every few years I'll pick it up again and play through everything just to experience its world and enjoy the music and adventures it offers! I really like the houses/properties in the game and decking them out with all the unique items and weapons from the playthrough, its very satisfying for me! I'm also a huge fan of the metal gear series! MGSV and Snake Eater are two amazing stealth games that I would recommend to anyone whose looking to experience the Metal Gear series! The gameplay of MGSV especially is incredibly smooth and satisfying, even running on a PS4! Now that I've gushed about my favorite games, what are yours? I'd love to hear what your top games are as well!


Wow! I admire your grind to make it that far! I never even made it close to diamond! My highest rank was Gold 5 and I struggled to even hit that! You're completely right about League being a chore to play solo, there's so little control over the game, even if you're playing perfectly, all it takes is one teammate to feed and its over! 30-45 mins wasted right there! Especially for a toplaner, it was infuriating knowing the game was out of my hands if my botlane lost. Evelynn is a great suggestion to draw, possibly the lewdest character on the Rift! I think Riot knew exactly what they were doing when they designed her, especially when she got reworked! Sexy character = more skins to sell = more profit!


Hey! Terribly sorry about the late reply ^^; Now that I think about it, it's kinda hard to choose XD. When I was young I played Battle Block Theater, Portal 2, Castle Crashers, Halo, Fallout 3, and Skyrim to the death! Although with Skyrim I never beaten it because I always get side tracked with the side quests (possible pun intended xp) and just enjoyed how open world it was! I fell in love with Battle Block Theater and Castle Crashers because of the wacky fun events you experience throughout the game! Even though I never played Portal, Portal 2 was the best puzzle game I played! It mixed puzzles, lore, and character interaction real well. I really enjoyed how certain actions throughout the game would give you special dialog. Fallout 3 is up there because it's the first ever game I was immersed in. I loved each side quest, the karma system, and how your choices had some sort of weight to it. However there was this one side quest I instantly noped out of because child me was scared when the ghosts started moving about xD OH! I almost forgot about Telltale games! I FUCKIN LOVE EM! Especially the walking dead series because the first one really hit me in the feels (no spoilers from me!). Besides it being a choose your choice game, the storyline is very good! Other than that I would say the recent games I really enjoy are Night in the Woods for the wonderful story and art style, Signs of Soljourn (ik I butchered the name) for the calm game play and charater interaction, Cult of the Lamb (really good!)for the rouge base building hybrid, Slime Rancher 2 because of the adorable slimes, and WarHammer 3 cause of the chaos!^^