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Here's the Full Color Version Nanachi's Feeding Relic!  I hope you all enjoy!  It's been far too long since Nanachi has made an appearance, and I feel bad for neglecting her needs!  Nanachi's too cute to pass up, and deserves some love as well!  This illustration in addition to the recent Toriel illustration has rekindled my love for these characters, and filled me with determination to create sequel comics to both Nanachi's Nature, and Toriel's Temptation!  There's so many lewd possibilities these characters and their worlds could offer!  So much weight to gain!  So much breeding to be done!   

I've also been thinking about having these comics rotate monthly!  One month would be Stuffed Mutton, the next Toriel's Temptation, and the month after that would be Nanachi's Nature!  It would be refreshing to work on multiple stories at once, and help spice up releases with something new every month!  

Sketch Description:

After her time spent breeding with Monster Dad, Nanachi has acquired new desires that need to be sated!  She longs for the days that her belly was filled to the brim with Monster Dad's seed!  Not to mention his massive size, that always took her breath away!  Nothing could satisfy her the same way...  Every day she struggled to ease the milk from her swollen breasts, but she couldn't get the same relief the monster pups had brought to her with their fervent appetites!

In the meantime, she has scoured the abyss for relics that could help sate her needs while Monster Dad is away!  Luckily, in an old forgotten farmstead she located a strange set of machinery that seemed to be perfect for her needs!  Upon further inspection, it appeared to be a milking station for monsters of the abyss-
Quite a perverted one at that!  There are many desires that draw explorers into the depths of the abyss, and the milk of the monsters that dwell here appeared to be the prize this explorer was seeking!

Perhaps she will stay her awhile... in order to test out all the features... for research purposes of course!




I can't wait for what's in store, especially nanachi's adventure! ^w^ I also think that cycling stories each month would also help prevent some burn out!