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With all of Remi's recent mana fueled growth, Master Wolf has had trouble keeping himself from passing out post nut as he tries to keep up with her demanding desires to be bred!  

Perhaps its time that Remi and Renae turned their attention to growing Master Wolf and ensuring he's well fed and filled with mana as well... All that mana infused Milk Remi is carrying needs to be used somehow, why not let Master Wolf have his fill?  He needs to be big and strong to carry an ever growing Remi after all ;)

Happy Late New Years!  I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and were able to start the new year with some great memories!

Here's to another year of Big Lewd Comics and Creations!  Thanks for being here, and keeping the lights on in my humble workshop!  Your support has brought my dream of being a full time NSFW artist closer than ever, and I cannot express my thanks enough!  Thank you so much for everything!





So did you have a fun new year celebration and do you have any new year resolutions?


My new years was pretty chill, I was gaming on some Sea of Thieves and just relaxing! My group of close friends were all working so we didn't get to party hard as we usually do haha! As for resolutions, I'd like to post more consistently, and be be more interactive with everyone online! I'd also like to create a proper commission for the ever evolving Fable Figures! How about you? Did you have fun for your New Year? Any resolutions?


Some of my family members came in to eat food, later I spent most of the time on discord hanging out with my friends goofy around until new years struck and I just messaged many people happy new year over and over. I didn't sleep until 5am. As for my new year resolution, imma try to learn a different language while getting into art


Sounds like a New Years well spent to me! That's super cool that you're trying to learn a new language, which one are you trying to learn? As for the art, if you would ever like advice or help, don't hesitate to reach out, I'd be happy to help the best I can!


So fluffy!!


Oh I'mma try to learn Japanese and thank you for your offer to help! I'm specifically gonna try to do pixel art and poetry.